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About stelios

  • Birthday November 17

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    Athens, Greece

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  1. Rigging in the making From the captain's log- not much of the progress, as I spent some time to make some tiny blocks. In the two pictures below you can see the preparation of the main top sail. In the third one, the main yard with its foot rope.
  2. Ian, thank you; I'd agree with you the rigging is unusual. Just spare a couple of minutes and read the second posting from the beginning of this log., it explains in brief the reasoning behind it.
  3. Dear all, The small mizzen sail proved to be relatively easy to fit. (unless if today was one of those days with inspiration...) In the first picture one can see the process and in the second the who thing fitted on the boat. The ropes were not secured yet,as I need to have "breathing" space on the deck. One of the side projects that I need to tackle, are the belaying pins. The challenge will be to make them small enough to be close to the ship's scale. The other challenge that will be dealt with at the end, is the rope coiling; to hang coiled rope so to add a touch o realism. cheers Stelios
  4. This is an updated picture showing the sail secured to its final position. Next step: to setup the small mizzen sail: The picture below shows the very first steps. cheers Stelios
  5. Dear all, The time has come to start rigging and fitting the sails. The process of trying to understand the plans it is a real fun (read:pain in the neck). Anyway, this is how I ended with the main sail (it is called sakoleva). The threads are not secured yet, I need to adjust it a bit higher, in order for the mast to hang on the air, currently touching the deck. The picture below shows how the plan depicts the position of the sail.Hopefully, I will manage to fit it it and adjust to its correct position. Stelios
  6. This is a neat job Sam.
  7. Sam, apologies for the belated response, activities other than ship modelling are keeping me busy... First of all, the attached picture shows is the pliers I use, not an expensive one, it just gives me the flexibility to choose the inner width of the ring. The soldering material I use is in tube (1 oz paste) and on the label it is stated: Fusion Brazing Paste prod: STL-1205-655. As I mentioned earlier in this thread, I used Russ' tutorial. I think it mentions the same paste. It is very easy to use especially for novices like me. The blackening process comes at the very end. The dead-eyes (wooden) were not affected. Cheers Stelios
  8. That's a long time ago John! I was at junior high school at the time. I do recall the carrier and the sixth fleet. I still remember the sailors with their distinctive Popeye hat.
  9. Dear all, I was browsing my archives and I found the pictures of my first working jig. I still remember the pride I felt when I managed -easily- to wax the threads for my then first build. It was used after the Bounty build with my two scratch builds and still rests in a self waiting for the next build. ( I hope). It is a rudimentary construction based on similar jig (more refined I must admit) I found in Ship-modeling forum. Since it works, I followed the rule number one: if it works efficiently, just don't touch it! The principle is very simple: Bring to melting temperature the wax in the small jar. This can be accomplished if you place it into boiling water (bain marie they call it) Pour some boiling water in the big jar and the then emerge the small one and seal the lid. Pull the string and wipe it with a rag. it is so easy. The construction itself I think is explained in the pictures. cheers Stelios
  10. Michael, I was thinking, to build so many details is one thing, to spend time on top and record the progress by taking pictures, is something else. We all know how time consuming it can be when we want to take pictures, especially when the pictures are of such quality and detail like yours. A job well done! Stelios
  11. Ilhan, I remember this build from the old MSW, thank you for re-posting, it is a good reference for the rest of us! regards Stelios
  12. Dear all, Until the rat-lines are finished, I occupy my mind with the next steps, in relation how to fit the sails. Being ignorant about sails, I try to decipher the plans and figure out how to proceed. What I recall from Dry Docks (before the MSW era) is that normally you start from inside going out, when it comes to sail rigging, and this is what I'm going to do, at least, I'll try. So, this afternoon, just for fun, I made the stirrups out of 0.6 mm brass wire. I managed to solder the rings, without melting the wire... the finishing with the needle file was a challenge, as together with the wire I was trimming my finger tips... Anyway, the next step is to blacken them and attach them. In the past, when I built my first kit -a Bounty- I had settled with black thread hardened with CA glue. I think brass wire will look better... Stelios
  13. Elia, Greetings from Athens and Happy Birthday! I silently follow your project! cheers Stelios
  14. A job well done Dave! If I may add my own experience: make sure the sewing machine is well tuned. I did not know that sewing machines need tuning, util a professional seamstress examined my work... (I use an old singer a 60ties build). Actually she played with those rods that regulate the feed of the string. Once fixed, the stitching was even. If you ask me If I can do it by myself, no, I can't. I'll have to consult her again... I used some textile glue, only tiny quanities to secure the corners. Not visible, acceptable results. regards Stelios
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