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Everything posted by Duanelaker

  1. Hello and welcome! I am new to this challenging hobby as well! Best of luck.
  2. Welcome!
  3. Hi Doug! Welcome aboard 😊
  4. Looks like a found a picture on another build log that explains it
  5. I understood the 1/32” brass transforms into the traveler (as the instructions were clear for that), my question was how/when/what to connect the block to it as there was no instruction on when or how to do it, I might use the eye as you mentioned or twist wire around the block I guess. I’ll have to look others logs I guess.
  6. Thank you for your response! I will look into what you are saying and hopefully do what works! This is only my second model (first with real rigging), I have completed a dory and I am also working on the AL Bounty Jolly at the same time. I have come to realize my skill is not what everyone else's is, but I have to start somewhere even if its ugly. I have a hard time understanding that I am not going to produce museum quality for quite some time, if ever.
  7. I have noticed in the plans and instructions that there is no mention of installing a brass loop on the traveler before installing the traveler, how ever there is a picture of it on the instructions. Do I need to install this and what should I use as there is no reference to a part number.
  8. I will be honest I have been reading build logs on this forum since January...I will eventually do one and I’m in the midst of doing the blue jacket revenue cutter...however I have found that the holes were way off center and I’m going to need to fill and redrill. I am not looking forward to it. I also have purchased the following....glad tidings, American privateer, Emma c berry and 18th century long boat (all from model ship ways)...would you guys recommend which one I should try First? Or which one I should stay away from until I have a few boats under my belt? I have never planked before but I am looking forward to it. Here are some pictures of my revenue cutter:
  9. Hello! My name is David and I reside in upstate NY and have recently decided I needed a new hobby. I built plastic models as a teenager and young adult but ceased to do so since getting a career and owning a home. Now however, I am looking for a stress relief that is both satisfying and challenging. I have finished a grand banks dory by blue jacket and I am currently working on the Revenue Cutter. I have already purchased 5 other boat kits...so I am hoping I don't give up too fast.
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