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About Warnerade

  • Birthday April 27

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    Royal Oak, MI

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  1. Very slow progress with the holidays coming up. I am getting to the point of assembling the upper deck and mounting it all and realized there was a natural bow to my deck and of course I planked the top making it convex where as it should have been concave to glue onto the ship better. It Is explained better in the photos. The room walls will also fit much better as well. so today I spent most of my day off doing laundry, wrapping presents, and planking the other side of the top deck.
  2. Finally got the 3rd level deck glued on and working on the state room. Main stairway rails were much easier to put on than I was expecting. only issue I foresee is the 3rd deck now has a slight up-curve/concave and the stateroom is flat. I have a feeling glueing the stateroom on is going to be difficult.
  3. I like that idea, I like artesania Latina kits but they do lack a bit of realism at times. Would love to see what you come up with.
  4. Putting the finishing touches on the walls for the second level. The cutouts for the doors were actually a little too large for the door provided (maybe 1/32” or so) so I ended up cutting some screen from a window to place behind the doors for a little more structural support with the glue and also to fill in the small gap on both sides of the door.
  5. Finally got the stairs coated in Tung oil and glued in. They did not fit perfect (as expected) as to have the first step flat on the deck the last step didn’t like up exactly with the 2nd level deck. There’s an air gap, worst on the starboard side. To fix it I am going to use some extra walnut planks and glue to the top step / underside of the deck. I’m pretty happy with the outcome of them, thankfully was able to make it pretty symmetrical from the front view.
  6. After having it for a few years, I still love it. My box is the Oh, conversion made with veneers, it was not solid oak. It is held up well. Although it’s used only indoors and doesn’t get too dirty, or Dusty, I use wood polish on it occasionally, and it still looks brand new. Some people have this box in the garage, and my level of OCD just could never allowed to get that dirty. 10/10 recommend
  7. Thank you, yes those stairs were QUITE a PITA, they’re still not done. I have basically taken a long break unfortunately. I recently finished residency, and moved back to Ohio and had a second child while we already have a 16 month old, my hands have been pretty tied these last two years. I’m just now getting settled after being in my house for about seven months and plan on starting to work on it slowly again. Hopefully. my next step is to put tongue oil on all of the walnut Veneers on the stairs, and then finally glue the darn things into place and move on. I have also started The port side support beams, they are all dry fitted, and once I get them covered tongue oil, I will do them in place and get the railings on as well.
  8. I hope I never have to make another set of spurs stairs again. I wrapped the railing in some extra walnut so it matches the stairs. It doesn’t fit perfectly in place, but overall I’m happy with how they turned out. Now I just have to finish the other side and hope they fit at least just as good. Blah.
  9. Finally glued the second level deck on and started working on the support beams. The instructions say 42mm height but mine varies from 42 to ~44mm. The directions were not clear on how to start for placement, so I looked at the blueprints supplied. They are all spaced 35mm apart and this is also the width of the double doors located on the first level. The prints show there are no posts blocking these doors, so that’s where I started. Making 2 35mm space blocks to use as I place each one. they are currently just sitting with a tiny dab of glue. Once I dry fit them all I will remove them, cost with tung oil, and glue permanently.
  10. Not much has been done since my last post, just checking in to wish everyone a merry Christmas. Been having way too much fun playing with my sun lately, the projects are on hold. For now. (The decks are just sat on, nothing beyond the first floor rooms are glued yet)
  11. Slow and steady i am sticking with the curved stairs, I have to finish the doors and a few miscellaneous things for the forst deck before I glue the second deck on but I’ve come too far to give up haha witg the supporting arches between the first deck rooms, I decided to cover them with walnut planking as well. I’m not a fan of the look of wood without grain
  12. You're not alone, I too have been working on other things, taking a break from the wooden ships temporarily. I love that aged buzz model haha
  13. Well, I’m really glad to see this thread wasnt deleted for inactivity haha. Life has been nuts, great, but nuts. Not much time at all has been spent on the ship. I recently got married and my wife is pregnant, so my wife and I have been focusing a lot of our time on preparing for the baby. I do have some updates from the last post. However, I have to put a layer of Tung oil on everything before I glue things together. For now. I’ll just post a picture of the stairs (which I loathed) and a few recent projects I made for the house.
  14. Glued the remaining rooms on and got the entire deck / walls coated in tung oil. For the small doors in the back rooms, i used window screen and superglued it on the back to allow to see inside, the inside walls are all painted white and I am debating one what else to put inside the rooms. for the doors themselves, I got the brass rings ready for the door handles and rather than keep them brass finished I let them sit in an oxidizing agent called brass black to give it a more rustic blackened look. I used the same method on a previous ship, huge fan.
  15. Got the steps finished up, when I put the last piece on it ended up being a little more then 180 degree turn (see picture) so I took my cut off wheel and free handed a small section off so it lines up. Nice and straight meow. Then the outer edge of the steps had sections of overhang so I put a flap wheel attachment on the dremel and rounded them out nicely. the first deck and one of the rooms is now glued on, next I will be adding the remaining engine room, putting in whatever decorations I can think of to add to the rooms and then going through the painful process of adding lights to the model.
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