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Everything posted by ubjs

  1. I recognize your fear of planking but I think you will gain by realizing that the first and maybe even the second boat you build will not be a masterpiece. I think it's better if you choose a smaller build, regardless of whether it involves planking or not. Choose a type of boat that you like and have fun building. This is a hobby, not a competition.
  2. Dont know if this helps you, its a picture of a doubleblock from Vasas rigg. https://digitaltmuseum.se/011024638916/block
  3. I think it would be easy to sell the model to someone in northern Europe that knows what Lilla Dan is. https://www.j-l.com/about/ The model is in the old version, the one you could buy now is a modernised later version. I would say 2-300 euro.
  4. I have now ordered Polaris but I have also changed my plan. I will build Polaris like it is to restart my modelshipbuilding career. And I will copy some of the parts and build a waterline model for my model railroad modul in 0-scale, Enköpings harbor. I have got some plans from Seahistoric museum in Sweden and I have got a lot of pictures of similar boats and also think that I have found the name of the ship in the link in nr 3, it was called Folke. Why Polaris? Its doubleplanked, its cheap and there is, I think, a very good building log on this forum. I have copied the log to a word-document and will print it.
  5. Hi I got some answers on a swedish forum and maybe I can use Polaris-kit to build something like this: https://digitaltmuseum.se/011014537628/enkoping-hamnen-gamla-hamnmagasin-och-silobyggnaden-mot-nordost
  6. First, my english is not good, maybe ¨real role model¨ is not right? If there isnt a ¨real role model¨ what type of ship would it represent? From what country? I wonder if the ship could have been seen in the Baltic sea?
  7. Hi, I tried some spackle but I saw directly it wasnt good and wiped it away. The card sunk in. I search this forum and found answers about fill with paper or balsa. I shall try that. I have painted the hull with a acrylic spraycan, I think it makes it easier to see where I have to fill.
  8. Now I have glued most of the first planking. After trying a number of different glues, I chose UHU express. The glue adheres quickly, in a few minutes. So there were no major problems getting the cardboard pieces there. But when I now look at the hull, there is a lot of glue residue and what's worse is that the cardboard pieces have sunk in a little in the middle of each piece. Now I'm thinking about what to putty a cardboard model with. One strike filler? Since this is my first cardboard construction, maybe it's time to try some different methods, it's unlikely to be anything amazing here. :) A variant would be to build on with cardboard on one side of the hull and cover the other with wooden strips. It needs two more layers of cardboard, 2 x 0.6 mm, so it would work with 2 layers of wood or 1 layer with slightly thicker wooden strips.
  9. Hi I have lost my manual, can I download it somewhere?
  10. Vallejo has a kit for wood and leather, 8 bottles and a guide, ref no 70.182. Colors are 847, 923, 981, 983, 872, 828, 939, 950. https://acrylicosvallejo.com/en/product/hobby/sets/effects-en/wood-and-leather-70182/
  11. I know that I could use chemical blackening but would it work with some spray paint? Building brass model railroad waggons I have used a primer also used for reparation on cars, zinkspray. Would it work on brass fittings for model ships also or is it too coarse-grained? Some other ideas?
  12. I just wanted to check if someone had tried it. No one has, but many thinks its a bad idea. Well, its not the end of the world trying it, if it doesnt work I just glue plank by plank.
  13. I think this Marisstella Ontario is not a good kit. Read the two logs on this forum and choose another kit if you not have built several others before. Guess how I found out that the words ¨expert¨ on Billings kit really meant something.
  14. The boat model that I build on is the steamer Bohuslän and the decks are simple in shape but large and quite numerous. Now I will lay the stern deck which is built in and will not be visible so much from the outside so I thought I would try to make it a little easier. There should be a lot of chairs and tables on it as well. I shall test doublesided clear tape as I have used when building roads for Faller cars on my model railroad modules. I used it for securing the guiding metalthread that the cars follow, and I have some tape left. Maybe I tape it on paper and then glue the whole thing at the false deck.
  15. What glue do you use? I glued a deck and it took a lot of time and my wife wandered how I could spend som much time accomplish just that. I glued every plank with yellow glue, but I`m not sure I got glue everywhere, maybe I was too afraid of getting glue on top of the deck.
  16. Gluing plank by plank takes time and I dont get glue under the whole plank. If I cut and lay all deckplanks and secure them with eachother with tape, then lift the whole thing and glue, put it back. Someone working this way?
  17. All buildings and I got some inspiration to carry on building them. We run what we like, english, german, us and some swedish. I have a Lenz startset and some brass kits on the shelf of swedish goods wagons.
  18. https://www.vasamuseet.se/en/exhibitions/vasa-model
  19. https://internationaldragonsailing.net/the-dragon/
  20. Oh, the pictures became bigger than I thougt, some adjustments should be done at the connection of the walls. The bottle is 75 cl, if it had been alcohol in it, we call it ¨helrör¨ in swedish.
  21. This project stopped in mars 2020, when Corona entered the scene I completly lost inspiration for building modules for model railroading. But now it looks better again and I have taken up this one where I left it. I´m building what I call ¨advanced mockups¨, I have made most of the walls for ca 10 buildings and shall make the roofs. All in 0,8 mm card. Then I will go on and build the models on the card with balsawood and doors, windows of Evergreen plastic strips. So the mockups will be reused as ground for the ¨real¨ modelhouses, thats why I call them ¨advanced mockups¨:) Here is a picture of a solution for putting the walls together. Its for solving the transportation problem I wrote about above in june 8 2020!
  22. ¨Interesting note there. As a retailer of kits, I see this on a regular basis. Another way to ask this question would be, "why are you building models?" Another view of this, is it really that important that you finish the model? If you have fun and enjoy building why bother if its not finished, but that was maybe what you wrote. I dont have a problem taking up a build that I have left, if I get the inspiration. My ¨problem¨ is that after a while I feel bored and continue with some other building project, a boat or modelrailroading. I dont know if its me or the persons around me that have a problem with me not finishing models, something to think about as well.
  23. Thank you for this RockinBudgie, its good to know your not alone. My answer to the question is too many and no one finished. But I still have a dream and build something nearly every day, so maybe some day .........
  24. I read this thread and have a question. Two times it is pointed out that the Caldercraft kit is very hugh. Caldercraft is 1/72 and Billings is 1/75, I think its 4 cm on the length. Is that a big difference for a model ship? The price for Caldercraft is twice as much than Billings. Twice as good? BikerMart wrote that he had built Billings Endeavour and Billings Bounty. I would say that the difference with Victory is the smaller scale, 1:75 against 1:50 for Endeavour and Bounty. I think that the best ¨Victory¨ for BikerMart could be the Nuestra Senora del Pilar from Occre in scale 1/46! I compare with scratchbuilding houses for model railroading. Going from 0-scale to H0-scale would make it more difficult even impossible to do everything in the right scale (windows). I think its even worse in ship model building, I now has understood that I cant build anything in ships smaller than 1/50, maybe 1/60. I have seen wonderful builds in 1/100 but I cant understand how they build them. If I was BikerMart I would at least buy a smaller boat from same period as Victory in scale 1/75, to try the scale before investing a lot of money and a lot of time. I have several kits in 1/75, but I think my grandchildren will have to build them.
  25. Up and running (feels not right about a ship). https://www.gotheborg.se/
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