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    garyshipwright got a reaction from EdT in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Hi Greg. It was a mixture of both sir. Gary
  2. Thanks!
    garyshipwright got a reaction from popash42 in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Well guys, I got to finally do some cooking and if any one has a pig, bring it on over and we can have a roast. Only kidding but finally have Alfred stove just about finished. Been working on it for a couple of days and has been a lot of fun. Its built of copper and brass, and a few pieces of plastic and wood thrown in to the mix. Still have to put the  bar around it and finish the stack. A couple of the items, probably will get replace, such as the pot holder's and in the mean time will have to make some pot's and pans. Don't be to hard guys and still need a lot of work on it.   Also have to figure out how am going to get that cast iron look so if any of you have any ideal's on how to do this, let me know, would you please. Just to let you know there was a few items that came from Chuck's photo etch set which came in real handy, so thank you Chuck. Enjoy the photo's guy's.

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    garyshipwright got a reaction from Jorge Diaz O in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Well guys, I got to finally do some cooking and if any one has a pig, bring it on over and we can have a roast. Only kidding but finally have Alfred stove just about finished. Been working on it for a couple of days and has been a lot of fun. Its built of copper and brass, and a few pieces of plastic and wood thrown in to the mix. Still have to put the  bar around it and finish the stack. A couple of the items, probably will get replace, such as the pot holder's and in the mean time will have to make some pot's and pans. Don't be to hard guys and still need a lot of work on it.   Also have to figure out how am going to get that cast iron look so if any of you have any ideal's on how to do this, let me know, would you please. Just to let you know there was a few items that came from Chuck's photo etch set which came in real handy, so thank you Chuck. Enjoy the photo's guy's.

  4. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from fatih79 in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Well guys, I got to finally do some cooking and if any one has a pig, bring it on over and we can have a roast. Only kidding but finally have Alfred stove just about finished. Been working on it for a couple of days and has been a lot of fun. Its built of copper and brass, and a few pieces of plastic and wood thrown in to the mix. Still have to put the  bar around it and finish the stack. A couple of the items, probably will get replace, such as the pot holder's and in the mean time will have to make some pot's and pans. Don't be to hard guys and still need a lot of work on it.   Also have to figure out how am going to get that cast iron look so if any of you have any ideal's on how to do this, let me know, would you please. Just to let you know there was a few items that came from Chuck's photo etch set which came in real handy, so thank you Chuck. Enjoy the photo's guy's.

  5. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from Cap'n Rat Fink in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Well guys, I got to finally do some cooking and if any one has a pig, bring it on over and we can have a roast. Only kidding but finally have Alfred stove just about finished. Been working on it for a couple of days and has been a lot of fun. Its built of copper and brass, and a few pieces of plastic and wood thrown in to the mix. Still have to put the  bar around it and finish the stack. A couple of the items, probably will get replace, such as the pot holder's and in the mean time will have to make some pot's and pans. Don't be to hard guys and still need a lot of work on it.   Also have to figure out how am going to get that cast iron look so if any of you have any ideal's on how to do this, let me know, would you please. Just to let you know there was a few items that came from Chuck's photo etch set which came in real handy, so thank you Chuck. Enjoy the photo's guy's.

  6. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from Mirabell61 in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Well guys, I got to finally do some cooking and if any one has a pig, bring it on over and we can have a roast. Only kidding but finally have Alfred stove just about finished. Been working on it for a couple of days and has been a lot of fun. Its built of copper and brass, and a few pieces of plastic and wood thrown in to the mix. Still have to put the  bar around it and finish the stack. A couple of the items, probably will get replace, such as the pot holder's and in the mean time will have to make some pot's and pans. Don't be to hard guys and still need a lot of work on it.   Also have to figure out how am going to get that cast iron look so if any of you have any ideal's on how to do this, let me know, would you please. Just to let you know there was a few items that came from Chuck's photo etch set which came in real handy, so thank you Chuck. Enjoy the photo's guy's.

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    garyshipwright reacted to archjofo in La Créole 1827 by archjofo - Scale 1/48 - French corvette   
    I still make the gun ports lids.
    Yes, now 4 pieces are done ...
    The difficulty here is the exact fit.
    Here are some pictures:



  10. Like
    garyshipwright reacted to dvm27 in Speedwell 1752 by dvm27 (Greg Herbert) - FINISHED - Ketch Rigged Sloop   
    Bollard and hawse timbers continued...

  11. Like
    garyshipwright reacted to dvm27 in Speedwell 1752 by dvm27 (Greg Herbert) - FINISHED - Ketch Rigged Sloop   
    Bollard and Hawse Timbers
    Thanks, all for your kind comments. A bit of serendipity with regards to the crash - many of us are putting up more photos than the first version. The ease of posting them and lack of file size restrictions make it a breeze.
    The bollard and hawse timbers are among the most challenging to make on the model. As well, they are the first timbers made after the keel, and the learning curve hasn't had a chance to kick in yet. So it's important to take your time getting them right and redo them if necessary (as Ed T. has also pointed out in his excellent log). The last little filler piece has no real pattern. It's just cut over-sized and "massaged" into place.
    The last photo illustrates the rather diminutive size of Speedwell as compared to an earlier discarded attempt at my Swan class model. The sixth rate looks gigantic compared to Speedwell. Yet they wood both look like longboats compared to a third rate or larger!

  12. Like
    garyshipwright reacted to dvm27 in Speedwell 1752 by dvm27 (Greg Herbert) - FINISHED - Ketch Rigged Sloop   
    Building Board, Keel Assembly, Stem, Deadwood, Knee of the Head, Mounting

  13. Like
    garyshipwright reacted to dvm27 in Speedwell 1752 by dvm27 (Greg Herbert) - FINISHED - Ketch Rigged Sloop   
    At 1:48 scale, from counter timbers to the knee of the head she's a very sweet 22". Just for laughs, I've attached a rejected Swan bow for comparison. It makes our little sloop of war look huge doesn't it? So far only box has been used but holly wales are next with Fiebings leather dye to blacken.

  14. Like
    garyshipwright reacted to dvm27 in Speedwell 1752 by dvm27 (Greg Herbert) - FINISHED - Ketch Rigged Sloop   
    It's been a few months since I've posted an update to my build log of Speedwell. All four platforms are now in place, as are the shot locker and galley stove. Besides the wales, there will be very little external planking in order not to cover those wacky, fun to make shifted and cast toptimbers.

    The single wale was made of holly and stained with Fiebings black leather dye (off the model).

    The two completed fore platforms
    The very small shot lockers accommodate the three pound cannon balls

    The very small shot lockers accommodate the three pound cannon balls
    The galley stove was made of brass over a holly plug

  15. Like
    garyshipwright reacted to dvm27 in Speedwell 1752 by dvm27 (Greg Herbert) - FINISHED - Ketch Rigged Sloop   
    Thanks for all your comments!
    Remco - There's no need to fix Fiebing's dye. It covers and penetrates beautifully and buffs to a nice finish. As a matter of fact, they recommend applying it to  wet leather.
    Learner - I adapted my stove from Lavery's Arming and Fitting... It depicts an iron firehearth contemporary to Speedwell. Brodie stoves appeared decades later, c.1780. Here are a couple photos of the strove during construction. All brass parts were constructed over shaped plugs of holly and glued with J&B Weldbond. This creates a very strong bond and fills the joints which can then be sanded. The finish is automotive gray primer followed by automotive black.

    Mark - trunnels are drilled and applied after the wales are in place. They are easily touched up using the dye on a q-tip. Kind of a wasted exercise though as they become invisible.
    Speedwell is a nice little project at 1:48. She'll fit easily on my one remaining shelf.
  16. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from fatih79 in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Hi Alistair. Your very welcome sir. At the moment am still probably go with the frapping and some gun's in different placement like being tied up  but that is hopfully in the near future.
    Have a small update guys. The planking of the gun deck is finish  and should not be adding any more at the moment. The Captain did come around and talked about overhauling the pumps and bearings and a few other things. The old bushing set was wooden,  and figure I would try to make some metal ones. Figure that if I don't work more with metal, won't ever get any better at it. Do believe I finally figure out and got myself some good drill bits, for drilling very tiny holes in metal. With the sensitive drilling attachment  it helps me big time, from breaking a ton of the small bits. Any way I milled out the shape of the roding's, believe thats what they are called and drilled the holes for the bolts to keep them in place.
      The pump housing tubes and main mast partner was taken out and given a new look and then reinstalled , the partner and pump tubes that is. Also added the aft scuttle hatches with the cover some what just sitting on the bottom half. Now I did come across a item and thought it would be nice to add. On Montagu and other 74 gun ships they had this half circle cover, which I believe was made of wood, had one small door in front, just big enough to hand out cartridges,  and covered the scuttle hatch that was used to hand up the cartridges from the orlop deck. This hatch was between the aft riding bitt's.  It probably was stored when they were working the anchors and cables. Another up date in the works folk's.
    Just something to think about  folks,the next time you have to glue something in place. If you can just peg the item to the hull or deck with maybe a bit of glue on the peg, it just might save you from having a headack on your hands. Just to give you a ideal of this, all of Montagu gun deck planks are only held in place with a tiny bit of glue on the pegs. If I had to tear out or remove some planking all one has to do is pry up the plank sand down the peg's and your ready to go. When I first installed the main partner and pump's very little glue was used and things were more or less just pegged in place. Made removing them a whole lot easier and clean up was a snap. Just something to keep in mind folks. 


  17. Like
    garyshipwright reacted to BRiddoch in 18th Century Longboat by Bob Riddoch - FINISHED   
    Complete.  Thanks to Chuck for providing us all with this great kit.  I look forward to my Pinnace.
      Bob R.

  18. Like
    garyshipwright reacted to BRiddoch in 18th Century Longboat by Bob Riddoch - FINISHED   
    Finished the rigging tonight.  Since last post I have rigged the backstays, fore stay, staysail halyard, jib sail outhaul with traveler ring, jib sail halyard, and the flag halyard.  Looks like all I have remaining is to complete the oars and grapnel.  I have some rope coils to make also. 
        Here are some pics.
            Bob R.

  19. Like
    garyshipwright reacted to BRiddoch in 18th Century Longboat by Bob Riddoch - FINISHED   
    Shrouds complete.
           Bob R.

  20. Like
    garyshipwright reacted to BRiddoch in 18th Century Longboat by Bob Riddoch - FINISHED   
    After making a very simple deadeye claw, I started rigging the shrouds.
             Bob R.

  21. Like
    garyshipwright reacted to BRiddoch in 18th Century Longboat by Bob Riddoch - FINISHED   
    I have been lacking in my updates!  I am involved in the final steps of rigging but I wanted to provide a few photos of what I have been doing.  Built the boom and gaff using provided materials in the kit.  Pretty straight forward and fairly easy to install and rig. 
    Built the chainplates and deadeyes using the CA method that Chuck describes in his instructions.  Seem to come out pretty good.
       Bob R.

  22. Like
    garyshipwright reacted to BRiddoch in 18th Century Longboat by Bob Riddoch - FINISHED   
    Between a trip to Japan and a trip to Bremerton, WA., I was able to complete the main mast and the bowsprit.  I used Chucks new 1/8" single blocks on the mast.  It is also my little habit to include a piece of swiss pear into my models.  Can you find it?
         Bob R.

  23. Like
    garyshipwright reacted to BRiddoch in 18th Century Longboat by Bob Riddoch - FINISHED   
    I did in fact run the tiller over the horse as per the instructions.  Bob has given the best reason yet.
                Bob R.

  24. Like
    garyshipwright reacted to BRiddoch in 18th Century Longboat by Bob Riddoch - FINISHED   
    Installed the Horse and Oar Locks.  Pretty straight forward.  I am currently painting the rudder.  I plan on masting and rigging by Saturday.
          Bob R.

  25. Like
    garyshipwright reacted to BRiddoch in 18th Century Longboat by Bob Riddoch - FINISHED   
    Working on her slowly but surely.  Painted and installed the knees.  Made the windlass using basswood.  Could not help myself yesterday and ordered the Pinnace.
     Bob R.

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