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  1. Like
    hamilton reacted to ianmajor in HMS Blandford by hamilton - FINISHED - from Corel HMS Greyhound - 1:100   
    She is looking lovely. The items such as chair backs in the some of the photos highlight the scale at which you are working and what delicate work is required. 
  2. Like
    hamilton reacted to Ferit in HMS Blandford by hamilton - FINISHED - from Corel HMS Greyhound - 1:100   
    Very nice indeed!...
    Curls of the lady...
  3. Like
    hamilton got a reaction from avsjerome2003 in HMS Blandford by hamilton - FINISHED - from Corel HMS Greyhound - 1:100   
    OK so I'm working from home today and I thought I'd take a break and load some photos. Lots to do for work so I'll make it quick....
    First we have the bowsprit standing rigging - shrouds and bobstays. Goodwin shows one, but Lees says that 2 were carried after 1719, so I went with Lees...


    So for some reason I'm not able to upload more photos than this in this post....not sure what's going on - I'll try to continue in another....
  4. Like
    hamilton got a reaction from mobbsie in HMS Agamemnon by mobbsie - FINISHED - Caldercraft / Jotika - 1/64   
    Looks great Mobbsie - have to say I can't imagine what a triangular deadeye looks like! Or how such a thing could make it into a kit box in the first place...Regardless, excellent work!
  5. Like
    hamilton got a reaction from avsjerome2003 in HMS Blandford by hamilton - FINISHED - from Corel HMS Greyhound - 1:100   
    Well I've received word that the 2mm blocks are winging their way across the pacific! And I think I'll be ready for them when they arrive....
    Since my last post, here's what I've managed to do:
    1. All lower masts & mast tops completed
    2. Lower shrouds & stays/preventer stays (where appropriate) added (though not all rigged)
    3. Mizzen mast stepped; mizzen lower shrouds & stay rigged
    4. Mizzen topmast constructed & installed
    5. Mizzen topmast shrouds, stay & backstays added (but not yet rigged)
    So right now, the Blandford looks to be in quite a bit of disarray - lots of lines hanging around not doing much. Nevertheless, given that it's been a while since my last photographic update, I'll add a few photos....enjoy!







  6. Like
    hamilton got a reaction from mtaylor in HMS Blandford by hamilton - FINISHED - from Corel HMS Greyhound - 1:100   
    Well I've received word that the 2mm blocks are winging their way across the pacific! And I think I'll be ready for them when they arrive....
    Since my last post, here's what I've managed to do:
    1. All lower masts & mast tops completed
    2. Lower shrouds & stays/preventer stays (where appropriate) added (though not all rigged)
    3. Mizzen mast stepped; mizzen lower shrouds & stay rigged
    4. Mizzen topmast constructed & installed
    5. Mizzen topmast shrouds, stay & backstays added (but not yet rigged)
    So right now, the Blandford looks to be in quite a bit of disarray - lots of lines hanging around not doing much. Nevertheless, given that it's been a while since my last photographic update, I'll add a few photos....enjoy!







  7. Like
    hamilton got a reaction from trippwj in HMS Blandford by hamilton - FINISHED - from Corel HMS Greyhound - 1:100   
    Well I've received word that the 2mm blocks are winging their way across the pacific! And I think I'll be ready for them when they arrive....
    Since my last post, here's what I've managed to do:
    1. All lower masts & mast tops completed
    2. Lower shrouds & stays/preventer stays (where appropriate) added (though not all rigged)
    3. Mizzen mast stepped; mizzen lower shrouds & stay rigged
    4. Mizzen topmast constructed & installed
    5. Mizzen topmast shrouds, stay & backstays added (but not yet rigged)
    So right now, the Blandford looks to be in quite a bit of disarray - lots of lines hanging around not doing much. Nevertheless, given that it's been a while since my last photographic update, I'll add a few photos....enjoy!







  8. Like
    hamilton got a reaction from augie in HMS Blandford by hamilton - FINISHED - from Corel HMS Greyhound - 1:100   
    Well I've received word that the 2mm blocks are winging their way across the pacific! And I think I'll be ready for them when they arrive....
    Since my last post, here's what I've managed to do:
    1. All lower masts & mast tops completed
    2. Lower shrouds & stays/preventer stays (where appropriate) added (though not all rigged)
    3. Mizzen mast stepped; mizzen lower shrouds & stay rigged
    4. Mizzen topmast constructed & installed
    5. Mizzen topmast shrouds, stay & backstays added (but not yet rigged)
    So right now, the Blandford looks to be in quite a bit of disarray - lots of lines hanging around not doing much. Nevertheless, given that it's been a while since my last photographic update, I'll add a few photos....enjoy!







  9. Like
    hamilton reacted to mobbsie in HMS Blandford by hamilton - FINISHED - from Corel HMS Greyhound - 1:100   
    Hi Hamilton,
    2mm blocks are small but they can be handled quite easily, I use a fly tie to hold the block and that leaves two hands free for the thread.
    Your making good progress mate, lovely to see.
  10. Like
    hamilton reacted to texxn5 in HMS Blandford by hamilton - FINISHED - from Corel HMS Greyhound - 1:100   
    Hi Hamilton, I have been thinking about the same thing.  I'm currently thinking about how to accomplish this. 
  11. Like
    hamilton got a reaction from Peter Baker in HM Brig Supply by Dfell - FINISHED - Caldercraft / JoTiKa - 1:64   
    Simple yet effective jig! She looks even better now with the yards on!
  12. Like
    hamilton reacted to ianmajor in HMS Unicorn by ianmajor - Corel - Scale 1:75, 1748 to 1771   
    Thanks for your kind words. It is seeing the great work by others on this forum, including your Licorne, that encourages me to try harder with my efforts. I am a very average modeler so hopefully this log will allow others to see that a reasonably detailed brass stove can be produced fairly easily.
    Thanks also for the sympathy. There is no one to moderate me in the workshop now when I rage at myself for doing stupid things - I fear I am now causing the paint to blister on the woodwork. 
    Thanks as ever for your kind words. Sorry I haven't got the taters and pheasant sorted out (yet?) but I am working on a kettle so at least we could have a nice English cup of tea.  
    I look forward to seeing your "Crows feet" (no I am not trying to be offensive ) on your Blandford. Now that is a challenge at 1:100 scale.  Some of your latest photos flag up how small the detail is in that scale. Very impressive.
    The rotisserie brackets for the stove are partially completed. The hooks on the front are done. Actually when I look at the detail on the stove, then look at the rest of the Unicorn I fear the I am breaking the model makers cardinal rule by not having a consistent level of detail throughout the model. Still - once it is installed under the fore deck probably nobody will see it!  Not to worry - it has been great fun to make.          
  13. Like
    hamilton reacted to Ferit in Frigate Berlin by Ferit KUTLU - Corel - 1/40 - 1674   
    @ Nigel,
    You have caught a good point my friend...
    I had referred also Model Mariner, a member who had been building Berlin in scratch, following the plans of course... He had told me that my Berlin's scale seems 1:40... He had checked like ChrisLBren, the original dimensions against the model's. Then the scale approximately is 1:40... 
    @ Keith,
    Hi Keith, I had shocked by their answer...  You are right, with a scale of 1:40, WVH would be huge...  
    @ Mark,
    Hi Mark,
    That was one of those days that I was angry with myself, that I was telling to mysellf to stay away from perfectionism... I had thought aloud, sorry to make all of you pay attention... That has happened above its purpose... 
    About the scale problem, after all those comments I decided that in fact, the essential has to be the consistency of the scale between all parts of a model. The scale in one way or another, 1:40 or 1:50, has to not matter. The importance is that for example while the scale of a cannon is 1:40, the figurhead also must have the same scale... In addition to what you said, maybe they want to use some common parts in some kits of different ships... It's another reason of not being a perfectionist... It makes me happy if I know the errors previously rather than I meet them afterwards... 
    Thank you again for your interest...
    @ Hamilton,
    Hi Hamilton,
    Thank you for your thought my friend...
    That had happened above its purpose... I had thought aloud... Sorry... 
    There are a lot of things to do on my Berlin... I had not bought WVH, as I had been and am a beginner, the price had been determinative... 
    You are right, Corel's parts are good in quality... WVH is their flag ship... And she is a beautiful lady and like my childhood love... 
  14. Like
    hamilton reacted to texxn5 in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    It is certainly worth seeing as is the Constitution if you get this way. I really enjoyed seeing the restoration people working on the ship. They not only have the contractors and supervisors but about 1,200 volunteer workers (mostly former Navy dudes) that work on anything that needs doing. Like a bunch of ants working. Very interesting to witness this. They are not only restoring the ship, they are teaching and preserving the old shipwrights skills in building a ship of this nature. They use as many of the old tools and methods as they can and are teaching a new generation a "lost art". Many of the trees that were destroyed by Hurricane Katrina and Rita in '05 were harvested from Louisiana and brought to Mystic to be used on the rebuild. Red Oaks have been used in areas they would have used Pine since it was available. There was one tree they estimated was 600 years old, and they harvesed 10 truck loads of lumber and timers from it. The stump is there at Mystic as a tribute it looks to e about 8-9 feet in diameter. Also timbers stored at the Charleston navy yard in Boston where the Constitution is berthed were discovered by the Navy and is being used on the Morgan. Interesting bits of historical importance in this rebuild.
  15. Like
    hamilton got a reaction from augie in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Looks great Augie - this seems like a very useful tool for those tight corners - might be worth the investment!
  16. Like
    hamilton got a reaction from augie in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Would love to go there someday....our annual vacations normally don't take us back east, but maybe soon....
  17. Like
    hamilton got a reaction from ianmajor in Frigate Berlin by Ferit KUTLU - Corel - 1/40 - 1674   
    Hi Ferit:
    I'm assuming that the idea of you not building another ship model is just exaggeration.....no one with your talent for this should give it in! Anyway, prior to the Greyhound/Blandford, my experience with Corel was quite good. But it seems that like all kit manufacturers there are, as Mark says, both major and minor inconsistencies. You would think that on a high end kit like the WVH the inconsistencies would be of the minor variety - the Corel Bellona, sitting on my shelf now, looks to be a really nice kit....and the WVH is a step up from there....I would love to see how that giant would look after passing through your hands! Pretty amazing, I'm guessing
  18. Like
    hamilton got a reaction from ianmajor in HMS Unicorn by ianmajor - Corel - Scale 1:75, 1748 to 1771   
    This just keeps getting more and more impressive!! Ian your work is a real inspiration
  19. Like
    hamilton got a reaction from Ferit in Frigate Berlin by Ferit KUTLU - Corel - 1/40 - 1674   
    Hi Ferit:
    I'm assuming that the idea of you not building another ship model is just exaggeration.....no one with your talent for this should give it in! Anyway, prior to the Greyhound/Blandford, my experience with Corel was quite good. But it seems that like all kit manufacturers there are, as Mark says, both major and minor inconsistencies. You would think that on a high end kit like the WVH the inconsistencies would be of the minor variety - the Corel Bellona, sitting on my shelf now, looks to be a really nice kit....and the WVH is a step up from there....I would love to see how that giant would look after passing through your hands! Pretty amazing, I'm guessing
  20. Like
    hamilton got a reaction from mtaylor in Frigate Berlin by Ferit KUTLU - Corel - 1/40 - 1674   
    Hi Ferit:
    I'm assuming that the idea of you not building another ship model is just exaggeration.....no one with your talent for this should give it in! Anyway, prior to the Greyhound/Blandford, my experience with Corel was quite good. But it seems that like all kit manufacturers there are, as Mark says, both major and minor inconsistencies. You would think that on a high end kit like the WVH the inconsistencies would be of the minor variety - the Corel Bellona, sitting on my shelf now, looks to be a really nice kit....and the WVH is a step up from there....I would love to see how that giant would look after passing through your hands! Pretty amazing, I'm guessing
  21. Like
    hamilton reacted to texxn5 in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    A couple of nice line drawings of the rigging and profiles

  22. Like
    hamilton reacted to realworkingsailor in HMS Pegasus by realworkingsailor - Amati/Victory Models - 1/64   
    B.E..... I can't believe I set myself up like that...
    Peter, good to hear from you again
    Hamilton, thanks buddy! Can't wait to see a little more of your build when you have the chance
  23. Like
    hamilton reacted to Ferit in HMS Unicorn by ianmajor - Corel - Scale 1:75, 1748 to 1771   
    Hi Ian,
    Do you think to leave the title as HMS Unicorn by ianmajor... Or to change it to The Stove of HMS Unicorn by ianmajor?... 
    Very detailed, fantastic scratch work...
  24. Like
    hamilton reacted to aliluke in Frigate Berlin by Ferit KUTLU - Corel - 1/40 - 1674   
    Hi Ferit
    I have looked at your build often but never commented (there are so many logs here - some I look at often and never say a word - yours is one of those) - it is fantastic, I love your work and your subject.
    I sense that you feel intimidated by other builds here. We all are. This place for me is about being inspired and inspiring. There are no poor builds on this site - they are to each one's eyes the best they can do with all the support that the site musters. Give and receive advice and make. Above all, enjoy this hobby - what anyone else is doing doesn't matter a bit - enjoy it for yourself and only for that.
    Ferit - your work is great and it inspires me - keep it up and, please, keep building this ship and others to come!
  25. Like
    hamilton reacted to ianmajor in Frigate Berlin by Ferit KUTLU - Corel - 1/40 - 1674   
    I think in modelling there is an element competition - it makes us all strive to produce better results. The most important thing in this forum is that it is a friendly constructive competition.  Problem is you beat me every time.                  
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