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    leginseel got a reaction from coxswain in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    Hi All, back in Antalya and back on the Bounty!!  Gradually fitting the wedge style planks (not sure if there is a correct term for these) in the stern.  See photos but I've filled the bow where I was off line and it looks obvious.  I'm pretty sure that no matter which filler I used it would have a similar effect.  The Constructo kit does not suggest paint but I'm seriously considering it, but I suspect it will be all or nothing and the more I look at Steves build the more I am leaning towards it.  This has also been my first 'fill', I will do another finer one once the first sand of both sides is complete. 
  2. Like
    leginseel reacted to Eddie in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    One more thing mate Watch these 2 vids 
  3. Like
    leginseel reacted to Eddie in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    Hey howya goin agian Nigel mate, can I direct you to here http://modelshipworldforum.com/ship-model-framing-and-planking-articles.php it will help you with planking on your next build and increase your experience level.  
  4. Like
    leginseel reacted to mtbediz in Santa Maria by mtbediz - FINISHED - handmade kit by a friend   
    Hi Leginseel,
    Nice to meet you. Thanks for your nice comment. I will tell you where i find all things from. It's not difficult, you can find everything online
    Have great day,
  5. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from zoly99sask in Santa Maria by mtbediz - FINISHED - handmade kit by a friend   
    Hi Mustafa, I have just come across your build, what an excellent job you are doing - tebrikler!!
    I live in Antalya and have great difficulty finding modeling equipment and wood here as I have to bring everything back with me from UK.  Where do you find all your wood etc??
  6. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from Tallshiptragic in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    Thank you both for the kind advice. One thing is clear that when making these models from inaccurate kits it gives great scope to amend and hopefully improve. 
    I can't get the Vallejo paint here in Turkey so I'm going to use artists acrylic which I can get hold of. I'm on what I hope will be a final fill and sand so I need to do some tests on some scap. I'll post my findings later. 
    Thank you both for your interest
  7. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from Eddie in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    Thank you both for the kind advice. One thing is clear that when making these models from inaccurate kits it gives great scope to amend and hopefully improve. 
    I can't get the Vallejo paint here in Turkey so I'm going to use artists acrylic which I can get hold of. I'm on what I hope will be a final fill and sand so I need to do some tests on some scap. I'll post my findings later. 
    Thank you both for your interest
  8. Like
    leginseel reacted to Steve 12345 in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    Looking good Nigel you have a full hull to work with now the next options are limetless you could begin deck furniture ,masts ,painting what ever tickles your fancy regards paint if you want to paint her ,as you already know I think white for below the waterline it prob should be more of a cream colour but hey unless your going for a full whethered effect which is beyond my advice I would opt for white .
    just to help the paints I use are Vallejo airbrush paints not always nesaceraly sprayed on a lot of the time just painted on once again looking good I enjoy following your build
  9. Like
    leginseel reacted to Tallshiptragic in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    When I worked on both he Endeavour replica and Duyfken replica we used a Stockholm tar and tallow mix which results in a dark tea coloured varnish basically when initially applied. So when newly applied it gives a sort of satin sheen varnish look to the hull. Within weeks of this application, naturally weathering with sea air and salt turns the mix a milky appearance which is described as a slight yellowish hue to it. Keep in mind though ship maintenance was and is an ongoing battle and at sea ships wouldn't necessarily wait till they were in dry dock. I have been over the side of both replicas in the Atlantic scraping the old and painting the new so when we arrived in port we looked cleanish haha. Hope this helps.
  10. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from CaptainSteve in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    I've now had a chance to compare the Contructo Drawings and John McKays book - they might as well be looking at two different ships!!  The binnacle I've made to their kit bears no resemblance to what it should be both in design and scale.  The top of the binnacle in McKays book comes up to the wheel boss in height (proportionately) yet the kit binnacle is above the height of the wheel!!  Also the cannons are not even close to the original 4pounders.  I'm now beginning to appreciate a lot of what is being said in the forum about using the kits as a basis for the build.  I think I can salvage the Binnacle but I've had to unfortunately dismantle the cannons, never mind it's a good learning curve.
    I've done some investigation into the paint on the hull and it appeared to be a combination of Lime, Sulphur and Tallow, which to my understanding would give a cream yellow colour.  Does anyone have a view on this?
    Currently continuing with the sanding and planking the stern.

  11. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from mtbediz in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    Hi All, back in Antalya and back on the Bounty!!  Gradually fitting the wedge style planks (not sure if there is a correct term for these) in the stern.  See photos but I've filled the bow where I was off line and it looks obvious.  I'm pretty sure that no matter which filler I used it would have a similar effect.  The Constructo kit does not suggest paint but I'm seriously considering it, but I suspect it will be all or nothing and the more I look at Steves build the more I am leaning towards it.  This has also been my first 'fill', I will do another finer one once the first sand of both sides is complete. 
  12. Like
    leginseel reacted to Eddie in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    Hey howya goin Nigel mate, shes looking good for your first build.  
  13. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from popeye the sailor in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    Great work as ever Steve superb attention to detail. I'm looking forward to getting back to work on mine next week. 
  14. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from Eddie in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    Great stuff!!  I hope that you don't mind but I'm convinced that your build will be the best point of reference for when I start to fit mine out. Thank you in advance. 
  15. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from Steve 12345 in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    Great stuff!!  I hope that you don't mind but I'm convinced that your build will be the best point of reference for when I start to fit mine out. Thank you in advance. 
  16. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from EJ_L in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    Great stuff!!  I hope that you don't mind but I'm convinced that your build will be the best point of reference for when I start to fit mine out. Thank you in advance. 
  17. Like
    leginseel reacted to Steve 12345 in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    Here is the little rope coils from yesterday post fitted

  18. Like
    leginseel reacted to Steve 12345 in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    Hello all been tidying up on board ive fitted all pieces now that I had prepared and im calling the transom area of the ship complete ,I will at a later date add the word BOUNTY but need to buy a new printer as I will go with the decal paper suggested by EJ and kindly demonstrated by Derek ,ive dropped the height of the lanterns a tad and made a start on the anchors I will show the anchors in my next post.
    This evening I spent a few relaxing hours making rope coils I enjoy task like this where not much thought is required I can just loss a few hours lost in my work,this is the reason im looking forward to the rigging believe it or not  I love to sit and tie rat line after rat line and just get lost in it then next thing four hours have disappeared below is how I make my rope coils

  19. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from Jack12477 in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    Great work as ever Steve superb attention to detail. I'm looking forward to getting back to work on mine next week. 
  20. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from hof00 in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    Great work as ever Steve superb attention to detail. I'm looking forward to getting back to work on mine next week. 
  21. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from Steve 12345 in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    Great work as ever Steve superb attention to detail. I'm looking forward to getting back to work on mine next week. 
  22. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from BenD in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    Great work as ever Steve superb attention to detail. I'm looking forward to getting back to work on mine next week. 
  23. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from EJ_L in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    Great work as ever Steve superb attention to detail. I'm looking forward to getting back to work on mine next week. 
  24. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from Eddie in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    Steve, I can only marvel at your attention to detail, amazing job and just keeps getting better.  Nothing short of inspirational. 
  25. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from Eddie in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    Hi Steve, every time I look at this log I learn something new.  I have to say it is amazing and you should be justifiably proud of your efforts. 
    The colour scheme is fantastic and makes my Constructo kit seem dowdy by comparison.  I presume that you have taken the colours solely from Mackays book and not from Billings instructions?
    Can I ask you an unrelated question blocks and their rigging.  While my planking is ongoing I'm looking to make up some blocks.  My Constructo kit rigs them with copper wire!  I'm a newbie as you know, but this seems like a cop out to me.  Having sail that they are 3mm and the thought of rigging them with line frightens the life out of me - what do you think?
    Keep up the good work and providing me with a great reference project.
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