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About GeorgeKapas

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    Chania Greece
  • Interests
    Ships I guess

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  1. Thank you wefalck! I know this Ares, an old style traditional model, the few ones displayed in the other Greek museums are based on that. In fact mine is 1/3 the scale, and since it goes for all dimensions, it is 27 times smaller in volume, hehehehe
  2. The water caused me a bit of a trouble, as I added swell as well as waves. I added the anchors, properly rigged the guns, and added all the folded ropes on the foremast
  3. Good evening all! So the past month I had some changes done on the ship. I was not really happy with the rigging, both the running ones, and the ropes for the guns and anchors. Also I changed my mind on how I want her displayed.... Long story short, I built a sea diorama base for Ares, I almost completely re-rigged her, and changed all the gun and anchor ropes etc. I'll spare you the back and forth, and post some photos of her updated situation
  4. The additional waxing helped. Again, the scale is so small I am not sure it is even noticeable in real life to anyone other than me. Some of these details will be covered by the sails that I plan to add, but I still dont know how to streamline the process, since this is my first time that I have gone that far.
  5. Indeed!! We have to reduce a lot of the rigging details at such scale. Making thes kind of dicisions is sometimes harder than following rigging instructions Thank you Ian! Because the limited number of schrouds and the gunports breaking up the continuity of the bulwark, the aft pinrails went further aft than usual, I really wanted to hear the opinion of the fellow modelers, before doing anything I would regret. Today I spend most of the time rewaxing the lines, as the tiny blocks had fizzed them up a bit. Oh well.. Here is one for scale:
  6. Bofore I continue with more details, I have a serious problem, and a guestion I wanted to ask here in the forum.... So I put the pinrails where they are. trying to get the running rigging properly set, I felt that passing the sheet and cluelines of the topgalland and royal through the opening of the fighting top and then to the side pinrails was rather bizzare. I run these ropes straight to the pins down, right next to the backstays. Is this wrong? I have seen some books like the "anatomy of the ship- bounty" that does that, others books dont show it like that. I hope I make sense, two more zoomed photos to show this better:
  7. The side pinrails. I added a single test knot, they will go over the rest of the pins.
  8. I have taken a lot of closeups with quite the zoom, but these photos are from a phone, so I did my best.
  9. Good morning! So the rigging process has progressed. I have been trying to improve the accuracy of my rigging work with this model, but the scale and the small size of the model is a bit of a hindrance. The current state of the rig is as follows:
  10. yes, but mostly drawing the planks on the hull with black pencil and then passing over them again softly with white pencil for a more 3d effect. Its subtle, the model is small and one has to inspect it from very close to notice tbh
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