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  1. Its been great to see your work .you've gone the same route as I have done . The intention of using the kit as a way of preparing for more serious projects certainly mirrors my work. With my own kit it was a return to a build I started 3 years ago but was not happy with the detailing. ( deygarvous with you ?) . I replaced an awful lot of masts/spars/booms etc with wood ( cocktail sticks,bbq skewers,coffee stirrers with brass rod to connect most things .it makes a big difference with the rigging that follows . The use of the staples though!! Are you a kind of mind reader?!! Seriously makes me wonder.If I can add some piccy's I will.
  2. Has anyone else have problems obtaining replacement parts ,spare parts from Heller? They are distributed by Glow2b .be,a Germany based company who supply all of the Heller brand kits. I understand that this is a change from whoever distributed the brand approx 2 years ago. I have contacted Heller via instagram (the only way you can ) and they provided the details and SAV claim form for emailing To glow2b .de. However I was unable to use it ,(it would not provide me a keyboard to use?!!) I have emailed Glow2b.de and they sent me the same form info but still no joy in its usage. Am I not doing anything I should ? Or am I a bit th**I !!!
  3. Thanks for the info ..colour distortion on the photos ,both normal casting .
  4. Sorry for the fuzzy image ,hope you can still see the sink marks Still to send off request form to Heller for replacements To clarify my history on the subject, the first kit was a present from my son. After checking the contents I was surprised if was short off approx.1/3 parts !!!! I contacted the seller via Amazon and a brand new kit was supplied but still Have a problem , more than disappointed but hope the problem solved
  5. Hi daffy,loved your build of the victory. Did you have any problems with large sink marks on the stern gallery ? I have 2 kits both with the problem ,both unrepairable! I can repair and scratch build most things but will have to ask Heller for replacements Hope no one else has this problem but I would not be surprised
  6. Hi daffy,loved your build of the victory. Did you have any problems with large sink marks on the stern gallery ? I have 2 kits both with the problem ,both unrepairable! I can repair and scratch build most things but will have to ask Heller for replacements Hope no one else has this problem but I would not be surprised
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