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Everything posted by texxn5

  1. Looks good Andy. I'm working on rigging the Main Yard...I decided to do each yard all the way through before moving to the next...mostly trying to deal with the congestion that starts to accumulate....don't want to break something. I'm done with the yards as far as footlines, and blocks, so just now attaching the Main Yard to the ship. Foremast is completed already. Please keep the pictures going...sure helps trying to figure all this out.
  2. Oh, I remember those from my days at Great Lakes NTC, forgot what they looked like....
  3. What's a snow shovel??? We don't have those down here......lol
  4. Hi Augie, Thanks for the kind words. I'm working on finishing my yards, which should be done tomorrow, and then I'll be hanging them on the masts. I'll try to post a log soon, I really would like to document this part, but the "Admiral" had some plans, so it took away from ship building...."Admiral" always gets first shot...Starting a log might take away from construction, so I'm torn about where to spend the time since I'm new to this. I did find my next build..I bought a MS CW Morgan for a decent price and will atempt my first wood ship. Always wanted to do this one, and I've been aboard her a couple of times too, as well as Connie. Spent a weekend a few years ago at the Mystic Inn, and was lucky enough to stay in the Mansion there. Bogie and McCall spent their honey moon there, and I got to go aboard the Morgan too. Good trip.
  5. Hi Augie --- looks like you get quite a bit of flak from the "upper ranks" ... lol...yards look good. I'm working on my Connie, and got the yards for the Main Mast completed and ready to hang on the mast. Probably going to go ahead and get the Mizzen yards ready before returning to the masts and running rigging. Maybe I'll get a log up and going over the weekend. Look forward to seeing your yards hanging on the masts. Keep up the good work and keep your head low for the incoming.....
  6. Thanks Augie....yeah, we'll rub it in when we get the chance. This temperature is nice compared Costa Rica where I just moved from. I suppose it'll still be a while for you guys in the North. I'll check out the website you referred me to, and try to get some pictures soon. I like the "Ask Augie" thread....maybe we started something here. Thanks again, and keep up the good work. John
  7. By the way-----forgot to mention that it's 80 degrees here, and I'm going to work on my Connie outside on the patio tomorrow....sorry guys, but Spring is early here, and life is good for us "old f****" in the South!!!
  8. Hey guys, appreciate all the feedback, thanks Augie for all the good words. Yes, these kids are good. Youth does have a lot of advantages....they can do more faster than we can...lol.....I'm in no hurry - obviously, and I enjoy doing what I do on my own pace and schedule.....I have no agenda and things will happen when I want them to. I want to post pictures, and I might have some old ones tomorrow, and then have to figure out how to post them. I tried yesterday to post a picture of where I am, and it rejected them because the file was too big, so I am initially confused as to what file size the format will accept. I can adjust my camera but have to learn how to do that since it is way smarter than I am. Learning curve again....d*** youth again...lol. I think you have to be 10 years old to know how to operate today's electronics. My mind didn't think I'm that old, but everything else seems to remind me. Keep up the good work, and thanks again for welcoming me into the group......John
  9. Hi Augie, Thanks for the response. I have seen more info on this site, than any other I have followed. I took step by step pictures of my build from start to finish of my current build, however after moving to Costa Rica for a year, someone stole my computer which had my pictures and log. I did not know of this site prior to a few days ago. I might be able to get some of the pictures but don't know how good they will be. I plan to start a log from where I am now, which is the running rigging. I have completed the formast, and now start with the yards and rigging of the mainmast. I plan to move to a wood ship when I complete the Connie, which I have just restarted after a "burn out" --- simply trying to do too much too quick by wanting to be at a certain stage before I left the country. Too old for this s...! Look forward to seeing your progress, and I will be posting pictures soon. Been doing this all my life, and love it. I also am following Andy's build. He is aobout where I am, only quicker....youth! lol....Thanks, and keep up the good work....John
  10. Hi Augie, I am new to this site, and really like what you've done. I am building Revell's Connie, and am at the running rigging stage. Next build, not sure but will be wooden. Maybe Sirene, not sure. Keep up the good work, and your pictures really help whether it's a wood or plastic ship. Great job. John
  11. Very nice job Andy. You are about at the stage I am at with my build. I started mine in Feb. 09, but quit in March of 2010 due to major burn out. Just now picking up where I left off so I will be following your post closely especially your pictures. I'll post some pictures as I can. All of my pictures from the start of this were lost when my laptop was stolen. I am trying to find a backup of them now, but don't know if I'll recover them. I wanted to document my build like you have, but just discovered this site. Good luck, and keep up the good work.
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