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Posts posted by aaronc

  1. 2 hours ago, MBerg said:

    Warning: This is a bit of a long post that has little to do with the build as it should be. Skip to the last paragraph or two if you just want a update on the build.


    Okee. Back in business. Sorta. I gotta say, this is not leaving a great first impression of Model-Expo/Model Shipways (same company/related?).


    The replacement parts arrived today; after a month. I was pretty excited to get back at it just in time for the weekend... An incredibly thin sheet of basswood shipped across the continent in a yellow padded envelope, folded in half. After seeing that, I can't say I was surprised that the sheet was also snapped in half when I opened it. Still hopeful that the parts made it unscathed; it looks like a couple of them broke out of the sheet, but the parts themselves were in tact - good news! Then; hang on... these have the exact same problem in the exact same spots as the sheet they were replacing.


    Not only was the replacement as bad as the original, it was worse. There were more laser burns and the cuts were bigger and clumsier, and even wavy on multiple lines. What in the world are they doing over there? Maybe they should focus less on selling everything at 50% off and more on running a smooth operation.


    Did the laser cutter have too much to drink the night before? Why is every other line so shaky?



    A comparison of the original sheet on the left (nice, smooth, thin, cuts) and the replacement on the right (thick, darker, burned, wobbly)




    Now I'm in manufacturing; we laser cut 90% of everything we make. The only difference is steel instead of wood. First off, someone is clearly not paying attention with this machine. It badly needs a head adjustment, head replacement; some sort of maintenance. This should be detected during routine maintenance before manufacturing product for a customer, not after. Secondly, manufacturing is not an easy business, mistakes happen, I get it. It's how you handle the mistake that really matters and makes you excel or not. The fact that a defective part was produced, and there was likely zero effort to ensure the same issue wasn't replicated on the replacement is a terrible sign.


    I'm now thinking they have a corrupted laser file that needs fixing. Either way, I don't work there, it's not my issue to solve. There are rare cases where even when taking precautions, the same thing can happen twice. These guys seem to be quite highly regarded, so maybe that's what happened here. I can still give the benefit of the doubt, but this does not put them in a great spot in my books as is.


    In any case, there's only one thing to do, and that is move forward. I feel I can overlap some of the error -it's not that big. Scaling up to full size it would probably mean about 1/2" - 1" offset in the planks. Not unnoticeable, but not impossible to work with. Part of the concern is it is the same problem across all three planks. The bevels may be a little tricky to account for properly and lining up the correct starboard side with the incorrect port side may pose some problems. Maybe I will learn something I otherwise wouldn't. I wrote in another post that I ordered the next two boats in the series as a kit (which also came with another dory) as a significant discount so I will have a second shot at this build should I feel the need - hopefully the sheet is correct in that one!


    I may not post much as I work on the planks, but I will take pictures and expect to keep the build log up to date. I've been working on a lobster trap which I'll likely post more about later. I'll drop a pic of it below so I at least have some positive content in this post :)

    I need to sort out what I'm going to do for paint/wash, and netting before I continue to finish this up:



    Wish me luck!


    Not sure what that is...lobster trap? Or something else..but it looks great. I've noticed several making their own "extras" to accompany their Dory builds.

  2. I've got a few issues,...my stern knee and transom have some misalignment. I used wood glue instead of white so I'm going with it. While I was experimenting with weights to put on the bottom of the boat one of my blocks fell over and broke the stem out...glued back and ended up using a hammer for a weight. Frames are in the build board with just a spot of to keep glue on the end to keep them stable. I also started adding the bevel to the garboard plank. I'll wrap my sandpaper around a popsicle stick or file for the final edge. 


    Despite the issues it's a fun build. I'm going to get the Dory book and get at least one more after this to work on, Thanks for following. -Aaron









  3. Well fellas after a very unproductive winter on my fun projects I got started today on my little Dory. My wife and I have been dealing with aging parents on both ends all fall and winter and that's usually when my project time is the most abundant,...but anyway,..I promise I'm committed and here we go with today's progress. In the 5th picture I have attachments ( I know there is proper terminology but my plans are downstairs )  that have to be glued on both ends...didn't do that today, not sure how you guys keep everything centered. The last pic is a mock up, nothing glued yet except for the spacer pieces with a dot of glue to the plans. I enjoyed every bit of it 👍👊










  4. Gentlemen I'm not getting any younger so here we go. I have had my eye on the little whaling boat for a while now...but ran into this the other night here on the forum. After taking a closer look I decided it was the place to start for me. I know it's simple but I love the lines of this little boat, and for the $$ it was a no brainer. It came in yesterday. I had time this afternoon to do an initial unboxing. It was well packaged, no damage, and came with a parts list with a date the kit was made....signed by Miroslava. I like that, When I saw one of the build logs here of the kit I did some googling to see what I could find out about the subject matter. That's what peaked my interest and firmed up my decision. I'm sure all of you guys are aware but here is the link. I'll be posting progress. Thanks for looking. 


    History | Lowell's Boat Shop & Museum (lowellsboatshop.com)













  5. 4 minutes ago, Jaager said:

    Back when I was doing all that, I had 5 acres in Delaney Woods, Jessamine Co.  I worked at Cooper Drive VAMC  (It was 400 beds then). 

    Red Maple ain't  Sugar Maple (Hard  -  Rock)  Acer saccharum .  I use Hard Maple exclusively from the Acer family.

    Probably not in business anymore, but I bought a supply of Hard Maple and Black Cherry from Homer Gregeory  in Morehead.  I also bought too much Sycamore - back before I learned that Underhill was taking about a European Maple species - not the American Plantus occidentalis junk that I bought.  They were a whole sale country sawmill then.  Rough ricks in the weather - it was all well seasoned - I got 4x4 - today I would get 8x4.

    If I were young and where you are, I would make friends with the county extension network and try to find farmers with healthy but past production full size Apple trees.  Work a deal to get some logs . Who knows, maybe you could get some Holly, Dogwood, or Hornbeam that way?  It is a big regret that I did not try that when I could.  Too much grafted to easy pick size now.  For Holly  it is a fight to beat the Blue Mold before it is seasoned.  I now realize that for us, even the worst Blue Mold infected wood is perfectly OK for our use.  It is just as sound.  It is just grey.  That is a more perfect deck color than the commercial snow white Holly.  No species of wood used for decks is white and the grey mimics the effect of sun and seawater.  The white has become ridiculously expensive and the stuff that is perfect of us  is probably being burned. 




    I've been in the woods all my life and know lots of farmers....I don't own one but am surrounded by farms here. Wife also has family in the cattle business. That being said I've rarely ran into apple trees and my best bet would be to try the local orchards within driving distance from me. There are several around. Dogwood is relatively common, even off of the interstates if you know what your looking for. Holly...see it every now and then...mostly in peoples yards. Hornbeam I have no idea on...would have to do some homework. The sugar maple is common here and I have one in the yard....it just wasn't the one that blew over. Those reds grew pretty fast so yes I'm assuming they are softer wood. I appreciate the "get list" and your responses. I do find it interesting that apple is a top tier wood for this. I'm not elderly yet...but not youthful either. At the moment I'm holding together well at 48. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, Jaager said:

    You do not provide your location here on Terra, but the straight narrow trunk looks like a small Hard Maple I lost to a tornado - one of the bunch that destroyed Xenia, OH.

    My local Hardwood supplier has kiln dried Hard Maple.  There is also Soft Maple - which I despise - I prefer Yellow Poplar for stock where a low density hardwood does the job.   Seasoning and processing logs into usable lumber is a lot of work, ages expensive tools, and takes up time and space.  I see it as prudent to only expend that effort on wood species that are either unavailable any other way, or very expensive.  And expensive is a toss up.  Hard Maple and Black Cherry are both available here in the eastern US and are less than $10 /BF.  I have and use a lot of both,  but processing either from a log would cost me way more than $10 - all factors included.

    No,  but my present situation - age, hernia, physical location (as far from rural as it gets in Virginia and actually on The Bay) places me out of the running any more.  The Bradford Pear was street trash on Pretty Lake Blvd. after the last hurricane.  I had to tie a rope around the big log and drag it up the street to my condo behind my "Z".  It was both too heavy to lift and I am lucky that the Z has enough room for food resupply.  No way that log would fit.

    I tried to buy an Alaskan Mill or something like it - from Silvo Hardware.   I waited and waited, then one day I got a letter stating than I was a party in a bankruptcy proceeding.  

    I have a 16" Shindaiwa  buried in the back of a closet - everything rubber is probably oxidized to brittle by now - and back when I was getting all this, there was a type of chain available that was pretty aggressive - if I had gotten the mill, I probably would have bought it - but then it must have set some regulator hair on fire, because it disappeared from the market.




    My location is central Kentucky. Not sure how much workable stock I'll end up with but I  thought I'd save some of these pieces and run them through a bandsaw at a later date....for various reasons that may not be a good plan...but I thought I'd try it. These ships really aren't that big so if I get a little pile of good stuff I'll take it. Bradford pear around here is a dime a dozen...After any storm I could get plenty if not in my own yard certainly on my road. I don't mind buying the lumber especially but if I can bring something from tree to project admittedly there is a little satisfaction there for me. I've worked with a lot of maple, specifically curly maple on powder horn plugs and other projects of my own such as euro mounts. It is my #1 favorite wood....I love the stuff. What will this maple be like to work  with....I have no idea. It may not be fit for much...I'm aware maple varies a great deal. Even the curly maple I've cut, carved and sanded on varies in hardness from piece to piece. These 2 maples that I'm getting my pieces from are red maples. They are about 10 year old trees. Here is a pick from last fall...Color difference was just part of the change. The 2nd pic is the one further back. 









  7. That Grandberg guy sounds like an interesting fella....I'm in healthcare and have probably had my hands on a few of his devices. 


    I did some clean up in the yard today, I have quite a few decent size maple pieces to piddle with. I'll pick up some exterior paint and get it under the carport in the next week or so....as well as some pear. 

  8. 9 hours ago, Jaager said:

    I have a bit of it.  Some is on the floor of my garage - dry and waiting to be processed into billets.  It is excellent for our use.  I love it.  Not near as much as Apple, but it is wonder stuff.  Differences from Pyrus communis is that it is more brown than pink and it has a waxed sheen to it.  There is some difference in the color of Spring and Summer wood and each can be fairly wide - the tree is fairly fast growing.


    I used an electric chain saw (el cheepo HF) to bisect the largest - to speed seasoning and remove the pith. There was significant loss to kerf and a freehand chainsaw rip cut is dangerous.  An Alaska mill is both safer and produces more precise planks.  A log is difficult to place so that it does not move and the end of the bar does not have the teeth digging up soil.  The electric has lower power so the kickback force is easier to resist.  Beyond a certain thickness, a completely round log can be a real challenge to resaw on a bandsaw.  About the best that a tablesaw can do is 2" and a rolling log is a nightmare to rip cut.


    I used left over enamel paint to make thick coats on the cut ends - too much checking if you do not seal the ends.  It dries faster if it is debarked and it removes carpenter ants and wood boring larvae eggs.  Seasoning is usually one year per inch of thickness.

    For a lot of tree species, the branches are at ~ 90 degrees.  This offers the possibility of getting compass timber.  Unfortunately - Bradford Pear branches - splits into two equal forks mostly at a sharp "Y" .  This does not make for much useful compass timber.  For the tree itself, it means that the tree tends split like pealing a banana when exposed to high winds and the tree is old enough that there is a significant diameter ( weight).




    Thanks for the info, it won't be the most efficienct process but I'll go ahead and cut some pieces up with my chainsaw and get it drying. 

  9. Long time lurker here....in my readings I have found that pear wood is one of the preferred species to work with. Even the Bradford Pear that so many hate...I'm not a huge fan either but happen to have several in my yard that break regularly in wind and cold weather. A storm earlier this year brought down an entire tree. I still have access to it and the stump is actually still in my yard....If it's under my carport in the dry or in my basement how long before it's workable? Thanks - Aaron




  10. On 8/19/2017 at 7:50 PM, jdbondy said:

    Are these meant to be for wood? Since it's on the Otto Frei web page, I imagine they are more meant for metal, specifically jewelry and watch making.




    I want great quality for whatever I'm working on. I rarely work  with metal. Usually powder horns and wood,..and some plastic in the future as I piddle with scale a little more.....but this files can be used on whatever. Just choose the coarseness that suits you best. 

  11. Hands down the Vallorbe files are the best I've ever found. If you are looking for larger files for any reason check out this series of files in various sizes


    Vallorbe Swiss Machinist-Engineers Files-Hand LQ5010 | OttoFrei.com


    Also this Italian Co. also carries quality products and offers some great rasps etc. 


    CORRADI Shop - Italian made, high quality files and rasps


    I hafted some handles on 18 a few weeks back. Mostly all swiss Vallorbe. 




  12. On 2/22/2021 at 2:10 PM, allanyed said:


    These are repeats of the above, but considering your time period of interest, I reinforce these for being considered for your library.   Others may also apply.


    The Rigging Of Ships: In The Days Of The Spritsail Topmast, 1600-1720, Anderson, R.C.

    The Masting and Rigging of English Ships of War, 1625-1860 by James Lees

      NB: I would forget about Rigging Period Ship Models for your particular project, as it is specific to one rate of vessel in one time period in the 18th century.  

    As your interest is 17th century, Richard Endor's books are a must for information from the keel up, including both The Restoration Warship and The Master Shipwrights Secrets. 


    Also consider acquiring a few appropriate original contracts from the same time period once you have selected a ship to build.  The following is a portion of page one of an 8 page contract for two fifty gun English ships in 1693.  Transcribing these is fun and very challenging project in itself.




    Wow,..that is great stuff. I scrimshaw 18th century style powder horns and I am constantly adding to my references for period script/writing. Where would I be able to find more pics of this subject matter? Man that is beautiful..thanks for posting. -Aaron

  13. 5 hours ago, allanyed said:

    Hi Aaron,

    And when I thought there were no more hobbies in which I would like to indulge, BANG, along you come with another thing that looks like a pleasure to do.   😀

    Welcome aboard.



    3 hours ago, bruce d said:

    Hello Aaron, and a belated welcome. I agree with Alan, you never know when another interest (maybe promoted to 'hobby') will enter your sphere. Scrimshaw must be very rewarding. I have had the pleasure of seeing in person some of the work of Grinling Gibbons and it stirred an interest. Sadly, it turns out I have absolutely no apptitude for carving but am especially happy to see someone who does have the talent. 

    Hope to see more of your work.



    Thanks Allan and Bruce..glad to be here. I'm no historian on carving but yes I'm familiar with Gibbons.. There is carving,...and there is carving,...and I'm just a piddler. Those European guys did things centuries ago in different mediums that don't seem possible even with today's tools and resources. Yes I like the scrimshaw and the horn making. My #1 will always be carving antler or bone but I just do what tickles my fancy that day,...sometimes it's both. 

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