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PA Ship Builder

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  1. Keith, A great looking build. I'm starting on one in a few days and hope to post build logs. This will be my first wood ship build. Hope it works out as well as yours. Have a great / safe Thanksgiving. Tony
  2. Cajun - great build logs. Thanks for the insights. Looking forward to your next log posting. Can't wait to start mine. Tony
  3. Cajun - Thanks for the post and build notes. The first plank board looks good. Appears you got the shape just right. All your build posts will definitely be referenced during my build. Keep up the good work. Tony
  4. Looking good. Thanks for the detailed build notes. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to your next post. A special thanks to all MSW members for their past kind words and suggestions. Tony
  5. I guess this is where to post my comments. New to Model Ship World. Wow! What timing. I was considering purchasing and building this kit as my first plank build. Looking forward to following your build log. Looks good. I'm proceeding on my office - hobby room. Should be ready in March. Can't wait to start on this kit. Model Expo has the kit with tools/paints, etc. on sale this week for about $36 with free shipping for orders over $75. Others should check it out. Looking to your next post. Tony
  6. Great job Pete. This is going to be my first planked model, and I will post a build log. I can't open your final photos for some reason. Please help. Tony
  7. Thanks to all for your encouraging comments and suggestions. You've made me feel very welcome, and I look forward to learning from your ship modelling experiences. I will post build logs of whatever kit I start in the future. I'm in the process of remodeling a spare bedroom into my office / hobby shop. Thanks again, and have a good week and New Year. Tony Shanko
  8. Hi! To all. I've been fully retired for a year now, and plan to start my first planked ship model. I did complete a solid hull Endeavour sail boat kit #CON80417 in 2000. Turned out okay but was a challenge since I've only built model cars of all scales my whole life. I have several questions, which I hope this is the proper place to address them. If not please advise. Here they go. 1. Which of the following kits I've squired away over the year should I build first. Suggested kits not listed are welcome. : Mamoli America MM4; Model Shipways (MS) HMS Bounty Launch MS1850; Lifeboat MS0108; MS 18th Century Longboat MS1457; MS Pinnace MS1458; MS Phantom MS2027; Artesana Latina (AL) Swift Boat Pilot #22110; AL Mare Nostrum Fishing Trawler #20100;MS Bluenose MS1447; Corel Sloop SM43W; AL Scottish Maid AL2032 AL Clara May #20405; Gretel MV33. I did searched the build logs, but came away a bit confused since I don't have any ship building skills and want to finish what I start. 2. My model shop will be in a second floor bedroom, so I need recommendations on a paint /dust booth vented outside. Will the Ningbo Haosheng HS-E420DCK sold by Model Expo work? Other suggestions are welcomed. Thanks for listening. Tony from York PA
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