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Posts posted by slagoon

  1. Wow  guys - thanks everyone. Immediately I'll be working on the Tiny Missouri.  My next after that will be the Krabbenkutter from Billing Boats (much better scale). I can't wait!!!!!!


    As far as moving - just a few towns away to a house that we will rent for a couple years then (fingers crossed) be able to buy.


    All of your support (even the silent folks) helped me get to the finish line on this lil gal.

  2. The balsa fillers are really useful, especially if you are new to planking. Balsa is so soft you can literally cut it with your fingernail. As Kevin said the Balsa allows you to have more area to glue the planks to, it also ensures you don't accidentally create an artificial concave region in your planking as the shape is continued with the balsa.


    Not sure what you mean by plastic wood - there are no rules here - you can do whatever makes you happy and will have you happy when you've finished it as well.


    Best of luck and will keep an eye on your progress.

  3. thanks for trying - sounds like you got the same stuff as I was finding.  I'll just leave the question out here - I don't think I'll get any work done on that one this week....things are weird at work - I can get away with on the computer stuff like this - but not building my card models...to much chance of an exec walking in. If you follow real sized aviation you'd probably be able to figure out why.

  4. Then I made a photo copy of my plans which has the outline of the thick "base" parts so I could sort all my parts that are coming up - some of them are fairly similar.




    Next it was time to assemble the 4th deck, which as two pieces as the base and one piece on top. It is pretty weird and cool.






    I think that there is actually a passageway between those two main bases...




    And now to add the top.




    I believe this side view confirms the passageway




    Then I had to leave for work.... :( well, more to come tomorrow :)

    Thanks for stopping by!

  5. is popeye criminally insane too?????? cool we should hang out!


    This is really tiny - I'm not sure what I was thinking when I bought this kit!


    Harvey, no those are a different brand - and much larger scale ;) hehehe this one requires glue - that one just required pliers.


    Pete, I found it on ebay. SteelGolem makes a few micro mini sets but most are sci-fi related.



    The good thing is I can have EVERY part for this build laid out on my desk and not take up more than 2 sq feet! 


    Lets get this build started.

    The first thing I did was I put the first deck on the base. (I used gap-filling CA)






    Then I put the second deck on the second deck base.





    Repeat with the third deck....




    hmmmm seeming logical so far.


    We're about to get TRICKY!!!!


    I put the third deck assembly on the second deck as indicated by the lines.





  6. Hmmm...the page I linked said

    Phantom Ship Model Kit With Tools, Paint

    but there is one that doesn't have the tools and paint too. You can always call them (on Monday) to make sure you are getting what you want (and your money's worth) They are really great.  I know about that stuff because I literally stalk their site looking for bargains.

  7. Tony, I think in many cases you are right, but there are also many "Beginner" kits that have an expectation that you have built models before or know some terminology. When I look at my Harriet Lane by Model Shipways (Labeled a beginner kit) versus my husband's constructo Victory (labeled advanced) instructions-wise, I think the Victory would be much more attainable for a true beginner (though more discouraging due to the number of steps)  


    What is really nice about the Model Shipways is that you can look at the instructions ahead of time under their documents section.  Whatever kit you pick, these guys on here will be able to help you if you stumble on anything.

  8. Here is the paintbrush and water I use to wet the sails.






    Then I decided to make some rabbit turds...er....cannon balls.... out of sculpy.




    Jared, my husband, gave me a great idea about how to make a cannon ball pyramid.... Use tape, sticky side up to hold the cannonballs how I want them, then use glue to stack them.




    Then I added a little boarder around them.




    I also added some decals to the back to name the ship :)




    Time to put on the ships boats....I just basically followed the directions. Note - I am REALLY glad I waited until the very end to add these, however I wish I had added the cleats before the deck furniture and I also wish I had drilled the holes for the things that hang over the side back at that step too...would have been easier.... but waiting to install those and the rigging for it was a great idea.







    I added my cannons and cannonball holders. I also put on some ropes on the belaying pins.












    All that is left is putting on the nameplate and oiling the base!

    YAY.  Will be starting my next build log soon :)


    There will be another update once I have the base done.  I'll also do some really good photos later :)

  9. Guys, thanks all for your congratulations! It is really heartwarming to be asked to do something like this.


    I have some bad news now....


    are you sure?


    There isn't much left to this build log! I am nearly finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Time to catch you up.

    I added the sail to the main mast. 




    I then added the traveling rod right behind the binnacle.




    Next I added all of my blocks to the mainmast.







    I added the flag block to the jibboom.




    Then I put the rigging on while the sail was still raised....I figured it would be easier to make sure I did it right since the drawing shows the sail unfurled...




    Then I added the rigging to the traveling rod and the rest to the gaff.






    Then I added the strings for tying the sails.



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