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Everything posted by Duanelaker

  1. So after purchasing quite a few model shipway kits I’ve decided this Phantom kit (given there are quite a few completed logs and a well written practicum by Chuck) would have the highest probability of success and completion, with the lowest monetary loss. After opening the box and comparing the parts list, I am only missing one mast cap. I also noticed they did not include the original instructions, but did include Chucks guide and “The neophyte shipmodeller’s Jackstay”. Hopefully I can do this kit the justice it deserves.
  2. I think you aren’t supposed to post anything but build logs in this forum. You question should be in wood model ship forum, but I could be wrong.
  3. I wonder if it would be as easy as changing the font color, red abandoned, black in progress, green finished and blue could be a stand out. Any idea how often the build log index gets up dated? Lots of logs abandoned from 2015 even. I’ve learned if the build log is only one page it’s probably abandoned depending on the year started.
  4. I stained the paddles and the stand...I’m going to call this complete! can someone tell me how to change the name of my log to include - FINISHED?
  5. Pat, i am thinking about the phantom, which is a solid hull. However I have about a dozen ships to choose from as I got a little crazy when I couldn’t decide! So I’m hoping there will be many more in the future 😊. I’m also finishing a room that I am converting to a ship yard and once that’s done I will get more intimate with painting. Thanks fork your support! -Dave
  6. Finally completed the rigging! Now all that’s left is to mount it to the base...so close now.
  7. Welcome to the site! Lots of build logs for that boat, you will find your answer in no time!
  8. Jag, i am am not quite complete as I still have some rigging to do...but there were a few times I thought to myself that this wasn’t going the way I wanted and I wanted to start another one. BUT, I somehow managed to tell myself that I had to complete this before moving on. I can see completion just beyond the horizon...but it’s there! There is so much unbelievable talent on this site i wish I saw more people and their learning curve. Maybe I will motivate others to take on this amazing hobby without worrying so much about the outcome. I can’t wait until my son is old enough to build boats with me if that is what he wants. Good luck to you!
  9. So minor set back, but wonderful lesson for me in modeling and life. I put together my first set of rigging incorrectly and didn’t realize it right away...then when I did realize it I was going to fake it just to get it finished, but something inside said no...don’t rush it, take it apart and do it again. So after about an hour I got it back to where I was plus a little more and here are the pics. Even in life I need to stop settling and strive for excellence. If your not trying your best you are already failing.
  10. Welcome to the site!
  11. Any ideas regards the best way to keep the basswood blocks nice and tight on the bow and stern per the instructions?
  12. I really am glad I bought a NWSL - The chopper...such a great tool for producing similar length pieces!
  13. I’m up to the rigging...which I want to enjoy but I’ll be honest, I’m not enjoying the lack of knowledge I have and the lack of decent pictures or direction that comes with the kit. I’m going to fake it so I can finish and begin working on a more enjoyable model. I do believe it’s a good way to get used to some of the smaller items, I do also crave better quality threads. I also have become addicted to the possibilities of this hobby. I love the logs and everyone’s work.
  14. Because the kit was so old, dry and warped it was not easy since it was so brittle. I was careful not to force, but I really need to learn patience and to slow down. I found that the CA glue that had come in a different kit I had purchased was old and not working well. But I had bought some DAP glue that was called rapid fuse that worked well. I also used title bond where I could.
  15. So I will say the instructions that came with the kit are incredible compared to the AL kit I had done. Here are a few more picture. I set the jig up and followed the steps.
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