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Everything posted by Waitoa

  1. Was thinking of that period but not sure what level of accuracy and realism I can achieve balancing with the enjoyment of building. Intend to have a mix of styles and want to replace the missing gate house with what is basically a Roman structure. Understand that wouldn’t be totally out of place as these tended to survive and be in use in this period. What period are you looking at your build?
  2. Thanks, given how much I loved the church roof temped to leave it off but sure the good brothers would complain. I think there will be some tweaking here and there but need to research a bit more around these types of buildings and what period I am aiming for. My initial thinking was a Cathar fortified village but the heavy presence of Franciscans may mean it is post the Albigensian crusade
  3. Ekis very jealous with what you are achieving, take it you have weathered the stones? What did you use as loving the effect?
  4. Planned out the cloisters and monk’s accommodation and think I will it out like this. None of these a “bolted” down and many are tacked together loosely. Planning is a bit of a first for me but hoping will see the benefits. Now onto laying the bricks along the back wall after a work table tidy up.
  5. St Jude’s open for worship, other than adding a cross to the tower think I will not be making anymore details. Good learning experience now on to the cloisters
  6. Yes, lots of learnings - read mistakes. Need to do a bit of tidying up on some parts of the church and then will look at the cloisters. I am not a great one for planning or doing prep work but will try with this as a lot of the challenges I faced were due to earlier mistakes or things I didn’t fully think through
  7. Finally finished the tiles, so many ended up seeing them in my dreams. The kit suggested laying a tile where the roof joins but didn’t like the look of it so try to mould something with clay. While not going for accuracy looks a bit chunky so will let it dry and clean up with some light sanding but not sure if I will keep it like this.
  8. Finally finished the tiles, so many ended up seeing them in my dreams. The kit suggested laying a tile where the roof joins but didn’t like the look of it so try to mould something with clay. While not going for accuracy looks a bit chunky so will let it dry and clean up with some light sanding but not sure if I will keep it like this.
  9. Thanks, just need to keep going on the roof as seeing Ekis’ build is giving me many new ideas for modifications on other buildings and not sure the Admiral is convinced I will finish this building let alone the other 7-8 I want to add to the village
  10. Very cool, your build gets better and better and is giving me inspiration when my motivation is flagging
  11. So close but so far, didn’t want to risk the wrath of the Admiral so spent the weekend getting ready for a holiday rather than finishing the roof. The good brothers must be praying for sunshine while I am away.
  12. Opps, busted must be my rebellious nature, yes even my 11 year old son caught me out on that colour along with the orange carrots and potatoes. May have to do some touch ups.
  13. Struggling a bit with the number off roof tiles on the church, estimate another 270 to go. Used clay to form the pillars and will need a lot more for the cloisters, inserted a tooth pick to give it some strength and hoping when the varnish dries it is a lighter colour.
  14. Thanks the main church roof has a lot of tiles and trying to get this down before I head off on holiday
  15. Some merchants, soldiers and the last monk
  16. Can you ever have too many Monks? The latest batch of townspeople
  17. Scratch built the doors using scrap wood, card and bits of a matchstick
  18. Thanks Ekis, high praise coming from the Master Builder
  19. Finished the back roof, happier with the results and spent a lot of time sanding the roof tiles to a point where I don’t have too much skin left on the fingers that were holding the tiles. Will now move on to the doors and steps and will once again stalk Ekis’ build for ideas and tips.
  20. Thanks, I think I am like most people who take up this hobby; striving for perfection but not quite getting there, that is part of the fun though looking to improve each time you do something
  21. Thanks, watching your build and resisting the urge to have an assault on the walls...
  22. Hi, The figure painting wasn’t too bad just have another 30 to go. They are a real mixed bag in terms of periods and dress and some of them are from a Christopher Columbus set. Would estimate about 40 useable ones with the remainder being modern and going to end up on my son’s train board. There are some pre-painted town guards and other pieces which I may get but these have not been released yet. Some ahistorical potatoes and orange carrots in the market place and sure no one else will spot them at this scale. Adding the people more as a distraction from some of my mistakes.
  23. Getting better at the roofing, also the start of a market scene
  24. Some of the townspeople, more fun than doing the roof
  25. First attempts at roofing aren’t great but good news by the end of this will have had a lot of practice. Also intend to have around 40 people added and are using Preiser figures from their Medieval festival along with some market pieces. All I have to do now is paint them all. Waitoa
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