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Posts posted by Tarjack

  1. caulking represent

    First ahead: I am building only cover surfaces with boxwood strips!
    Boxwood is next pearwood one of the "must use" wood for the ship model building.
    It is very hard, and
    Fine-grained texture for covering surfaces, walls, etc. THE VERY best material. Boxwood is also stain very well and you can carve the best things from it.

    For caulking;

    In the various articles you can read again and again, that the caulking is more or less (usually more) very difficult to make .
    In shipbuilding caulking is done like this: #


    As you can see love modeling community, this work is not easy.

    I go for my deck areas as follows:

    1.   Boxwood board coat both sides with black paint. I carry Plakafarbe (Kaseinpainture)




    2.   Sawing planks




    3.   Place Planks



    4.  Sanding planks pull off, sealed




    5.  The artwork proudly display the yard Upper supervision






    i hope this way to caulking Decks will help sometimes

  2. Bone model of HMY 1749 Caroline M 1: 50

    I asked for a little patience so I can write something to the building report chronologically.

    Now that I have already reported in other forums  Caroline I would like to read the report and hopefully entertaining to bring on  PC

    Let's start with the planning.

    the year  1988, While visiting the "Hestorisch Sheep ride Museeum" in Amsterdam, I see a very strange looking white model held in a French frigate. The tiny carvings fascinate me.
    My wife: OOOOOH ... so one I would also like to have! I: you shall have .....

    In the following years! I collect everything that is there to have bone vessels and bone processing.

    For model prove only the leg bones of bovine animals. (Upper and lower leg, called tubes or bone marrow) as ideal, because the density and strength is optimal. All other ... Ribs, shoulder, skull, etc. are too porous and brittle.

    The preparation of the bone.

    For the construction of Caroline to start about 400 tubes are required! This massive amount you will not get the butcher of his confidence but only at the slaughterhouse.
    A tube is [without joints] about 160 - 180 mm long. Weight 200g
    The tubes must be boiled at high temperatures to remove the marrow and cook again. I have poured over the cooking time about 500l best Mark soup down the sink ..
    Then with muuuch Cleaningsalt 3 - 5 times through the dishwasher [highest rinsing] and then let dry. (About 3 years!)
    The first drying cycle was completed on the balcony (the bone Always nice hanging in direct sunlight).

    My neighbors loved it ...... Except for one!!!

    Just imagine the following situation.
    My wife was in the hot phase of the bonecooking in court on govermenthighschool. The City "Hof" is about 200 kilometers from Augsburg (whre we live). She stayed there during the week from Monday to Friday. The course lasted 3 years and in that time my wife wasnt seen for many neighbors anymore. I was at this time full-time home with three little children. (whatisayhiswifeisrunnawaynowonderlookthisman) were still the nicest rumors.

        Suddenly my balcony was full of bone depends on a cord strung out to dry

    One day, it rings the doorbell ........ I open and behold, two "Chipmunks" are coming up. I quote again: Good day how are you, (well, thank you), we were just in the area can
    we comein ...... ?? (Clear, like .. please enter) -.  my daughters hunting the cat and run the state power almost overboard --- your children are so happy ...canwepleasetalktoyourwife? (No that is prevented) one of the two in backgrond mutters "that i belive" The first again: we want now, please talk with your wife. (I said it is prevented)
    Meanwhile, we all go to the kitchen. From my kitchen is access to the balcony and there one can see the tremendous amount of bone hanging from a beam.
    Both chipmunks pale and call me an ultimativ to say where´s my wife!!
    I have tell the men from the police to the residence of my wife and the reason could be solved without the most accurate information that can be called my wife, perhaps as a cow but is unlikely to achieve this amount of bone in a single body.
    The two left my apartment rather monosyllabic :D
    :D :D

        The dried and assorted bones are now halved lengthwise on a bandsaw.

    (My boss wanted to know where my wife is :pirate41: ).

    These shells can now, as required in planks, 4 square timbers or other basic blanks are processed.

    This was just the beginning.

    Soon we will start with the foundation



        Until then ....... Freeguard leave .....






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