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Everything posted by Sundt

  1. My building have changed to my house. Some good news, next is hobby room. will move my workbench and start building the Colin Archer again. And the window give my a view to the sea 😉
  2. Looks nice, your boat. Som video of Colion archer and photos of the real one. and this https://www.jottacloud.com/share/99jekrg0fam1
  3. A link to my picture files, pls check the files, 138 pictures?? https://www.jottacloud.com/share/99jekrg0fam1 bygds Andreas
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGIa96OTW9A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8w3nrVitFY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6txiKcxZkU have som pictures in my buildt log Andreas
  5. Pictures of RS1 and 3 video https://www.jottacloud.com/share/99jekrg0fam1 pls check the pictures. how many is possible to see?
  6. Speakless 🙂 nice to see your buildt. Hopefully i start this year again, on my boat 😉
  7. How to drill hole for the fiber optic? And where to buy?. Nicely done every step you show us 🙂
  8. I don't know this technic, any link or instruction? I think your propeller locks realistic, nice done 🙂 Anchor in correct location. The drawing from billing boat is not in scale. and the hight of the railing strip item 28,a,f is 3cm lower at the ends (items 254) = 2mm on the model 🙂 The strip between railing and deck have a similar shape. Get narrower from middle part to both ends
  9. just back from work. I was lucky to visit RS1 last week. Vil find a solution to place photo and video available on net. Nice work
  10. Thanks a lot. My work take all my time 🙂 But i charged my camera with a new lens and fresh batteries. Will visit the boat nekt time in Oslo. have tried, but the boat was in different location this summer. My son moved to Oslo just now. Will start this winter again 🙂
  11. I will start a bit later, have to visit the RS1, take some pictures of deck and equipment next week hopfully. My boat i think will be ready summer 2022. Will need some photos next summer of rig and mast. Have discovered that upper part of main mast is a bit fwd. se my pictures from the book. RS1. https://flyt.no/shop/?orderby=price-desc
  12. that's right Carsten, if it help other Colin Archer builders. I made this thread to help other builder and get som tips or answer then needed 🙂
  13. For me its okay with other posting George as long its about the Colin Archer 1:15 builds, details, adds and so on. I have newer done anything with it color 🙂 just out of the box. perhaps its will be shine or painted. that's the last work i will do on the boat. Will be lovely to start again. my problem is to many details i want to put in. Need lights in cabin and mast 🙂 Brgds Andreas
  14. I start building closer to the winter, still 17 C in the sea. And flying RC aircrafts 🙂 I will try to get som photos of the RS 1. Need to travel 2h, hopefully it will show the color of the original hul and deck. and some nice details. My boat, i think it's to glossy. Back on track later 🙂
  15. Beautiful works done. jolle is from sarik? scale 1:15? thanks Andreas
  16. Thats right, only 1 sheet in my kit. Just bought some parts for a smaler Colin Archer, my fathers old model boat from the 50th´s need new rig and some sail. hopfully it fit, and we make it together then winter is coming 🙂
  17. My goodness, details, will you add some water in buckets 🙂 looks lovely
  18. Thanks for info Carsten, will check it out. KrisWood i use Penol Express and some titebond 3. Last deck plank glued. Time for sanding, Stabilit express used for wood to plastic glueing.
  19. Thanks Popeye 🙂 Only 2 small sticks left, and the deck need some sanding and stain. I'm going to make some test attempts with varnish on some small sample pieces. I think its smart to finish the deck before housing and equipments is glued on 🙂
  20. Hi George. I want to make the dinghy, hopefully. Will make som research later. I think my cousin have some drawings. have to ask him 🙂 Andreas
  21. Thanks a lot Carsten 🙂 you are close to me in Sandefjord. Lovely pictures, hopefully next summer we can sail together. Just now i am making my hobby room better for building boat and model airplanes. Need to store som model airplanes too 😉 be able to glue my boat, repair and maintenance of aircrafts after hard landings 🙂 perhaps we meet soon.
  22. Where did you buy the black scalpel? are they better, sharper? And your boat built is incredible. just, wow :-)
  23. The access hatch is finished, all planks glued on middel part of boat. I adjusted the hatch plywood to match the planks glued on, see pictures with pencil pointing on cap. I will try to add some rubber later for waterproofing? Only 8,33 planks both side of hatch left 😉
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