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  1. husky1943's right. The masts don't go as far down as the keel. Take a look at Model Expo for some proper brass pedestals. You need about a 5mm wide notch for the keel. They come with a drywall screw which would fasten to a block of wood in the bottom of the hull, which looks like what you want to do. You might want to consider a good-sized block to give some mass (ballast!) to the hull. I recommend that you read some of the Revell Connie build logs. Some good info in them.
  2. The gun carriages that need to be assembled are only for the bow chasers, two I believe. The carriages for the other guns on the gun deck are one piece. Paint the carriages (reddish brown). Unpainted plastic looks like unpainted plastic.
  3. Bare Metal Foil Company (Farmington Michigan) makes copper foil, adhesive backed, for $7.75 a 6"x11.5" sheet and is almost as thin as gold leaf. I couldn't find any spec. but using my micrometer I measure it at about 0.0004" thick (that's .4 thousandths of an inch). I'm using it to copper the bottom of the Revell Constitution and it lets all of the detail show through.
  4. When you write "tissue paper" I assume you mean the paper you buy to use to wrap around an article of clothing, like a scarf or blouse, before you put it in a box to wrap and give as a gift. Not the stuff you blow your nose in... Right!?
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