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Everything posted by rummy

  1. Thank You Everyone,A little more progress.I had a hard time mounting the metal to the wood I had to epoxy them and then get the saddles on rite.I still have to move one. Guess What my next project is? Regards Larry
  2. I picked up some maple and I was wondering if anyone has worked with this.If so what was your results.It is a white wood with very little grain.I am thinking of using it for the frames on a scratch build. Thanks Larry
  3. Anatoly,Amazing work and beautiful.I love the eggs in the pan.You Sir are an artist. Best Regards Larry
  4. Hello Again.A very good week.Sometimes things just go right some times they don't.The topsail sheet bitts were not as bad as i had them made out to be.I built the frames for the hatches but the grid I cannot take credit for as they were left over from a kit. Forward men up the gangway ladder to the gangway,Oh I forgot I don't have those yet Larry How do you write between the pictures?
  5. Welcome Antony to MSW Triton Cross Section Build.We are a small group but there is a lot of knowledge here.Don't worry about dumb quistions because I have ask them all. I do like Cornwall They give good service and the prices are good even with the shipping.The wood I got from was great. Goodby for now Larry
  6. Yes Ron at most hobby shops.It comes in most any size you need.The one I used was 1.5 mm wide and .7 mm thick.Could have been a little wider but it's what I had on hand. Daniel,yes most of us old goats need a pair of cheaters to see with. Larry
  7. Very nice Pete your work is A-1.Teaching me a lot. Thanks Larry
  8. Thank you Paddy,Bob,and Daniel. Daniel I used a small soldering iron about 35 watts in power.On the last ones I used "CA" to tack them together then re-enforced with epoxy.Easier and cleaner. Larry
  9. Thank you Josh, Rusty,Ron, and Pete. Rusty I have put my elves to work and we will have 80 by Christmas. Ron,It is brass. Pete I know yours need to be bigger.I have called the steel yard and will have the steel delivered.I have also ordered an arc welder.Yours may be a little longer wait. Sometimes I laugh at my own jokes. I also tried making some tacked together with super glue then re-enforced with epoxy. This was an easer way.I did this in case I do the the full model. As you can see below I also made my wife a lovely pair of earrings. OK, I will stop for now. Larry
  10. Bob that is very nice planking.I had a the same problem and just left it and I kick myself every day.You made the right choise. Larry
  11. Thanks everyone for the kind words.I was dreading the metal work from day one. I started it and found out I worried for nothing.Here is how I did it.I did the bends with 2 pair of needle nose pliers.I next glued the pieces together with CA..Next I soldered with tin lead solder,sanded,primed and painted.Seems very strong.Well only 7 more to do,I must remember that" Pride Comes Before the Fall" Larry
  12. Hello Everyone,I have been slowly moving along. Sometimes one step foward and two steps back.I hope I have covered up all my mistakes.I tried a little weathering of the decks. Best Regards to All and onward over the cliff. Larry
  13. Nice frames Pete.A very smart move putting the planks across the top.I didn't do that and I paid for it later. Larry
  14. Hello Sir;and welcome to the MSW Triton Cross build site.You will be at home here as there are some very nice and knowledgeable people.If you need help just ask. Best Regards Larry
  15. Wow very nice frames.Marius my problem with sanding is I never know when to quit but I have learned to stop before I get to the other side. Your doing great. Larry
  16. Thank you Pete,Bob,Augie,Ron and Paddy.Nice group of builders we have. Grant. yes I did change the pillars the ones I took out were way to thin and were factory made.The new ones I made myself.You are a very sharp observer. Christan,no it is just basswood Painted to look like tallow. Josh, it is harder to copper plate and do it right than to treenail.Mine only has half the treenails as it should have. Thanks Every one Larry
  17. Dr, very compact on your layout. If I tried cutting that I would be total failure.Best of luck. Larry
  18. Love that color,seems very warm.Great work ! Larry
  19. Nice Ron,looks like the toothpicks are about ready harvest "eh". Larry
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