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    canoe21 reacted to Mirabell61 in SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 1897 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:144 - POF - first German four stacker of the Norddeutscher Lloyd line   
    Thank you very much Keith,
    for your encouraging compliment...


  2. Like
    canoe21 reacted to Mirabell61 in SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 1897 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:144 - POF - first German four stacker of the Norddeutscher Lloyd line   
    little update....
    the first of the six machine room skylights (dry fit), not quite complete...


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  4. Like
    canoe21 reacted to cog in SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 1897 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:144 - POF - first German four stacker of the Norddeutscher Lloyd line   
    Goodluck with the skylights, flaps, and portholes ... may your hands be steady like a rock and you sight as sharp as a lazer ...
  5. Like
    canoe21 reacted to dgbot in SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 1897 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:144 - POF - first German four stacker of the Norddeutscher Lloyd line   
    Every time I look in I am always amazed at the amount of detail you are putting in.
    David B
  6. Like
    canoe21 reacted to Mirabell61 in SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 1897 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:144 - POF - first German four stacker of the Norddeutscher Lloyd line   
    been building the two bases for the machine-room skylights, above the engine room shaft, that bear each six ventilation skylight housings with again each 6 panel flaps. So that will be in total 36 opening flaps with each 4 round light openings  ( 36 flaps x 4 = 144 "portholes")
    This surely will take some time from now on.
    The flaps will be made from 8 mm wide brass strip, and the "portholes" like I usualy do it...

    sample of this detail borrowed of a card build model from the web.....


    trying for the right hole pattern (4 holes) per panel.
    The upper 4 ones look OK.
    The hole-frames are made from shortend hollow rivets and soldered on to the panel


    The green tape is for preventing the bottom ventshaft rings to slip off and get lost

  7. Like
    canoe21 reacted to michael mott in SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 1897 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:144 - POF - first German four stacker of the Norddeutscher Lloyd line   
    Lovely work Nils. The focus and attention you put into your work is enviable.
  8. Like
    canoe21 reacted to druxey in SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 1897 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:144 - POF - first German four stacker of the Norddeutscher Lloyd line   
    A veritable forest of ventilators!  They look great. The numbers of them alone would put off the less brave, Nils!
  9. Like
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  11. Like
    canoe21 reacted to Omega1234 in SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 1897 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:144 - POF - first German four stacker of the Norddeutscher Lloyd line   
    Lovely work, Nils!
    Your KWDG just keeps getting better and better.
    Top job.
  12. Like
    canoe21 reacted to cog in SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 1897 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:144 - POF - first German four stacker of the Norddeutscher Lloyd line   
    Ah, you haven't fixated the ring yet! Now the jigsaw pieces fall into place ... 
  13. Like
    canoe21 reacted to Mirabell61 in SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 1897 by Mirabell61 - FINISHED - scale 1:144 - POF - first German four stacker of the Norddeutscher Lloyd line   
    Hi Lawrence,
    thank you for your nice words, I`m meanwhile still at the boats deck and doing the coamings for the superstructure it`s planking with pencil caulking at the edges, on 2 mm wide 0.6 mm thick srtips

    The hights of the vents, above deck, still need to be adjusted later on


    The three aft winches will be in approximately these positions

    here planking of the aft boats deck has taken place ( no fairing done to it yet )
  14. Like
    canoe21 reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    hello Lawrence.......thanks for the good word     I bought the pulleys from Billing USA........they would do well for sheave pulleys,  especially the 4 mm.  they are small enough....don't remember if they came any smaller.  unfortunately,  I haven't had much time to go further with the trawler.  I hope to have an update soon.   thanks again for look'in in.......I know you've been pretty busy yourself.  your Bounty looks sweet!  
  15. Like
    canoe21 reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    thanks for the continued interest my friends.     I was hoping I'd have something to report,  but my projects took longer than I thought...I even put up the Christmas lights along the roof of the garage.  I get to my desk........but besides looking in on the site.and news,  I'd end up tinkering with an Adam west Batmobile I have sprawled in front of me {I have already done the Michael Keaton version}.  today being a holiday.......nawwwww.......even a holiday doesn't prevent me from tinkering     we'll see what I kin git done t'day
    oh crap.......another design flaw!   I suppose they could enter the sort area by walking over the hold before they opened it Michael.......or climb in from the dump ramps.  I guess it would be one more thing,  left to the imagination
    Carl........your too much      
    well folks.......best get crack'in!   have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  16. Like
    canoe21 reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    thanks to everyone for the kind comments...and to those who hit the like button.   I am surprised by the response.    what can I say......I'm glad that ya like it.  this is the other hull I made when I did the M&M Fun Ship.   it has been fun trying things out...seeing if they would work in a model like this.  a bit of futuristic and automation.......and to make it functional.  it's isn't a real vessel....only in my mind....
    I  sat at my desk here last night...after cementing the reels in place, and painting up the plumbing for them....letting them dry.   I put all the other stuff back on the deck.......I'm like a kid.....gotta see all this as it's happening.  moved by your comments and likes,  I snapped these pictures tonight......after cementing the plumbing in place {I still gotta clean it up}.   there's still a little more to go yet.......but here is how it looks so far.   I feel a cad if I didn't show you  
    the reels are in place.

    and here is the whole layout so far.  I added some rope coils on the deck.......as said,  still more to go  


    yes Michael.......I have some spear racks in the works.  glad I could make you laugh.......that'll teach me to put tape over the hole    again,  I really appreciate your kind word                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
  17. Like
    canoe21 reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    thanks for the like Bob....making all the sub assemblies can be a slow process.   I got back to the table after posting the last update,  and I was able to put a few things together.  I had painted up a couple more sections of chain....I hung the longer one off from the platform.

    I thought it lacked something,  so I gave it some darker brown highlights which got rid of some of the gold that showed through.   coming up with another idea,  I put these parts together.....

    the racks......I made them for both ends of the fish box...fore and aft.   I added the ones at the bow end.

    then I filled them........

    the aft pair,  I put a piece of chain into the mix.  I added the darker brown highlight to it before putting it in place.

    after adding the darker brown highlight to the chain at the platform,  I added something else........a hose reel.  I didn't know what to do about the nozzle,  so I just painted the the tip gold to simulate brass.   I made sure that I plumbed it in with a water supply.

    with the fish box in place on the deck.....they're not the best....but here is what it looks like so far.  


    I still have a couple things going at the table.........if I get anything more done,  I'll post it  
  18. Like
    canoe21 reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    I wish I could have been more fruitful with an update this week.   the second part of the mid ship assembly has produced quite a few ideas....mostly in the way of things to add.  rather than any progress forward.   it has also led to some mass production,  to add to the tedium of the situation.  to get a feel for what I want to add....or what I could possibly add,  the fish box was put back in place.   everything from the first part of the assembly was correctly placed.

    all of the termination points from the gallows was cemented and trimmed.

    I agreed with you Jud........the fish bow needs some sort of apparatus to keep it clean.   a pair of reels were made up,  slicing more dowel for the sides and the center spacer parts.   I would not have thought that dowel was porous,  but with thin slices in assembling the reels,  I could see CA filter through them.   an added pain......they kept sticking to my fingers.  two reel racks were made too,  to hold the reels.   they are still in their raw state.

    it took some sanding and fashioning to get them to shape.  but here they are,  partially assembled.

    hose..........I'll do what I've done in the past.   I have Billing cord {thread}....supplied in kit for the anchor rigging,  large enough for it.   I'm going to douse it down with paint,  and groom it until it is smooth.   hmmmmmmm,  what color?  I have some lime green......a neon green that you wouldn't catch me dead,  painting a boat hull in.   clamping one end of the cord in my vise,  paint was poured on a rag and whipped onto the cord...in one direction only....this will make all the hairs lay down.  it was messaged over and over.......as it was drying,  it would become tacky.......then I could stop.

    I thought of other types of racks........I began making these.

    there are to be four of these.......toggling between them,  I made rope coils.

    I made another type as well......these likely will be piled on the deck.

    I thought of a good compliment to them.....I could make some of my buoys.   I first made them when I did the Nordkap,  but I actually did come up with the idea,  until I started the Cux 87.  confusing........I was working on the Nordkap,  in contact with Tom @ Billings at this point.  in our conversations,  he asked if I knew anyone who would want to build a model or two for him.  they would be used for exhibitions at expos,  on his business site as compressed build logs,  and just to show folks what the finished product would look like.  I didn't jump at the chance,  but I did mention that perhaps some folks here on the site would like to volunteer.  kinda cool........kit to build for free......although you'd need to arrange to get it back to him afterwards  {scary thought,  in my view....Wisconsin}.  I was already sending him Nordkap build logs.
        I forget if he ever asked here on the site {he had opened dialog in the dealer section}....but the short of it all went by later bringing up the subject again,  me expressing my doubts,  him not having any doubts,  and me excepting.  so I ended up with two builds in the works.  the idea came around with the cux,  and I applied it on the Nordkap as well.  quite a bit of knowledge and stuff was learned by the time these two were finished....a lot of it was gleaned here.  I thought about the buoys.......but then I thought that they might make dandy lanterns.  I thought they might confuse one another,  even though the color of them would be different.   I once showed how to make them......but it was long lost with the first big crash.   if anyone would like,  I can show it again......it was my initial foray into craft stores and what they had to offer.
         anyway.........now that I had these parts ready.......I should paint them.   that happened next.

    I also painted up some chain to look rusty and crap.........kinda made me laugh with this one aspect I wanted to try to do,  so I could at least make one iota of progress.   along the platform of the fore deck stairway,  I had placed some hooks.

    you might see them in the picture.   once painted,  I was going to add some chain loops to it...and there you go......a quaint bit of detail.   well...........you see how close the rabbit hole is to where I'm working?   that's where the chain went!
       my eyes were trained on the hook and trying to get the link to slip on.........I dropped it and heard the link tinkling sound of it as it went down inside the hull!.  I tried to fish it out,  turning the hull upside down and shaking it back and fourth,  but by that time,  I wasn't sure where it was in the hull.    that's what I get..........
  19. Like
    canoe21 reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    I feel much better today.  for some reason I was still under quarantine though......couldn't cut any wood,  can't go out to the garage.........so fine!   I'll work on my boat!    {reverse psychology works every time}    let me at that drudgery!
    as mentioned......I know I'm gonna need a couple more of those double block pulleys,  so I started with those.   I made four of them.


    looking and thinking about it a bit further,  I think I can get away with just a pair of them.  so they were drilled,  fitted,  and painted.   then they were reassembled.

    these will be located near the aft gallows.   the winch was ready to be cemented in place on the deck.

    two pairs of single block pulleys were cemented along the bulwarks to the fore gallows.

    I made the double block pulleys the same size as the first pair I made.......after cementing each one next to the aft gallows,   the rigging was done.



    the hook were added to the cables and to each of the eye bolts...I still need to tie them off.   the first part is almost done.
    the second part tomorrow.........I have to make a few parts still    enjoy!
  20. Like
    canoe21 reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    I took Monday off.......I was planning on getting a head start on the mid ship reno.   what do I end up doing.....an oil change for my son,  and looking for phantoms,   and then sick by the afternoon      whoa........did I see that coming or what?!?!?!
       so I ended the day,  romancing the porcelain god and being a drone on the couch.  I did get a little time at the table in though.   to start off with.......I had to reduce the deck to pre-October.....

    first order of business........cement an eye bolt at each gallow.

    I cemented the other double block pulley I made to the other side of the gallows winch.   then pull all the cords {cables} under the reels and route them through the block pulleys

    ...that was as far as I got......it was off to go tinker with my son Kevin's car.   kinda felt like crap then.......it got worse as I went along.   don't know what it was........but I guess it was good that I took the day off from work.
  21. Like
    canoe21 reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    I wanted to get this in to you before bed time.........back to work I'm afraid     playtime's over.......blaaaaaaaa!
    I worked on the gallows winch for a while this evening.   of course,  in doing the belts,  I ran across a problem....right from the get-go.   the routing was going to be fouled,  since the belt for the inner pulley run,  had to start under the crank pulley. 
         how ever I ran it,  it was going to interfere with the crank pulley.  the only alternative,  was to install an idler pulley and redirect the belt so it would crossover to the other side without being in the line of the crank pulley.   this was not going to be easy........the only possible spot for a hole to be drilled,  was under the crank pulley........and that is solid brass.   it wasn't all that bad though.......I used my cordless drill,  with a brad size drill  {it's like a toothpick in a giant's hand......if you saw my black & decker cordless......the thing is huge}....and managed to drill the hole.

    with a 10 mm brad,  and a 4 mm brass pulley,  the idler pulley was installed.

    this was for the belt routing for the outer pulleys {reels}.   a second belt routes around the inner pulleys {reels}.  here is how it looks.

    another thing I saw with it,  was that the cables {cord}  needs to be routed from the deck level......from under,  not over like the boom winch.   I will need to make a pair of double block pulleys,  which will be located at the base of the winch frame.   I began to make them,  as I did with the single ones.

    while these were drying,  the brake levers were added to the winch.  ...not too elaborate,  but they give the look  

    I need to add some to the boom winch......that will be back on the table soon.   the block pulley frames were sanded and drilled for the pair of 4 mm brass pulleys that will be inserted in them.   I have plenty of wire stubbles......I may need to make another pair......we'll see.

    these were then painted.........and when the first one was dry,  it was fitted with the pulleys,  the wire ends trimmed,  and cemented in place on the winch frame.

    by now....the other one should be dry enough to assemble and cement into place.   then I can route the cord {cable} through them.   once I find out if another pair of double block pulleys are needed.....the game can begin!  I can start to populate the deck with all this stuff I been making    a few extra bit will be thrown in for interest.....I hope  
  22. Like
    canoe21 reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    oh my!   thanks so much for the overwhelmingly fine comments and likes!    as I mentioned....I'd be surprised if there was a trawler out there set up like this........but it has turned out to be fun,  throwing automation and function into the build.   I plan to portray it as ready,  heading out to the fishing area,  since with weathering and a full box,  is something I've never done before.  I'd be too worried that I'd make a mess of it.  the catch is another dilemma,  as to whether the catch is prepped in any way or harvested live.......some do and some don't.  I was going to have smaller conveyors on wheels in front of the hold,  but to keep it simple,  I shot it down.  I enjoy all the suggestions though....please keep them coming.  I have a few things I want to add,  as extra detail, some in which were suggested to me........even site links would be a big help.  I have found some,  but I still have gray areas concerning the process of trawl fishing.   I'm glad to see the interest,  you folks have shown......even after tabling it for so long.   I brought it back out,  to put a quick finish to it....but to those who know me........I'm sure you figured that wasn't going to happen     true to form......I've added extra ideas I've come up with,  and your suggestions are giving me more    I haven't done too much today.........too busy watching the sad affairs that are going on.   I have begun to add the belts to the gallows winch....add a bit more,  and then the mid ship can start coming together.   I have one picture though,  that seemed to land in one of the other folders...

    the right side is loaded and all the pulleys are in place.  I did run into one more small problem with this,  but I was able to remedy it with little trouble.   I should have more soon  
    thanks again for look'in in.......there's still more to go!  
  23. Like
    canoe21 reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    all this happened between last night and today.   time to get stuff painted.   all of the block pulleys are now assembled.  I keep all the stubs of brass rod.......in this case,  it was the welding wire.   the brass pulleys were slid in place and pinned.

    control boxes were cemented on the exposed part of the conveyors and painted.   along with this,  several 10 mm brads were set up,  and the heads were painted red and black.

    when dry,  the belts were added,  along with the buttons,  after the holes were drilled in the control boxes for them.

    the bottom plate was added and a base to elevate them off the deck.

    once they were all done and painted.......this is what they will look like.

    I probably could have gotten away with a shorter base......height-wise,  but these will do     idea #2 came out well.  for something not normally seen,  it tosses a bit of automation into the mix  



    now to get that gallows winch finished,  so the fireworks can begin  
  24. Like
    canoe21 reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    hey there!   Hi!   it's me........the crazy sailor!     betcha been wonder'in what the heck I've been doing.   well,  I've managed to spend some time at the table,  in spite of running errands and stuff.  I concentrated on the conveyors to start off with.
         using the correct measurements,   the frames were made.......and I had cut the sides for them.

    with the side on and some sanding done......I found that one of them was off.   so......I had to make another frame.

    a test fit showed I had a good pair.

    cutting the smaller dowel,  the rollers were cemented in place.

    I had to cut another belt.........this one should be enough to do both of them.

    I ended this session here.
  25. Like
    canoe21 reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    hey there Den.......did you sell your house?     welcome .....always a pleasure!   thanks for the kind word!
    I didn't get too much done today..........I think I'm suffering from work lag.  Tuesday is usually a 'bang around' day for me.....
    ....sometimes I can get into a build mode.   today though......I was a putz on the site    I did do something though....my mind would go off on a tangent,  while viewing a log.......and there I'd go.......tinkering with wood or whatever.  here are the hooks I made last week........

    I had to make the right side pulleys due to a mind change.......but I set up the left side,  winding the reels with cordage.

    I could have done a real positive thing and assembled the conveyors  {with the correct parts,  of course}.......but I was drawn to the proto type.   I added the belt.......wish I would have painted the body.......but I added a bottom to it.   

    from here I thought of adding a sort of framework,  connected to a base frame with wheels.  my daydream further included  hydraulic pistons that would elevate the front end of the conveyor.  at the airport,  I work on equipment like this.......on one side is a motor,  which enables the conveyor to move under it's own power,  as well as run the belt.  it has a long handle in which to steer.......the forward and reverse......and to raise the conveyor platform.   I stopped short of doing all that though........I've put this much together......and I see that it is doable  


    I may finish it.......what the heck.......it's make a cute little model all on it's own  
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