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    South Carolina, USA
  • Interests
    Automotive restoration, newly found interest in plastic ocean liner modeling

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  1. Thanks Roger Pellett. Tom Ruggiero, I'm eventually going to build this kit again mainly because I left the sheer stripe off. I've built quite a few more models since this one and am confident that I somehow will get that yellow stripe on there lol. As previously mentioned this was my first model in decades so I didn't know how to approach many things. Besides the sheer stripe the next one will get decals, proper rigging, and better hull colors. Good luck with your build.
  2. The kit I built (11320) comes with some photo etch too. There are also metal masts available for this kit made by Master Models. I bought an old Entex kit for spare parts and found the parts were much cleaner in some areas than the newer Minicraft.
  3. I'm not an expert but I believe it may be the only 1:350 kit available. It has been sold by other company names in the past but they are basically the same kit with a few updates along the way. I think there is a kit by another manufacturer in 1:400, Academy, but I haven't built it.
  4. Thanks wemattson and OC. 1/450 QE2 is as done as I’m gonna make it. It was a quick project, a little over 3 weeks and in some places it shows lol. I’m satisfied with it for a rush job. Biggest issue was I broke off the tiny piece of mast that holds the rigging….after it was rigged. Even though it’s crooked I’m lucky I got the glue to hold it back on at all.
  5. Thanks OC. I just blackened all the portholes on the white area of the hull. That's it for today.
  6. Thanks wemattson. Started painting the hull and some other bits on 1/450 QE2.
  7. Thanks Yves and Wayne. I've bought almost all of them on Ebay since that seems to be the only place the out of production kits are available. The Titanic is the exception as it can be purchased almost anywhere. I am running out of places to put them though lol. The smaller scale kits are on a cheap shelving unit and the 1/350's have their own tables to sit on. I have no clue where I will put the 1/200 Titanic when I get around to building that. It almost needs its own room!
  8. Hi OC. I did quite a few ships in a small amount of time so I took a break. I'm a little rusty lol.
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