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Everything posted by ubjs

  1. This is a picture of the modules from the first modular meeting I used them. The warehouses shall stand between the tracks and the water area will be at the bottom along with the whole module, 640 cm. I´m now working on the warehouses and a ship model of a cargo ship, Vega. I have a modelkit of Vega but in scale 1:35, I will have to make one from scratch in correct scale.
  2. Enköping is a small city in Sweden ca 80 km from Stockholm. The harbor is also small and that makes it perfect for building a model railroad module of it. I build in scale 1:45, called 0-scale in model railroading and the module shall have a bit of the waterarea with several model ships. I found this photo, https://digitaltmuseum.se/011014537633/enkoping-hamnen-gamla-hamnmagasinen-maj-1957/media?slide=0, and it inspired me to the build. Three of the oldest port warehouses still exists, this is one of them.
  3. Yes, I must fair more. There is much about Billing boats that not is good but one thing I like is that they have most of their drawings and plans one their website to download. If someone want to follow the build more in detail you could look at the drawing. One thing is that the foredeck goes a bit over the deck in the middle and will be difficult to work with when you have clued the foredeck.
  4. Yes, I have a plank bender, I will try it. Another question, plank the deck or the hull first? This ships hull shall be painted white, maybe its better to do the deck first?
  5. Hello I use Google translate so excuse if the translation gets weird. Here I was going to write about the construction of Billing boats Denmark. I have tried to build several boats before but either I get stuck in some problem or I lose interest. This time around, I have the goal of just building on whatever happens. I do not have the ambition that it will be something fantastic but just ok. One thing I have trouble with is bending the 2 mm thick plywood that sits at the top of the sides of the boat. I have already managed to break such a part when I tried to bend it over steaming water. Should it be soaked and if so how long? So far I have come. Only the deck in the middle is glued, the rear deck is only fixed with a few screws. Here is a small problem, the deck goes 3 mm outside the frame. The plywood to be glued is only 2 mm.
  6. I have ordered the kit and will start a construction log when I get it home.
  7. Here is a link https://www.amazon.co.uk/MINI-MAMOLI-GENZIANELLA-MINIMAMOLI-DUS_MM62/dp/B073XQTZ69 I havent found any building log or pictures of the kit other than Mamolis.
  8. Hi Is it possible to do something good with that kit, Genzianella?
  9. Is there any guide for scratchbuilding in card? Or maybe a building thread about scratchbuilding in card?
  10. I add that I have tools to cut plywood etc. I don't have to buy readymade list etc. I think that the wood material would cost 100 usd?
  11. Hi If I build a huge kit, example Danmark from Billing boats, and after five years I want to rebuild it because I then think I could build it better. How much of the material could I reuse if I tear it down? And how much would the new material cost, approx?
  12. Hi, I´m Urban and this is what my little(?) boatyard looks like: Corel, Sloop, the first build, the planking needs to be redone from the beginning. Sergal, Sciabecco, planked once and started a second lap, scrap? Mantua, Viking boat, worth building? Dumas, motorboat, very simple construction, worth building? Nordic atlast, Mariefred, made new keel and new ribs in 4 mm plywood. Nordic atlast, Vega, glued keel and ribs. Build it even in scale 1:45. Billing boats, Norden, planked. Billing boats, Phantom not started. Billing boats, Vasa, not started. Billing boats, Arnanes, set up the ribs. Billing boats, Gothenburg, not started. Bluejacket, Swampscott dory, rebuild? Bluejacket, Smuggler, the hull needs to be built on to the bottom. Bluejacket, Friendship sloop, once planked. Bluejacket, Spray, not started. Amati, Swedish gunboat, made the hull and parts of the deck. Artesania Latina, Vasa, not started. Occre, Santisima Trinidad, cross-section, built two decks approx. Ongoing construction, Swedish gunboat, Santisima Trinidad, Vega. What I have built clearly are three planed hulls. When I started this hobby, the idea was to build a model of the Vasa ship and I quickly realized that I had to learn by building other boats. It is very easy to buy a boat model and unfortunately quite easy to start it too but then it becomes more difficult. A question, should I start building logs even if I´m not sure that I will finish the build?
  13. Sorry, my english is not good, I like the buildingtechnic in Master Korabels kits but I would like other ships. I have seen a kit from a german manufacturer, but dont remember the name of the boat or the manufacturer.
  14. Hi I wonder if there is other manufacturers who make kits like Master Korabel?
  15. Hi The link to small craft points to plastic and resin models, I cant find a link to small craft.
  16. I think that Corels Le Mirage not have a role model. But is it ok as a typical french ship of the 17th century?
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