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J Haines

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About J Haines

  • Birthday 06/01/1970

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  • Location
    South Easton, Ma
  • Interests
    ships and the sea. surfing.

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  1. Thank you! thats why I had to take a small break... to recharge the patience.
  2. Hi Everybody... did a little model work before I went to work... finished the sole between the bulkhead and the live well... added 1st coat of grey, then added a stringer on the bulkhead to start the cabin floor. now that I know where the bulkhead/sole meet i can add a companion way and finish the bulkhead.
  3. here is the bulkhead installed.. I am going to add a door... after i install a sole between the live well and the bulkhead
  4. Hi everybody... not much progress on the Emma c... took a model break. I have the bulkhead installed and an currently finishing the final touches. pic's will be up soon.
  5. To be honest... I dont know if there is a bulkhead or not.. I assumed that there was because of the cabin. I thought it would look good with a bulkhead... I dont ever recall seeing an open floor plan below deck on vessels I have been on. I am sure some do. The cabin interior is nonexistent on the real Emma C. Plus She went through a few renovations in the mid 1900's... from a fishing boat to a pleasure yacht... and i think there even might have been an engine installed at one time along with another mast. I thought the bulkhead would provide better protection, especially in the colder months, help retain heat. thats one cool thing about model building... I can add a door / companion way if needed. Too bad we can't ask the original builder... Thanks for your positive remarks... I haven't done much work lately because i started a new job and at the end of the day I am wiped out! I have all the early pics still. I can repost them.
  6. Hi everyone. slow progress on the Emma C... I put tracing paper over frame 17 layout on sheet 1, then laminated strips of wood together to form the rough shape of the bulkhead. When this dried, I sanded down both sides to even out and remove what paper stuck. Now i can use the card template i made to fit the bulk head up to frame 17.
  7. Here is how i am going about building frame 17 bulkhead... I traced out the contour from the plans with tracing paper, then taped the cut out to card stock paper... i can adjust the fit with the paper, then build up the bulkhead ...and if all goes will it will fit.
  8. Hello everybody.... Progress has been a bit slow from here. I have pretty much finished the ceiling in the forecastle (aka fo'c'sle) and the storage hold. next is the cabin, this morning installed the deck beam at # 17 frame. from here I will build the bulkhead for the cabin. I have decided to paint the ceiling and deck beams white.This seemed to be the common practice,plus it will brighten it up when you look inside.
  9. I took this pic last Dec... a little Emma C history. I like the fact that she fished for Swordfish...
  10. Swordfish bask on the surface during daylight, so vessels would drift up to a resting swordfish and stick them with a harpoon that has a tip connected to a long line...which is connected to a empty keg or small barrel that tires the fish out as it dies or is too weak to go on... then its picked up by the fishing boat. kind of like in the movie JAWs, when they stuck the shark with a harpoon gun and it towed around a bunch of barrels.
  11. I have used Gorilla glue in actual repairs of furniture and and things of that sort ( like my old boat)...never tried it on a model. it does foam up, unsure if this would cause issues on a small scale... but in full scale its works incredibly great. very strong. its bond time is much longer than regular wood glue and does require clamping.
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