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  1. Like
    canoe21 reacted to Omega1234 in SHADOW by Omega1234 - FINISHED - Scale 1/300 - Luxury 60m Mega Yacht   
    Thanks Michael!  
    What a great idea about the watches!  Hehehe...Tag Heuher and Omega ...here I come!
    All the best. 
  2. Like
    canoe21 reacted to Omega1234 in SHADOW by Omega1234 - FINISHED - Scale 1/300 - Luxury 60m Mega Yacht   
    Hi Piet!  Many thanks.  I. Just say, that I'm also looking forward to seeing your 1/3000th scale masterpiece. 
    Hi Lawrence.  Thanks for your compliments about the tenders.  They were lots of fun to do.
    Thanks Frank. After looking at Majestic and Majellan, it struck me that they didn't turn out too bad, after all.  I was always pretty critical when building them, but now, with the passage of time, I reckon they scrubbed up ok.  I guess we're all our own worst critics.  It's funny, isn't it?
  3. Like
    canoe21 reacted to NenadM in SHADOW by Omega1234 - FINISHED - Scale 1/300 - Luxury 60m Mega Yacht   
    But more space in head!
  4. Like
    canoe21 reacted to Piet in Surabaya by Piet - 1/80 - Mid 17th-Century VOC ship   
    Thank you very much Lawrence for dropping in and the chat. Yes, I'm rather involved with all sorts of projects. The carving will have to wait a little longer, I'm afraid. I am waiting to start with a newly developed plastic kit of Hr. Ms. Java. That's the cruiser of the Royal Navy (Netherlands) my father was killed on and went down with her. I have started with the Young America at scale 1:3000 but not making much headway. Did a lot od searching to find drawings for a Buginese schooner, but not much luck. May have to guess for the most part but as long as it comes close enough to be believable.
    I also started with the lines drawings for Gwen's father's ship, the Musi. They still need to be enlarged to scale 1:50 and then I really must spend some tim with this ship, the Surabaya.  Too many things to do and so little time.
    I am enjoying you Holden Hind, she's beginning to look really nice.  Keep up the good work and stay in good health.
  5. Like
    canoe21 reacted to popeye the sailor in Maine Lobster Boat by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - Midwest Products   
    thanks Lawrence........one of these days,  I need to get her in the gallery.   I haven't done any proper pictures yet......or either of them for that matter.   I should do that.   we did a similar surf thing for our Valentines day......thanks for the good word 
    don't be sorry........glad you found time to take a walkabout. 
  6. Like
    canoe21 reacted to mtaylor in Armed Launch by mobbsie - FINISHED - Panart - 1/16 - Small   
    It's great to see you back, Mobbsie.   Been wondering where you've been off to.  Beautiful work on the boat.
  7. Like
    canoe21 reacted to mobbsie in Armed Launch by mobbsie - FINISHED - Panart - 1/16 - Small   
    Hi Guys,
    Pav,  I think your little rescue boat is for the ships cat mate, as Grant has suggested copious amounts of isopropyl alcohol should do the trick. If it's a CA type glue then you could try some nail polish remover, just depends how long it's been cured.
    Now if I can remember how all works I will try to download or should I say upload ( never sure which it is ) some pictures. Unfortunately the pictures aren't as comprehensive as I would have liked.
    The kits gun carriage timbers were substituted from ply to Swiss Pear, the kit parts were used for template purposes only, they went together quite well and on fitting suspended by either end and nothing in the middle. A bit of jiggery pokery and we have the semblance of a fit.
    The gun was fun, whatever I tried to blacken it, it would just come out mottled, I cleaned it to within an inch my life but it wasn't having any of it, out came the trusty paint pot, something I didn't want to do on this build.


    Just tying up a few blocks and tackles for rigging the gun.

    I'm going to call it a day there as I want to see if the pics upload ok, I will post some more later.
    Be Good my Friends
  8. Like
    canoe21 reacted to gjdale in Armed Launch by mobbsie - FINISHED - Panart - 1/16 - Small   
    Great to see you back Mobbsie my friend! 
    Pav - if the boat has been glued in with PVA, then some judicious application of isopropyl alcohol should help you to remove it.
  9. Like
    canoe21 reacted to gjdale in Armed Launch by mobbsie - FINISHED - Panart - 1/16 - Small   
    That's a great looking sail there Mobbsie. I think the seamstress deserves a double grog ration!
  10. Like
    canoe21 reacted to Piet in Armed Launch by mobbsie - FINISHED - Panart - 1/16 - Small   
    Just caught up with your marvelous work Mobbsie.  Terrific looking hull and deck.
  11. Like
    canoe21 reacted to popeye the sailor in Armed Launch by mobbsie - FINISHED - Panart - 1/16 - Small   
    very nice.........I also like the different woods.......really enhances the hull wonderfully.   the gratings look fine to me.   reminds me of that method I tried making them for one of my builds....without the tools that some folks have here......they can be very labor intensive.   always good to see an update mobbsie......whatever the frequency     {I'm late myself........again I'm catching up on all these wonderful builds!}
  12. Like
    canoe21 reacted to gjdale in Armed Launch by mobbsie - FINISHED - Panart - 1/16 - Small   
    Nice to see an update Mobbsie. She's looking might fine and the inclusion of some nicer timber really does show her off nicely. Looking forward to the next update.
  13. Like
    canoe21 reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Ahh Thanks Lawrence.. still a week to go to the 'ol Birthday but it is so nice of you to get the wishes in early  
    All The Best Mate
  14. Like
    canoe21 reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Hi Gang ..  
    At long last I hear you say.. I have an actual Ballahoo Update  !
    I have a few days off and decided to  get back at the Building Table .. have been assessing her this past few days in anticipation of the 'few days off' and saw that in reality Ballahoo is not too far from being finished ! (I know I know .. there is the rigging to do, but let's face it in comparison to many if not most of the builds on here Little Wee Ballahoo isn't the most 'Rigged' vessel on display 
    Anyhoo .. To Business !
    I tidied the rigging for the Guns and made up the Rope Coils, treating them with diluted pva to keep them in place and in shape.
    Next up was the 'strops' for the Tiller (the lines to prevent it moving)   these proved to be somewhat tricky affairs as they needed to be tight and keep the tiller arm centered! easier said then done with my limited ability  (you may notice I have a small bulldog clip holding 2 pieces of flat wood each side of the rudder to prevent accidental knocks which would otherwise I'm sure rip the tiller from the Rudder Head, now that the Strops are in position)
    Then I moved onto the various Blocks near the top of the Mast's, and the Cleats towards the deck..
    The Masts are only dry fitted by the way but I'm quiet near the point where they will be permanently fitted so I can get on with the various Stays etc ..
    Photo Time .. 
    All The Best Folks and Thanks For Stopping By The Slooooowest Build on MSW 

  15. Like
    canoe21 reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Weather Improved so I took that Profile Shot.. or Two      (I know.. I'm losing the run of myself with all these Photos lately..   ) They have been popped into the Latest Full Profile Section too.
    Comments on the back of a Fiver.. address provided upon request.. 
    Bye For Now..

  16. Like
    canoe21 reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Hi Jim.. Thanks Mate (haven't seen you for a while now.. hope Snake is going well !) here's another photo of the stern    !
    This photo was taken through my Magnifying Lamp Thingy (Brilliantly useful bit-o-kit by the way.. €35 in Lidl.. I bought 2 !)
    The edges distort in the most amazing way when you photograph through it.. kinda cool effect, but suffice to say Ballahoos stern doesn't look this bad     (the waterline is straight for instance.. Honest..    )
    Anyhoo it was the only way I could get a shot of the Chains etc.
    All The Best Folks
    Eamonn VORC 
    PS Thanks for looking in folks and for the Likes .. Much Appreciated .

  17. Like
    canoe21 reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Latest Hot From The Press......
    The Brass Strips I have been waiting for arrived this morning and I got straight down to making up the Gudgeons & Pintles..
    The new Strips are approx 0.4mm in thickness and as a result are Sooooo much easier to work with  (my full scale Blacksmiths Forge and Accessories inc. Anvil (needed to work with the 1mm stuff)  are currently for sale on Ebay.. going cheap        )
    Right then To Business:
    Ballahoo needs 3 sets of G&P's, and I bashed them up without any issues..
    There are 2 parts needed to make each Gudgeon (2mm strip of Brass & short length of Brass Tubing) and 2 parts to each Pintle (2mm strip of Brass & 1mm thick length of Brass wire this came with Kit) .. so I cut 6 X  approx 2mm wide strips off the Brass (in 2 different lengths, ie 3 long and 3 short)
    The long ones will be used for the Gudgeons and will eventually attach to the Boat herself.  I bent the strips into a curve whose width was the same as the Stern Post, to make this easier I located some metal (an old metal Mitre Box) that was the same thickness as Stern Post and bent the Strips snuggly around it and using a spare piece of brass tube to keep a space 'open' at the top, a gentle tap with a small pin hammer gives a nice shape around the tube too. see photos
    I then soldered a short length of brass tube to the inside of the curved brass strip and trimmed off the excess tube, this produced the Hole for the Pintle, I filed away any rough surfaces or excess solder and that was it for the Gudgeons.
    The Pintles are made using the short brass strips and in a similar fashion to above except I soldered the 1mm wire to the outside of the curve.. these will end up attached to the Rudder.. incidentally my Rudder is slightly thinner than the Stern Post so I had wrap them around a different metal piece (as it happens a different part of the same Mitre Box.. handy thing that mitre box eh? ) a gentle tap with a hammer gives a nice shape to the bends too.
    See Last Photo for the result of all this.. they are still a little rough in places and will need to be finished properly then either chemically blackened or simply painted.
    Hope this may be of some help to anyone wanting to try this for themselves (though there are many many better descriptions/examples out there in MSW land..  )
    All The Best Folks

  18. Like
    canoe21 reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Still sloooowly working away Lawrence.. alas nothing of any importance to be worthy of a photo or two..  the most recent thing I did was to replace the walnut 'rings' where the masts enters the deck, the new ones are turned from a lighter coloured wood and I'm much happier with them and their shape!
    Thanks for stopping by.
    All The Very Best
  19. Like
    canoe21 reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Hi again Folks..
    Have hit on a method for doing the Deadeye Strops.. the Method owes much to Jim Smits description for making Strops over on his own Ballahoo Build (I'm not as talented as Jim so I had to adapt it somewhat! in fact I'm kinda rubbish at this sort of stuff   ) 
    Anyhoo here goes..  There are photos at the bottom somewhere ! Oh and any changes in the font or font size isn't highlighting or indicating anything other than some sort of issue within my Google Chrome & MSW interface..
    1. wrap suitable wire (regular electrical wire in my case, comprising of 0.5mm strands of copper, and there are loads of it in even a few inches of the stuff) around a dowel, 9mm approx will do.. but don't be too worried over this as they are easily trimmed to length once circular. I ran the length of wire through some emery paper a few times to clean it up first.
    2. remove the coil you created by wrapping from the dowel and cut across the coil with snips.. this will produce a bumper load of individual rings.
    3. flatten approx 2 or 3mm of each end of the ring (I squashed them in a mini vice, but pliers will work as will smacking them with a hammer!  )
    4. squeeze the now slightly flattened ends together so as to form an overlap  2 to 3mm or so will do (we now have nice flat ends touching each other which will give loads of surface area for the soldering bit later)
    5. put this ring into a suitable holder so as to have the join upwards, just to make the soldering work easier to reach.. again I put them into the jaws of the mini vice.
    6. heat up the iron,  and away you go.
    7. pop the dead eye into place, close up the strop around it, I find putting a sowing needle or similar into the opposite end helps keep this part open slightly.. you will produce a bowling pin kind of shape.. incidentally I use a round nose pliers to do the squeezing. I suggest keeping the join near the bottom, that way if it fails at some stage your rigging won't become slack, as may happen if the join is towards the top where the deadeye is... gluing the strops in place in the channels should stop any issues.
    See Photo for outcome.. it needs fine tuning (less blobby looking solder for a start) but it works!  and if it doesn't quiet fit (too big for example) than simply trim a small amount off the Ring (stage 2 above) and try again.
    All the Very Best Folks

  20. Like
    canoe21 reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Hi All.. 
    Just a wee photo of Ballahoo as she currently stands, the channels as you can see are all in place and as I mentioned in a previous post everything on board is now glued..  Next Up Deadeye metal strops & chains and complete painting of the gun-ports (as you may remember I wasn't totally happy so sanded them again, won't know for sure if they are 'right' till I put some paint on but they are better than they were )
    Hopefully my new solder will arrive soon and I can complete the Deadeye metal strops, but I can at least get them ready beforehand.
    Sure we are only flying along here..  
    All The Best
    BTW finger is much better today. 
    Oh and sorry about the quality of the photo but it is my old camera !

  21. Like
    canoe21 reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Hey There Stergios & Lawrence.. thanks for stopping by guys, not much of an update I know, but a step in the right direction.
    Will be fixing the Dog-House in place shortly then onto either the Guns or the Channels (probably the Channels as the Guns may become dislodged when fitting the Channels due to possibly putting Ballahoo on her side etc. in order to drill the hull for the support pins and then installing the chains)
    All The Best
    Again I notice some of the above text is in Bold Script.. this isn't intentional but seems to be happening a lot lately.. it looks quiet normal in the drafting section before posting it !! weird eh?
  22. Like
    canoe21 reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Hi Lawrence, my Silver Soldering is actually Soldering Iron type Soldering.. if you follow, not Brazing (a version of which is also called Silver Soldering I think.. Yup my head hurts too    ) and I used a high silver content soldering wire, it was for securing the contacts on my HiFi kit which uses predominately silver speaker cord , interconnects, power cord & plugs..
    I actually found something online today which is a Paste in a tube that you squeeze out in tiny amounts onto the area you want to solder/braze and simply heat it up ! apparently a simple cigarette lighter is sufficient to melt the stuff though I'll use the Soldering Iron with an attachment.. it is a low temperature brazing or something like that, and is supposed to produce a high strength bond.  I ordered a tube of it ti try.  Hit the link below and see what you think.. perhaps it is poor quality but I'll give it a go and see !    (€17 to the door can't be too bad, especially with a tube of the copper version free)
    Thanks for looking in..
    Stay Well
  23. Like
    canoe21 reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Thanks for the visit Lawrence and for the Birthday wish, It was indeedy a great day 
    That seems to be the way to go with shaping the masts.. I don't thrust myself with the 'plans recommended' small plane (much less a big one     )
    Take Care 
    Thanks also to Dee_Dee for the visit (the little wee 'gif' didn't open  )
  24. Like
    canoe21 reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Hi Again Folks... It's Photo Time Again.
    The wee doghouse is almost finished, just a little tidying up to be done, oh and attach the doors of course (not forgetting the various handles too)
    The rope hand rail ring (where it attaches to the sides of the doghouse will be painted black.. they were painted black to begin with but it seems to have rubbed off in the fitting process !!
    The steps are glued in place but no other deck fitting is permanently in place as yet (I threw in a close up photo of the 'L' shaped Anchor Rope reinforcing brackets on the forward hatch coaming)
    By The Way I had one of those slow motion 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' moments earlier as I was gluing the roof arrangement onto the Doghouse.. Clamps were being used to secure the whole affair when suddenly a clamp slipped causing the near total collapse of the doghouse.. there were doghouse sides, sliding roofs, rope hand rails & coamings flying through the air just like Cirque du Soleil !! How I kept my cool I'll never know ^_^ I just calmly reassembled the whole thing.. very Zen moment
    Stay Well Folks
    Eamonn a.k.a. Mr. Keep Calm & Carry On..

  25. Like
    canoe21 reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Hi All.. Little wee update type thingy..  at last eh?
    A friend of mine stopped by a few days ago to ask me a question about his camera.. so to help him out I took some close-up shots of the latest bit of Ballahoo work (this killed two birds with one stone as my own camera is away again leading it's own life taking wedding/studio photos with a friend.. bad news when ones camera is having more fun than you are !!    ) 
    Anyhoo.. I actually have some photos so Woo Hoo!!.
    I had to shorten the Doors to allow for the little Coaming to be fitted, I can't imagine any boat with a companion-way not having a coaming of some type to stop sloshing deck water finding it's way below deck !
    By The Way .. I have at last worked out how I am going to proceed forward with the Doghouse (thanks to Ollie's Mermaid build) which should speed things up substantially
    Those are the little doors sitting on the deck, they had to be separated as they were in one piece originally.. not being meant to open, if you follow..
    Oh! and the Gratings aren't glued in place yet so don't worry about them not being in line!
    Photo Time (has been so long I hope I remember how to do this    )
    Stay Well Folks
    PS I'll be painting the Doghouse too.. probably Red sides/doors, White inside & Black roof, and installing a kind of full width 'Door Stop' on top of the doghouse coaming to stop the doors swinging in too far.. you know the type of thing!! which may well require a little sanding to reduce the coamings a little!

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