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Everything posted by Vane

  1. Slowly getting there... now on to the breech ropes and stearing wheel.
  2. Cant say I am 100% happy about the results but this was tricky to get right...
  3. I was supposed to work on my carronades on my Snake... but ended up here planking instead 😛
  4. Yes the photo etch mechanism is a nightmare to put together.
  5. Some years ago when I bought the kit I did some "pre work" brushpainted the carronades with thick acrylics... good idea at the time... but after buying an airbrush i realized the result was horrible. So I stripped the paint, scratchbuild an eye for the breech rope and airbrusched new laquer paint with much better result.
  6. Carronades and channel work... abit fiddlely but hope to finish this over easter.
  7. One thought... its interesting to see how Chris designs has evolved over the years. HMS Snake was one of his first ships and I have it next to Speedy on the same shelf and it looks so "bulky " in comparision. I wonder how this kit would be if he designed it today 😛
  8. Great progress... rails, channels and pinrails attached. Most of the hull is in place now and moving on to the deck fittings. The rails comes in one piece but I cut it in several sections to fit it better and used pins to get it in place.
  9. Working on the 18 carronades... these are not that great.. lots of adjustments needed to get them together. Next time I will probably order some aftermarket products from Vanguards instead.
  10. Started working on my Snake after focusing on the Granado for a while.
  11. There has been some progress but I have not been doing any updates... the Rudder is in place and I been working the stern. Came up with my own colours since I didnt like the instructions. As I understand they dont know how it was painted anyway. After being used to Vanguards models i had to struggle to get everything in place. Alot of precut parts but nothing fits so you had to do alot of adjustments.
  12. These discussions tend to become wishlists for everyone and I appreciate that you share your thoughts and views on the future developments. Its interesting to follow how Vanguards grow and prosper. I also think it generates interests in your products and so far, you havent disappointed anyone in what has come out. As i understand your business model is that you produce high quality ships mostly in the 1:64 range and try to re-invent how these models are designed with new solutions which makes them more easy to build. And its not the cheap stuff but it still has to be cost effective so we can afford it but it hurts the wallet abit... And also, there seam to be 3 main types of products: 1) Royal navy 1750-1800 2) Fishing boats and yachts 3) Smaller stuff to pimp up existing kits I think its better to have a company profile rather than just doing random kits. I would probably keep up with what you have done so far and make sure you have a great lineup for each of you types of products. Eventually adding a 4th type with a series of kits. I dont know what kits you makes most money of. But you should definitely keep that in mind so Vanguards can grow and perhaps you can employ help to expand. Once i finished a couple of my existing builds i will definitely buy a new kit from you. Not sure which one yet though....
  13. Diana was one of the first kits in the Nelson series. Its a nice kit but Caldercraft evolved over time and instructions and plans are quite limited. Unfortunately, its has not been upgraded since it release in the 90s. Check out my buildlog if you want to compare the box contents.
  14. Excellent, it is finally here 🙂 Just a question, would it be "easy" to design a non razee version also similar to what you did with Speedy - Flirt and extend your product range. Or would that be like a completely new project?
  15. I bought the kit several years ago but I have a slight memory of ordering extra parts. It might have been that i thought it was i some kind of upgrade, but it was just a "replacement". I probably have no use for the other one but I can play around with the colours and see what style i prefer. These whitemetal parts are kind of low quality but 3D printing and resin wasnt used when the kit was developed. I really think Caldercraft should revisit their old kits and improve them. 20 years ago they was top of the line but there has been zero development since then and other manufacturers are much more interesting nowadays. Hopefully i will managed to attack the rails before my xmas holiday and I show you some photos. Now it start to look like a ship at least.
  16. By the way... I ran into some problems and found the solution in your buildlog of Jason. You are supposed to use brass profiles for the raildetails... but Caldercraft put the wrong ones in my kit (profile 2 instead of 1). So I decided to create my own with wood instead by scraping. So I design my own tool and it worked!
  17. I given up on the sticker... I will definitely put a door there and I might give painting a try but otherwise I will just leave it blue. At the moment i have other things to paint but not sure what colours I will use... Just primed it.
  18. Well historical accuracy can also be bad... many probably remember when Victory was completely massacred by pink rather than yellow stripes. Wasa also used to be painted very nicely in blue with golden figures but in the late 90s they decided to look at the paint fragments in microscope and concluded a horrible colourscheme in red and various of colours....
  19. There seem to be various opinions on the figures on ships. Painted as people, gold, yellow or even woodcolour.
  20. I am not planning to paint any name on this one. I know it has been a discussion in other buildthreads but the granado doesnt have a natural space for it so it wouldnt look good.
  21. Is there any good guide on how to paint the Royal navy sterns? I am about to paint my Granado and according to the AOTS book, its colour hasnt been clarified so you can do it as you wish. But there should be some kind of standard basics that what usually followed for English ships at the time? Here are just a few pics of stern examples which i borrowed from various buildlogs here for inspiration and it can look quite different.
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