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Valeriy V

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Everything posted by Valeriy V

  1. This will be a simple imitation without details, since they are practically invisible behind the glass.
  2. I posted a photo of this model on the first page of my topic. Crump's ship modellers were faced with the task of showing the appearance of the ship without delving into small details. They did an excellent job with this task. And I will be very happy if my model will look just as beautiful after the same 120 years.
  3. In the photographs of the Varyag, such blinds are not visible. Probably during the Russo-Japanese War they were not yet used on searchlights.
  4. Privet Veszett Roka! Yes, a simulated arc mechanism will be shown.
  5. The mirror reflector is installed in the spotlight body.
  6. All that remains for me is to insert a mirror reflector into the rear cover of the spotlight.
  7. После обработки на матрице и пуансоне получается сферическое зеркало-отражатель.
  8. As a result of the operation of the machine, a large number of mirror blanks were obtained.
  9. I send this blank to a punching machine to obtain round reflector parts.
  10. Making a reflector mirror for a spotlight. I polish the brass plate to a mirror finish. then I cover it with nickel and stick masking tape on top.
  11. Colleagues, thanks to everyone who is interested in my work. Thanks for your feedback, wishes and likes. I continue to work on the manufacture of spotlights....
  12. Gary, you want to look at this beauty without stopping, it fascinates!
  13. I carved the glass for the spotlight on a lathe from ordinary transparent plexiglass. To get a transparent end, I sanded it with fine sandpaper and polishing paste
  14. I continue to work on spotlights. Manufacture of the body and glass of the projector.
  15. According to the classification adopted in the Russian Imperial Navy and the Soviet Navy, this is a heavy combat searchlight. It is designed for: - intelligence and signaling - illumination of the object when shooting - target designation and blinding
  16. Thank you Joachim for the kind words and useful information on spotlights!
  17. Ras, these spotlights are similar to the one on Amapa. Perhaps these photos will help you.
  18. Thanks Keith! I use solder with good fluidity. A little earlier in this thread, I described it.
  19. Of course, I don't mind. Send me your email address and I will send you a complete drawing of the spotlight.
  20. Thank you! Zaporozhye is located from Kyiv to the southeast about 700 km.
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