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  1. Did you ever complete this project??? I am building the same and have many questions..
  2. Is there someone that can help me with what to do with a warped false keel.? I just unboxed my new project, the Buccaneer from occre, as soon as I released the false keel I saw it warp right before my eyes. I have built several models to date and have never encountered this. Please help
  3. Dear Mr. Rafine,
    I just started my Essex build, and plan to configure it to show the lower decks at BH’s 6 , 10 and 15.
    The instruction book speaks of using substitute BH’s with drop for this.
    Am I missing these in my kit,?, are these to be
    “ manufactured”,?
    I would appreciate your expertise.
    Thank you in advance.

    1. rafine




      Just as a suggestion, you should be using Private Messaging for this.


      As to your question, my kit was one of the early ones and the only bulkheads were the unmodified ones which required me to cut out the drops. I have been told that later kits had substitute bulkheads, but if you have an earlier kit, like mine, you will have to do the modification on the supplied bulkheads. You should be able to get the measurements for the drops from the plans.



  4. Thanks to Mark and Ragove. Froggyman
  5. Dave, When I was a recent newborn, I kept my parents awake at night, my father solved the problem by placing his finger on my lips after dipping it in Bushmills, I have that bottle quite visible because I consider it an incentive, that is to say, after I have completed my work for the evening ( rather in the wee hours of the morning ), I sit back, relax and allow myself a small amount in my fathers memory. When I work I consume large quantities of ice cold water, a trick to keep me from sitting too long without a break...
  6. WOW, I was hoping for some help, but you my friend provided a college course in maritime terminology, If I ever graduate I will surely owe it to the vast information you provided!!! Seriously, thank you so much, I appreciate your kind referral, as well as the many that I have previously received, what a fine group of people you are. Froggyman
  7. Gentlemen: I would like to express my gratitude to all that responded to my request for help, I have received today a copy of Frank Mastini's book Ship Modeling Simplified, and after perusing it, I feel confident that hence forth I will be better prepared to complete my current project ( Corel's Berlin ), and my waiting in the wings Model Shipways FSV ESSEX. As soon as I can figure out how to start a " Build Log " I will share my mistake plagued build of the Berlin and my future build as well. Froggyman
  8. Mark, Thank you, I am very grateful for the responses I have received. As I stated, I am just renewing my love for this great hobby, and I am trying to do a better job this time. I appreciate the support. Froggyman
  9. Gentlemen: To Chris, Mark and shihawk, Thank you so much for responding to my plea, I found the book and have it on order. Maybe with it's help, I can now have a better idea about what I am trying to do. I am loving every second I spend in my " Small but cozy shipyard " being retired, I now can spend most of my time enjoying the process . Thank you again. Froggyman
  10. Hello form Georgia USA, I have built 4 models, all 40 years ago, I simply went by the scarce instructions from the kits and visual aids from photos. I now would like to build a ship feeling better about what I am doing, so, I would like to have some recommendations as to what books would help me understand the parts of a ship, i,e, "lintels", knees, cheeks , etc, the proper planking methods and rigging. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Froggyman
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