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About Unegawahya

  • Birthday February 25

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  • Location
    Grand Junction, Colorado
  • Interests
    Planes, trains, boats, and cars

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  1. Thank you so much for all the help! I thought I was going crazy. I looked every where for these. I'm starting to think that they where removed for some reason, because the museum didn't have them and I didn't get them with the download the I got from the Navy Museum. After I get the 28' Whaleboat done I'm going to get started making a Jig file for this one too! 28' GIg Whaleboat.pdf
  2. I know I’ve been on a break for a wile, but I was wondering if you could help me? I seem to be unable to find any plans anywhere of the 36’ pinace. I’ve checked my US Navy plans and the modelers resource from the Constitution museum. It’s almost like they’ve been removed for some reason.
  3. I tried to find some as well, with no luck either. I had the 1/90 Revel USS Constitution and the little people were a great add on. We may have to find someone that’ll do custom printing to get the correct size and look.
  4. I cut mine off the carriages and made a jig to drill my trunnions. The two screw elevated carronades I left the base attached.
  5. I’m sorry for the random breaks in my log! I built a SE5a and a version two on my Fokker D-VI. I drafter both of the plans by hand and are 100% custom builds! I’m hoping to get back to my Connie’s boats here soon!
  6. Thank you! mall of the 3D printed parts come from Model Monkey. The guns were just about perfect size, but the carriages were just a bit too long and way to narrow according to the plans from the US Navy. I ended modifying the carriage parts from the kit to look like the Navy plans.
  7. My Binnaclles are done! I made the tops out of extremely thin brass (almost brass foil). The cap on the top is a dowel that I shaped and painted.
  8. I’ve been getting shaky since I got out of the Navy and started driving a 50 ton wrecker for the last 13 years! I have to brace my hands together and lean on my desk to keep it a bay!
  9. You our very welcome! I did carve my cat heads. It was very interesting to carve something that small! I believe page 5 or 6 of our plans has a not very detailed picture of the cat heads but I didn’t find it helpful at all!
  10. That’s perfectly ok! I also did all the details on my cat heads before installing them. my only problem was that I waited way to long to put my cat heads in which caused me to have to modify my bulwarks and patch parts on the inside. I also included some of my references pictures for you too!
  11. Than you! I would have to think in that. But, it’s a maybe. it would take about half of the time it took me to make mine.
  12. To start thins off, after sleeping on it I was not a fan of the way the barrel of my wheel looked for my USS Constitution. So today I backtracked and rebuilt the barrel today. I started with a 1/8” dowel and used 1/16” sticks to cover the dowel. (This took me two try’s) Luckily my new barrel turned out to be exactly 20mm in circumference which made it easy to mark the 10 holes. I used modeling tape with the marking to line up and poked small pilot holes to use my hand drill on. I got the stands finished tonight and now I just need to stain everything.
  13. Thank you! I wasn’t 100% happy with the way it looked. I think I’ll like it more if I fix the center drum. I’m just glad the spokes are all interference fit and they’re not glued!
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