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Paul Gardner

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About Paul Gardner

  • Birthday 03/03/1947

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  • Location
    Tacoma WA
  • Interests
    Just about anything nautical. I'm an avid reader of books dealing with naval history, pre 20th century, exploration and sailing ships in general.

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  1. I turned a 6" Naval gun barrel out of 10-20 cold roll steel. I would like to build a lower gun deck section such as would be from HMS Victory or other frigates. Can any of you point me to plans, exploded drawings or anything that could help me? Thank you.
  2. I'm a bit late to the game but have enjoyed your log. I'm about ready to start my whale boat so your photos are going to be very helpful. Is there a further update coming?
  3. Thank you. Sorry for the delay in response but we were moving into our new home. I now have a place to build! I've been trying to decide if I should put a top on an existing workbench and buy a tall chair, buy a used office desk or buy a 6' folding table and go from there. Any suggestions?
  4. Thanks for the information! This will really help a great deal.
  5. I know that this has to be the umpteenth time someone has asked this question, but I've not been able come up with the proper word search combination to find a post that gives a concise list of tools needed to begin a project. I realize that this list is subject to ones own interpretation, but I need a benchmark list to start with. I'm moving into a new home this month, and I will actually have a designated spot where I can start a model, which is this beautiful wood shed. The riding lawn mower is moving to the garage. I understand the need of a pin vise, hobby knives, rulers etc, but if there's a post that would give me a good idea of what I'm going to need as a base tool box, I'd be eternally grateful. My first model is going to be Model Shipways Fair American. Thank you.
  6. Hello Hank, your article on the shed caught my eye right away today. I'm about to move into my "retirement house" and it has a 10X16 shed in the back yard that has the riding lawnmower.  That's about ready to be moved to another shed, and my model workshop will be ready to move into.  After years of working at the dining room table, I'll finally have a home!!!  Right now, the shed has an extension cord running to it for lights, but I'm going to dig a trench and run a regular power line and breaker box to it.  I'm going to take a page out of your book and post photos along the way.  Thank you for sharing your story.

    1. Hank



      Gosh, you mean I actually did something RIGHT, this time!!!!????? LOL!!!

      Thanks for the kind remarks and good luck on your shop project - YES - DO POST it as you go along. The shed I began with was really in sad shape and I think I may have spent way too much on renovations, but....what's in progress needs to be completed, so full steam ahead! I hope your shed is in better physical condition that what I started with.



    2. Paul Gardner

      Paul Gardner

      Sorry for the delay in responding,  but we have been moving into the new house. The shed/barn for the riding lawn Moore has been dubbed by my wife as the hobby shop and all my work is been consigned to that 1 area. Thankfully it's pretty good size. Now my question is whether to buy a tall chair and use the existing work bench which I'd have to put a top on, or simply buy a used office desk with some organizers on top. Any suggestions?



  7. I'm New at modeling and would like to see photos of other builder's work stations so that I can get an idea on some good ways to set things up. My first building project is about to start. I'll be setting up in a room where I don't have to move my operations around, And photos or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  8. Thank you! I'll let you know when I can give myself time to get up there. I appreciate your response.
  9. I'm looking for someone that's involved in ship modeling in or near Tacoma. I'd like to visit and see how you have your modeling station set up. I have read and will continue to read the excellent posts on this website in preparation for starting my first plank on bulkhead project, but it would mean a great deal if I could actually sit down with someone who's doing it and chat. I'm not looking for "free" advice, and can pay my way with home smoked bacon from my smokehouse. A fair deal for a bit of chat time? Anyway, if there's someone in my area that's open to me peeking over their shoulder for an hour or so, I'd love to hear from you.
  10. Have you started yours yet? I'm still debating.
  11. Thank you. Thanks to all replies and the words of encouragement.
  12. Thank you for your reply. I've been reading the logs, and can see where I will have to really buckle down and learn the skill. This instruction half hull looks like a place to start, so thank you for the notice.
  13. I read the first post from Chris, and felt he was looking over my shoulder. I've built a couple solid hull ships, only completed two of the many I've started. That was in my younger days when work and family intervened and time was precious. Now I'm retired, and actually do have some time on my hands. Day before yesterday I saw a Model Shipways Fair American on "Offer Up" for $50 and the old visions of building a great model came flooding back. I met the party at a parking lot, paid my money and raced home with my new "project". Now, two days later, I'm still looking at the model instruction book and wondering what on earth I was thinking. I truly want to build a ship model, and display it on our mantle, but good grief, I know down deep in my heart that I've bitten off more than I can chew. I've read many of the posts on this thread, and I'm thinking that if I'm really serious about learning this craft, even at my age, I need to put this one on the shelf and start with something a bit more simple. I appreciate the candor with which everyone speaks, so if someone has a suggestion as to which model would be a decent one to learn planking on, I'm all ears.
  14. Although I've built a couple solid hull models, I came across an unopened Model Shipways Fair American for $50 and couldn't pass it up. However, after looking at the instruction book, I must admit to a bit of trepidation. I've never built a plank on model before and wonder if this will be a suitable first build for me, or if I've taken too big a bite for my first time. Any comments? Also, I'd like to to give a shout out to any and all model ship builders in the Tacoma area. I've read many posts on this site, and it seems like there are plenty of folks that are willing to give advice. That's an encouragement.
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