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Everything posted by Liberto

  1. Hi Toni, you are doing an extraordinary job, you take great care of the details and everything is very clean and tidy, I congratulate you. A hug, Liberto
  2. Hi Mark, I like the way you work, it's very professional, you take care of the cleaning, and everything is done in detail. Congratulations, a free hug Liberto.
  3. Hi friend, I like your corsair, despite the difficulty of the small measure of this ship, is very successful. I congratulate you Liberto
  4. Hi albert, thank you for your comment, I continue to pass some more images of the formation of the balustrade top stern garden in small strands of pear tree 2.5 x2.5 m / m. And the upper lateral gardens with strips of 2.5 / 3.5 / 5 x2,5 m / m. A hug, Liberto
  5. Regards Michael, Captain, Old. Thank you friends for the generosity of your comments. I continue passing images and video with the system that I have used to make the balusters of the upper aft and lateral gardens, paralleled wood. We will continue, a hug, Liberto https://www.facebook.com/liberto.amateaguilar
  6. Hello friends Albert, Wacko, Mark, greetings also for all the companions ofM. S. W. thank you for being so kind. Of course I will continue to pass images of the entire construction process. I give you new pictures. A hug, Liberto
  7. Hello Albert and John Allen, it is very important for me that you like my work Thanks friends, I pass new images. A hug, Liberto
  8. Hi friends, thank you all cometarios you do, this encourages me and even more coming from such experienced modelers, thank you comrades. Of course I will continue to pass images of the advances I am making. The supports are made by me, the design is our companion Chimista, and can effectively adapt very well to our need. Os paso pictures, saludos Liberto
  9. Hello Albert, visit your page and see your work has been incredible, doing a real work of art, I have enjoyed and I learned, thanks friend. greetings Liberto
  10. Hello friends, thank you again and I'm glad you like my work. Wacko Indeed these are the tools I use, have a slightly higher price but good quality. Friends I send you some pictures: As I folded these ebony strips have 5,5x2,5 m / m, and use a martyr bar with the same measure in the Pyrenees boxwood. Ebony immerse in boiling water for a few minutes, then fold it, following the images that accompany. The strakes for closing the hull are pear 5.5x 2.5m / m. And we continue greetings Liberto
  11. Hello friends, I step images of initiation placement planked hull (lining) woods am using are, pear, boxwood and ebony. greetings Liberto
  12. Hello Louis and Matle, thank you for your generous comments. Indeed these carriages are unusual, design is our partner Chimista, and is simply a support for stable and aligned fixing of the guns, shape facilitates placement of the canyon from the outside at the right time. Step new images, Greetings Liberto
  13. Hello friends, continuous passing images, materials I am using are, for frames laminated board 5m/m, for false keel special board aviation 5m/m, for the keel, stem and stern have used Cuban mahogany. greetings Liberto
  14. Hello friends, continuous passing images, these correspond to the preparation and placement of the carriages supports the guns are made of pear wood. greetings Liberto
  15. THE HOLY TRINITY 1769/1805 Hello friends: For the realization of this project it has been party copies or drawings of undoubted authenticity period, and corresponding to their status in 1797 just before the Battle of San Vicente. In that battle the Holy Trinity was badly damaged and is not known with certainty the repair works made in the stern and the bow. The plans necessary for the model that is being made (scale 1/72) are the work of our colleague Chimista, based on the original plans of 1797, supplemented by drawings of the raised bow and stern facts at their discretion from the side view of the helmet, as well as other planes of ships of 112 guns of the corresponding period, plans of the Naval Museum of Madrid The drawing of the comb or taffrail is a conjecture of the author of the project based on forms that appear in the side view. As you can imagine this project is the result of several months of hard research work, the plans have been revised, corrected, and drawn, trying at all times as close as possible to the image that could offer this iconic ship in time between the last reform which was submitted in the Carrack 1797 and its sad end at the Battle of Trafalgar 1805. I give sincere thanks to our partner Chimista for the trust placed in me to carry out this new project ... I try to keep up. greetings Liberto
  16. LA SANTISIMA TRINIDAD 1769 / 1805 Hola amigos: Para la realización de este proyecto se ha partido de copias o de planos de época de autenticidad indudable, y correspondientes a su estado en 1797 justo antes de la batalla de San Vicente. En esa batalla la Santísima Trinidad resulto muy dañado y no se conoce con certeza las obras que hicieron de reparación en la popa y en la proa. Los planos necesarios para el modelo que se esta realizando (escala 1 / 72) son obra de nuestro compañero Chimista, partiendo de los planos originales de 1797, y completados por dibujos de los alzados de proa y de popa hechos según su criterio a partir de la vista lateral del casco, así como de otros planos de navíos de 112 cañones de la época correspondiente, planos del Museo Naval de Madrid El dibujo de la peineta o coronamiento de popa es una conjetura del autor del proyecto basado en las formas que aparecen en la vista lateral. Como podéis imaginar este proyecto es el resultado de varios meses de arduo trabajo de investigación, los planos han sido revisados, corregidos, y dibujados, tratando en todo momento de aproximarse al máximo a la imagen que pudo ofrecer este emblemático navío en el periodo de tiempo comprendido entre la ultima reforma a la que fue sometido en la Carraca 1797 y su triste final en la Batalla de Trafalgar 1805. Doy las gracias mas sinceras a nuestro compañero Chimista por la confianza que pone en mí para llevar a cabo este novedoso proyecto… tratare de estar a la altura. Saludos Liberto
  17. Hello friends, I pass some pictures of the process to manufacture the hardware of my ship Viking shields . greetings Liberto
  18. Hello friends, Nils , Wefalck , my thanks also to the companions who quietly go by leaving their generous greeting. Wefalch on the placement of the pins ( pins in my model 1/40 ) are 0.6 m / my head once lowered is 1m / m , the drill that I do in the strakes is 0.5m / m and this way comes very justado , and then with the help of a clamp placed the copper disc 1.1x 0.3m / m approx . then I press to get to the bottom being fairly rigid , only the pin is cut without reaching the copper disc Step process image I followed on my ship , and as you can see is quite similar to that employed builders of the Viking ship that accompanies the video. Friends and continue , greetings Liberto
  19. Hello friends, Wefalck, Steven, Nils, thanks for the kindness of your comments on my work, I'm glad that you like it. On the comment of our friend Wefalck, here you can see how the nails ensured placed to unite the strakes. Moderator Chris Coyle, understood the message. Thanks to all Liberto
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