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Everything posted by Redshadowrider

  1. Newbee here. Regarding the process of removing the adhesive backing from the copper Plates. We have a similar issue in the RC plane hobby with the covering materials. The covering has a thin layer of heat sensitive glue on the back, and then a layer of protective film on top. To separate the film from the covering we use tape like on the quarter round, but we also use tape on the colored film side. The tape attaches to the film backing on one side and the tape on the other side attaches to the colored film. This allows for an even pull to both protective backing, and the covering side. I am thinking that placing the backing on a flat double taped surface With copper side up. Then using either a piece of 1/4 round to roll lightly over the copper, or a flat piece with tape to gently lift the copper plate off of the backing. It might help to protect the shape and detail of the copper intact. I am just thinking, and would try it, but I am miles away from even starting mine.
  2. Hi All, new builder here and am getting ready to build this beauty. I do not want to hijack this thread, but will be following along. I have been building rc airplanes for quite awhile now, but my garage is full of them hanging on the wall. I either needed to stop flying, or change what I build, so this was my choice. I hope to transfer my skills over to this hobby and am looking forward to following this build. If you want to point me elsewhere (since I am a new bee) I am open to that as well. I am reading 3 different books: Planking techniques by Donald Dressel; Ship Modeling from Stem to Stern by Milton Roth; and How to Build First-Rate Ship Models from Kits by Ben Lankford. Also have almost completed my building board/keel clamp. Hope to be able to follow this thread and become more knowledgeable. Here is my building board... still a few things to complete, but it is mostly done. oops....And the Chuck Passaro practicum. Building Board
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