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Everything posted by ChrisSC

  1. Thanks so much Imagna and yvesvidal, I'm thinking maybe I'll try the Airfix 1/600 QE2 next. I have a 1/600 Mauretania but I feel that's a little too close to Lusitania for now.
  2. Thanks mtdoramike. It's mahogany with a few coats of wipe on polyurethane. I hit it with steel wool between coats. I figure since I have a router I may as well use it!! What I really need to do is start building my own display cases. The cases are terribly expensive, much more than the actual models.
  3. I'm in the home stretch on my 1/350 Lusitania. I put together and installed the cranes, davits, and lifeboats. I need to add a few more things but expect to be finished tomorrow or the next day!
  4. Today I added the wireless spreaders and lines, the docking bridge and stairs, and the bow railings.
  5. Thanks Imagna and OC. I put on the front mast, ratlines, and some rigging on. The end is in sight. I just have a few more railings, the cranes, anchors, props, and more rigging to go.
  6. Some more progress on my Lusitania. Main mast, ratlines, some rigging, and more railings.....lots of railings!
  7. Thanks Silly_me. I'm using the Gold Medal Merchant Ship set. It has both Titanic and Lusitania specific ladders. I've had to modify a few to fit These precut railings are really giving me a hard time on this model. In hindsight I think I would have been better off using generic railings and cutting them myself as I usually do instead of trying to make all these fit. The wood decks and some warped parts aren't helping the fit either. The front wheelhouse was the worst so far. Not my best job of getting this one together. You only get one of each so if you mess it up you have to live with it. I'm gonna live with it lol!
  8. Lusitania Funnels are up and rigged. The ventilator covers are also installed. The funnel caps are not glued yet, just stuck on there crooked. Two of the ventilator covers had to be skewed as the rigging was hitting them. The funnels also wouldn't sit straight on their platforms, they rocked side to side so I used a slower setting epoxy to give me some time to get them to sit straight. The covers were tedious and so was threading the funnel cables but I'm glad I now have at least some of those lines out of my way. It was becoming a tangled mess with EZ Line laying everywhere. That's it for today!!
  9. Thanks HOF. He already got me when I was building my France. He nudged me and my elbow crushed the bow railing. He's a good boy though despite that incident lol.
  10. Adding some of the easier details to Lusitania. It's much more enjoyable than wrestling with gluing decks!
  11. Thanks Yves. Yes, you're right. I just don't like making simple errors. I've been so distracted with cutting and sanding the wood to fit that I am making errors I normally wouldn't make. Like I put glue on a piece of plastic I know is exposed and as soon as I did it I was like what am I thinking lol. The kit itself without the wood is a bit of a pain to get together when it comes to that big deck that sits on top of the stanchions. The stanchions don't fit well and the top deck is a big one to glue on a not so solid surface.....everything moves around until that deck solidifies things. Plus I am trying to keep all the rigging away from the glue, it's like juggling lol.
  12. Some progress on my Lusitania. That big deck is giving me lots of trouble to install as the hull is a bit warped. Just making things worse trying to fix it after it's glued. Best to just leave it be.
  13. Thanks OC. The top deck was a bit of a task to fit but I think it's worth the effort.
  14. Thanks and you're welcome. Little by little she's starting to look like a Lusitania. I got a resin 1/350 Normandie, same scale as this Lusitania. It makes the Lusitania look tiny side by side. The Normandie was a huge ship!
  15. Thanks OC. I use Gators Grip Glue and clamp them down for awhile. If anything pops up the next day I stick a pin with some CA glue under that spot and that usually holds them down pretty good.
  16. Working on the lower decks on my Lusitania. I'm not being too careful as you won't see them once the model is complete.
  17. Thanks. It was a pre release from Scaledecks. From what I understand they will be available to order this week.
  18. I actually bought the Trumpeter Titanic the first week it was released. I also got both detail up sets, one from Pontos and one from KA Models. I bought porthole drilling jigs, 3D printed bulkheads, a bunch of fiber optic rods and LED's....that model has already cost me a fortune and I haven't touched it yet. It is going to be the first ship I attempt to light. I am kind of tired of seeing Titanic's all over the place but I have to admit it is a very well designed and beautiful model. It's also gigantic!!
  19. Actually on this one the parts have been mostly done for a few months. I just posted the backlog of photos because I should be getting the decks soon to continue to build it.
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