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Ed Ku20

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Everything posted by Ed Ku20

  1. Hi Dave, Although I've been trying to stay true to Bluenose 1, I've used a lot of your ideas and techniques in my build. I am currently working on the fore deck structures. I like what you did with the brass fitting in the skylight holes. Did you make that piece or did you use something you purchased? It looks kind of like a rivet, but I can't find anything small enough. I don't have the tools or skills to make a piece like that. This is my first wooden ship! Thanks, Ed PS. I live out near Yorkville. I see you are also from the Chicago area.






















  5. On October 6th someone posted a "Community Map" marker under my name that shows I live in New York.  I live in Illinois!  Who posted this and how can it be fixed?







  7. Hi Per, Please check my latest post. I have already completed the waterway, including installing the extra supports. I am not real happy with how this looks now. My waterway is not level. Also, the spacing between the stanchions is uneven, so the fake stanchions will not appear to be evenly spaced. I plan to remove the bulkhead stanchions and sand everything level and even. I described this in my last post, including the pictures. I included a couple of questions concerning this in that post. FYI, I received a response from Model Expo regarding returning my paint set. I was told I could ship them back for a full refund. They seem to be a very good company to work with! I think I will use Vallejo paints as you recommended. Can you tell me what Vallejo colors you used for the Reddish Copper below the waterline and the Light Grey Buff for the waterway? The other colors should be pretty straightforward, black, white, yellow. Best regards, Ed








  9. After some prompting from Dr. Per (Nirvana) and a few others on the Forum, I decided I should start a build log. I started my Bluenose kit on June 15th after a lengthy wait for it to be shipped due to the Covid19 pandemic. I built several Revell plastic models including the big Cutty Sark when I was in my teens. I also got the solid hull wooden model of the HMS Bounty up to the rigging stage before real life took over. I never did finish it. So, I recently retired and decided to pick back up on this ship building hobby again. I've really enjoyed working on the Bluenose I. After all these years, I really consider this my first wooden ship model build. I selected the Bluenose because it is not quite a beginners model and I like the sleek lines and all the sails! I decided not to purchase any practicums. I've read a lot of the build logs for Bluenose while I waited for my ship to arrive. I'm mainly using the procedures detailed on the web site of the "Suburban Ship Modeler". I only have a few pictures from my completion of the initial framing stage. There have been a few challenges. For example I broke off the aft piece at bulkhead "O". I know this is not uncommon based on other blogs. I was determined not to have this happen to me. Then I dropped something on the floor and caught the aft piece with the top of my head!! Stupid!! No permanent damage. Just followed the advice of the others before me on how to repair it. It took 20 days and 44 hours to complete the framing up to the installation of the Stern blocks. Here are a couple of pictures of the progress at that time, July 5th. In the process I am following, Suburban Ship Modeler said to begin planking the hull rather then turning the ship over to plank after working on the deck stuff. This made sense to me. I am currently 12 strakes away from completing the planking of the hull. I will provide the latest pictures in my next post. If anyone has advice regarding assigning Tags or other steps on the Forum, please let me know. Thanks, Ed
  10. Hi Guys, thanks for your replies. I am going to at least contact Model Expo to see what they say. I know I should start a build log. But, I spend all my spare time building the ship! Per, I think I'm turning into a Shipaholic! I use both of your build logs and have gotten a ton of great information from them for my Bluenose. Best to both of you! Ed
  11. Hi All, I am building a Model Shipways Bluenose model. When I purchased the kit from Model Expo, I bought the paint set at the same time. I thought they would have the truest colors scheme. When I airbrushed the Light Grey on the waterways, I had trouble with large goobers plugging the airbrush. No amount of mixing or thinning would dissolve these. See the attached picture. Since then, I've read a lot of negative comments about Model Expo paints on this site, especially when used with an airbrush. Is there a way to remedy this issue? Or should I cut my losses and see if I can return the unused paint for a refund and purchase a better quality paint? Would they even do that? Thanks for any advise! Ed
  12. Nirvana, thanks for your reply! You confirmed my thinking on this. I've been reading your build log as I've been working on my build. In fact I painted my waterways directly after installing them based on your recommendation. Hi Jim, I think I'm good with the great beam. My concern was with the top 2 hull planks and the way the one on the quarter deck sticks up above the waterway. I know this will be a problem when I add the bulwark board with the scuppers. It will be too high! I'm going to trim this board so it is flush with the waterway. Thanks & Best regards, Ed
  13. I have a question for the forum community. I am working on a Model Shipways Bluenose build. I am just starting to plank the hull. The top plank is supposed to be aligned flush with the top of the waterway for both the foredeck and the quarter deck. There is supposed to be a plank's width difference that allows for the step up from the fore to the quarter deck. However on my model the height change from the fore to the quarter deck is less than the 1/8" plank. This causes the top plank to extend above the level of the waterway on the qtr deck. I think my best option is to trim the width of the plank so it is even with the top of the waterway. Can anyone please advise if this will cause any problems down the road with the set up of the bulwarks on the quarter deck? Here are a couple of pics to illustrate the problem. Thanks, Ed
  14. Thank you very much for your quick reply! Ed
  15. Where can I post a question regarding an issue I'm experiencing with my Bluenose build? I don't have a build log. Is this required? Can I just do it from here? Thanks, Ed
  16. Hello Everyone, I am an "old new modeler"! I am waiting for my first model to arrive from Model Expo. Due to the Covid issues, they are backed up. I've been waiting 23 days now and it's killing me! I've actually built several ship models back when I was a teenager. Back then I completed the Revel plastic models for USS Constitution, HMS Victory and the big 3 foot model of Cutty Sark. I also completed the HMS Bounty wooden kit with solid hull up to the rigging stage before heading off to college and life! So, now 50 years later, I am newly retired and decided to get back to ship model building as a hobby. Sailing ships and the lore of the sea is something I've always enjoyed. Access to support information sure has changed since I was modelling on my own! I discovered this website rather quickly and saw that this could be a great support as I get back into this hobby. Since I am not a complete novice and I also have some woodworking skills, I decided to pick a little more intermediate model for my first build. I ordered the Bluenose I Canadian Schooner by Model Shipways. I have been reading a lot of the build logs that you all have posted on this site and have read through the build blog by Suburban Ship Modeler. I think I'm ready to get this party started. Now all I need is my kit! Greetings! Ed
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