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Everything posted by -Dallen

  1. As I start the assembly process of my Triton Cross Section, I have become the preverbal sponge and am absorbing every detail of your build. I pay special attention to your remarks in using TurboCAD as I too want to hone my skills in this area. I applaud your decision to continue your build even in the face of your so called blunders. The learning process is greatly enhanced through trial and error. It takes a true craftsman to take a mistake and make it whole. Good luck and God speed. Dupree
  2. I think you made the best argument for the thickness sander by stating "I have the tablesaw, disc sander, and ropewalk, and are extremely happy with them." Dupree
  3. You might try this site for figures; Click on Accessory Items and then figures. http://www.taubmansonline.com Little pricey but I found some pretty good ones. Dupree
  4. This may be old news, but I discovered large collection of figures in several scales on this website http://www.taubmansonline.com With a little paint touchup it appears that nearly any period can be achieved. Dupree
  5. The most important thing is to do your homework. First of all make a rational decision as to how you want to use the mill. I say "want" because once you have one, you will expand your uses to things that you can't imagine yet. The worst thing that you can do is buy a machine today and wish you had something else tomorrow. All the brands listed so far will work for you, so it is a matter of what you want to spend. Mills generally don't work out of the crate. Tooling and accessories will run at least the cost of the machine and likely quite a bit more as you learn and do more projects. For example a 4in rotary table will easily match and exceed the cost of the mill. Personally I went with Little Machine Shop. The initial purchase was reasonable and they carry parts and accessories for anything you purchase there. I too am new to this group, but did a tremendous amount of research prior to purchases. Hope this helps some. Dupree
  6. Just added another tool to the chest. Simplicity is best most times. Thanks for the tip. Dupree
  7. Update.... Milled Keel assembly in 1:32 scale. Have included a photo to show the contrast in dimensions. I'm currently preparing the frames for layout and cutting. Quite an experience for me and this is only a cross section. Dupree
  8. Thank You Gabe, You are absolutely right about the people and the resources on this site. I opened your build log and was impressed with your scale and progress. If I was able to have even a small part in rejuivinating your build, that pleases me very much. I have "followed" your log and looking forward to instruction and enjoyment. Dupree
  9. Thank you Ryland. Worked fine. Dupree
  10. I want to change my build log scale from 1:48 to 1:32. After researching site, am unable to find answer. How do I edit my initial B/L title? Dupree
  11. Pete, Absorbing every detail of your build log. Being a like scale really helps. Nice clean build. Dupree
  12. Thank you for the encouraging replies. Actually I did so much research on this project with a 1:48 mindset that I'm having a little trouble thinking in "1:32". The mill work has started, although I just received my Mini Mill from LMS and it is really drawing my attention right now. Some problems are nice to have........
  13. Thank you for access to HMS Triton plans. I will be digesting them and begin the mill works. I have decided to upscale to 1:32 and will make appropriate corrections to my build log. Dupree
  14. I decided that I would make this my initial build. This build will introduce me to most aspects of model building. I will be using Walnut as my primary lumber as a large walnut tree was blown over on my property last summer and it seems to resaw nicely. I also have a nice supply of Maple and Swiss Pear. I am considering upscaling to 1:32 and is likely. I have been like a sponge absorbing everything I can on this forum and have built quite a resource library. Looking forward to the hands on now. I handle critiques well, so all are welcome. Dupree
  15. I'll just make one post to cover it all. Superb quality and craftsmanship. An inspiration to all us novices and veterans alike. Certainly sets a goal for me. WELL DONE!
  16. Thank you for your inputs. All have provided valuable information. One last issue.....can anyone explain the vertical dimension off set above the object. I've used up two evenings trying to remedy this. My inquiry to TC have thus far gone unanswered. Probably something simple. Will try to send screen shot.
  17. Wayne - Thanks for the reply. I was beginning to come to the conclusion "manual tracing" but I didn't want to do it in ignorance. I'm wondering if I should have purchased the "Pro" version. The TurboCAD forum seems to be a little dated.....I guess I'm the last to learn it. Dallen
  18. Matrim Good read on your posts. I have TurboCad Deluxe 9 for Mac (V 9.0.11 Build 1204) and can't seem to get a good quality "Trace" of plans. I have ordered the instruction DVD's but have not received them yet, but they don't appear to address my dilemma. Would appreciate your input on this subject. Thank you in advance. Dallen
  19. Druxey, Jagger, Mark, Anthony, Mike and Allanyed; What a response and education! Thank you Jagger and Mark for your eloquent and informative narrative concerning the wale. Thank you Allanyed for your research material. All the information and research data will become part of my running "Deck Log" that will detail my entire voyage as a builder. Druxey, my broad type and era target would be 19th century American/British warships with focus on Frigates. Tweets and flurishes to you all. dallen0121
  20. I have determined that wales are added support areas of the hull possibly around deck joints and gun decks. My research has revealed little concerning the actual location, use and number that a hull may have or be required. Most references in forums seem to assume knowledge that I don't yet have. Could someone give a reply concerning the wale and its relation to the hull concerning its use, and how its location(s) are determined. Thanks in advance dallen0121
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