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Everything posted by Unegawahya

  1. Your canopy frames are looking great! I ended up leaving the two companion ways at the front of the main hatch way covered because I really didn’t feel like cutting them open and trying to replicate the frames smaller. But, I’m sure I’ll either change my mind or wish I opened them up later.
  2. When I did mine, I had only drilled 4 holes in my hubs. The string is there so when I eventually dropped the top down the common way I wouldn’t loose it. I would get the first opposing corners in first then each of the next two. The side frames were just glued to the side of the hub. Looking at your build, I wish I would have done my canopy frames before the common way was installed! That would have made putting them together so much easier!
  3. If it helps, here are some more pictures to show the canopy frames from more of a distance.For me thinking about the canopy frames was harder than actually doing them. The second two were definitely a lot easier than the first one because I was able to get a method and I built them together. I also wish I would have built mine like Jon! It would been much easier before I installed the hatch ways. I found the post showing the 3D printed ones if your wanting to go that route. He may be able to print another set.
  4. Your companion way canopy frames are looking great! Seeing your pictures is making me miss working on my ship! I had two commissions come in that I needed to work on and I have one done and the other is 60%. I’ll hopefully be back to her soon and can get my 36’ long boat done and installed!
  5. I wish I would have seen your jig way back when I did my gun deck! I had to figure it out on my own. They look great!
  6. Your carriage looks great! I don’t think the peace under the carriage would be that much of a loss because like you said “it’s not very visible.” are you going to build all wedge type carriages or are you going to add in the two screw types that are there.
  7. I was thinly slicing oranges. I had a flap of skin hanging off the end of my thumb. I had just sharpened the knife too!
  8. I got a little more work done on my 36’ Pinnace this weekend! It doesn’t help that I almost cut off the tip on my thumb yesterday.
  9. Ok here are my three files for the boats. I hope they work as well for you!36'%20Pinnace.pdf28'%20GIg%20Whaleboat.pdf28'%20Whaleboat.pdf
  10. It’s not just you placing the skylight window bars was very difficult! I decided to scratch build my boat hulls because I’m not a huge fan of the bread and butter method. I put together and sanded the hull for one of the whaleboats and I wasn’t happy with it. I made the mold from the line drawing you sent me. I used photo shop to separate all of the frame lines. I then glued the printouts to 3/32” basswood. All of the frame templates where cut out with my table mounted jigsaw, sanded and placed over their top down frame lines.I have the files to build the molds for the Pinnace, whale-boats, and gig if anyone wants them!
  11. I know you had a lot of fun decorating your boats! I went back on your blog and saved all your pictures for references. They all looked really great! Thank you for your help.
  12. Well that was a lot easier than I was thinking it would be! I’m now looking forward to when I get to do the other three boats! I have the mane hull and planking for my 36’ pinnace done. I ended up remounting it to the mold and finishing all the planking with the hull on the mold for support. Its now time for the details!
  13. Wow! Your star looks so much better than the one I tried for the stern on my Connie! I found the link for the ribbon stars! https://www.vanguardmil.com/collections/ribbons-medals-attachments If I remember correctly they’re just a little too big to be used on the bow. There is also a small star on the front of the billethead.
  14. I do agree! The stars are a complete pain to make! I cheated on my stern stars and bought uniform ribbon starts.
  15. Using the plexiglass for the spar deck sounds like I great way to show off all the work you put into your wonderful gun deck! My question is, would you cut it into planks and plank it like a normal deck just clear. Or would you try to make it in just one peace. I was also thinking of the admiralty models where they leave sections of the deck with no fittings open. You could use the plexiglass there instead of leaving it open and that may reduce some of the dust falling into the gun deck. It would also give a good surface for the fittings and guns to rest on.
  16. lol No it’s the full hill from the gunnels to the bottom for shaping and setting the ribs.
  17. lol. The last I remember, you said to hold off on the ships wheel. But I understand. i made the molds for the ships boats because I’ve never really been a fan of the supplied parts for the ships boats. Unless the builder was going have their boats covered. So, I used photoshop to make a frame mold to shape and place all the frames. All three of my molds have a wide side with the frame numbers and a small hole for the 1/32 bass wood to thread into. The other side has notches for the other end of the ribs to pass through. I used the rubber bands to hold the ribs in position wile they dried after bending and wile I got the first couple of planks on. I was worried about removing my hull from the mold because I didn’t treat the mold with wax like I was intending. But that worked out! I also have JSGerson to thank for the layout for the 36’ pinnace!
  18. I’ve had a little time over that past week to work on some more of the little things! I got the brass bars on my skylight!I finally got my wheel attached!I got my shot racks done!Last I started my custom build of the 36’ Pinnace started. I made a hull jig for all three types of boats so I can shape the bass wood strips to the rib shape and then hopefully remove the boat from the mold once the planking is on.
  19. I think the dark gray is better just everyone else. lol It gives your guns a weathered look!
  20. If I remember correctly I cut the carriage around the mount and then sanded the excess flat to the mount. The wedge type I just used snippers to cut the mounting it self.
  21. I got the same carronades! I was able to split them from the bases and I made a jig to drill the holes for the trunnions. I also kept the mounting for the two screw elevation types.
  22. Now that the site had decided that I’m not spam… I can share pictures again! This is how for lack of better terms, I made my dig jump ring. I hadn’t to use a smaller socket than the size of the ring because the brass bill spring back a little after coiled around the socket. I would also suggest getting a Gundam panel line pin for marking the brass. It is basically a .5mm sharpie and you can see it better than pencil and it’ll rub off but not too easily.
  23. To get my ring, I used my long pliers to hold the wire on my 13mm socket and I tightly coiled the wire 1.25 times around the socket. The I trimmed about 4mm off where the pliers where using my 0deg snips. Then I made the second cut to mach the first as close as possible. Last parts was to align the two ends to meet and glue them together once they were close enough. It took me a couple of times to get the ring close enough and I had to play with it for a wile to get the two ends to mach. Once I had the ring made, I used it as a template to mark my holes for the post. With the ring in position around my skylight I would make a small dent with a pencil to mark where to drill my holes for the posts. I cut and marked all the posts to the same height. When I installed the posts I didn’t glue them in so I could adjust them with the rig balanced on top. After all the posts where in position I used thick CA glue on the tops of the posts to glue the ring on.
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