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Valeriy V

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Everything posted by Valeriy V

  1. I recognize the German style of work - make a Maybach out of any simple mechanism.
  2. Hi Olga! Glad to meet you on this forum! In 2016, in Zaporozhye, together with Yaroslav, we went to the museum of the island of Khortytsya. Привет, Ольга! Рад встретить тебя на этом форуме! В 2016г в Запорожье вместе с Ярославом ездили в музей острова Хортица.
  3. Cotrecerf thanks for the kind words. The stopper is installed on the deck.
  4. Ras, I am pleased to watch your progress. Your skill level will undoubtedly increase with each new project!
  5. I greet everyone in the new year and wish you all the best of luck! My work continues. Making a stopper for a mooring cable.
  6. https://www.skipper.co.uk/catalogue/search/page/8?q=Harold A. Underhill, A.M.I.E.S.
  7. Hi Brett! Interesting project, I would love to watch it. What blueprints do you use to build the model?
  8. Main Particulars Original Length over all: 41,76 m Breadth moulded: 5,48 m Draught max.: 1,83 m Speed: 14,5 kn
  9. Ras, I found information on the Siamese Revenue cruiser "SURIYA MONTHON" on the Internet. Its technical characteristics are completely the same as your cruiser "AMAPA". Perhaps this information will be useful to you.
  10. Analogues should be looked at on American ships built by Crump.
  11. Gary, Keith thanks! These wooden bends take a lot of time and effort.
  12. Probably before the battle it could be removed from the wheelhouse. This wheelhouse was unarmored and the compass would have been easily destroyed.
  13. In the "Varyag" wheelhouse, the linoleum pattern was just that.
  14. Thank you all for your warm reviews and likes! My work continues.
  15. Jan, linoleum for the floor is printed on a printer and covered with adhesive tape on top. To avoid excess shine, the tape is treated with fine sandpaper.
  16. Thanks to everyone who is interested in my work. The cruiser wheelhouse.
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