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Everything posted by enemeink

  1. I actually put the long guns in the stern. Mainly because its where the fit the best. Doesn't make any sense nautically. Just a preference I guess.
  2. I just posted this in another Wasa thread. this may help you out. http://www.wasadream.com/Index/indexenglish.html
  3. I built the plastic Airfix model a couple of years ago. I love this ship. i've been wanting to build the corel version but can't bring myself to spend that type of money on a kit yet. you may have already seen this site. but is the Wasa report which shows some of the work and restoration done to the ship. http://www.wasadream.com/Index/indexenglish.html
  4. And this is essentially where i am now. I didn't like the kit supply long boat, so i purchased a cast one from Amati at close to the same scale. i think the supplied kit is 90mm and this one is 105mm and look close to identical. my main issue is that I could bend the wood for the kit cleanly enough at such a small scale. I tried step bending and that didn't work, plus it was time consuming. I will post pictures soon enough. I just need to get some bench time. Maybe this weekend.
  5. When i built the chain plates, I just used the basic black wire that came with the kit. I didn't like how they turned out so i went back and changed them all to chain. It may not be accurate, but i think it looks better. and then there were guns!
  6. hawse holes didn't come with this kit, so i used some port holes from Model-expo. worked great and fit what i needed.
  7. This is when i started to add the deck furniture and other fittings. and is closer to where i am now.
  8. Look a launch way! though this was done about a year ago. i've decided this past week or so that i need to go back and add some supports and spruce this thing up.
  9. I had originally painted the hull black for planking in case there was any gaps in the planking. that way it would show black for depth. but alas my planking skills were terrible and my bond with wood filler was growing. it was at this point when i decided it was time to paint the ship, they way she sailed. sadly i can only find 1 picture of the final planking before i painted the hull and started to apply the copper plates. Oh how I hated covering the hull with the copper plates....
  10. Looks like i skipped a step. i forgot about the under-planking. feast your eyes upon this beauty... it's a pretty boat, err ship!
  11. installed the planking to the inner gunwale. the original intent was to go with an stained natural finish. turns out i wasn't ready for it as my skills weren't up to par and wood filler was on the verge of becoming my best friend.
  12. next up was adding to the substructure of the gunwale and cutting down the bulkheads. this took some time but the end product thus far has been worth the effort. you can also see the opening of the gunwale in the pictures.
  13. next up was cutting the laser cut gunwale to match the print and to give the gun ports an even line across the deck. they were all over the place on this kit. If i hadn't made the change some gun ports would have been too high, and others at the stern would have been partially below the deck.
  14. Well this is bringing back memories from when i first started this build. hopefully this will make sense as it has been quite a few years since I started this thing. To start there were some small issues with this kit. 1 of the bulkheads was missing the notch for the mast and had to be added. no big deal looking back, but I was pretty nervous about it.being my first POB and all. the second issue was after the all the bulkhead pieces were glued together the bottom of the hull was pretty uneven. I had to glue some wood strips into place to help even the hull out for planking.
  15. Well then... haven't been on in a couple of months and have found that, well, everything is toast. Sad. But not to beat the already dead horse i'm going to ask you all before reuploading pictures. Should I go back and repost what I have done, or just pick up where i left off? My gut is telling me everything up till now, as to restore some posterity. it's just a coupl of years worth of stuff, and I hope I remeber it all enough to do it justice. With that said, welcome back everybody!
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