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Cap'n Snack

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Everything posted by Cap'n Snack

  1. Hi all; So I'm new to CA glues, and found that my wee squeeze bottle from Tamiya dispenses a LOT more adhesive than I needed (now my Photo-etched 1/350 scale ladders have large blobs at the bottom of them!) Does anyone have good advice on techniques to dispense JUST the right amount of glue? I tried squirting some onto a tinfoil cup ad dipping my glue applicator into it, but it didn't seem to 'get enough' on the applicator. Any tips or tricks are most welcome. Thanks in advance!
  2. So here's a first update: I had a bit of trouble with the hull pieces – not a Tamiya problem, but a 'my clumsy fingers' problem. I had to work to get the waterline and hull sides to match up without noticeable seams, so I was sanding and touching it all up. So far, I have the hull pieces together, and some initial deck elements added; also, for the first time, I airbrushed a model! I masked off the 'linoleum deck' sections and am relatively satisfied with the results. After years of relying on spray cans, I realized how delicate an airbrush coating can be, repeatedly leaving fingerprints and such on parts. Gloves on from now on! Also... I dropped the damn thing when removing the masking, and bent the cleat at the very front of the bow, and the stern a bit. ARGH! Next step is to detail the deck elements, TRY to add some detail to the 'ribs' on the linoleum deck areas, and move on to the superstructure parts. Any C&C is welcome (very welcome)!
  3. Holy smoke, RGL's builds are just what I'm hoping I can get to! Thanks for the tip
  4. I'd prefer to try my hand at weathering her a bit! Some rust and roughening!
  5. Welp, My IJN Yukikaze arrived! So I'll start with the 'whole shebang' image of what I have to begin with! Keep in mind this is my first ship model, and the first time I've ever worked with PE parts! Wish me luck guys!
  6. Thanks for the tip, Chris! Maybe I will try to pick-and-choose as well!
  7. Ahh! Perfect introduction to making a log. Thanks very much for the link!
  8. Thanks! Actually, I chose the 1/350 Tamiya Yukikaze to begin! I'm keen to see what PE parts are like to work with. My fantasy is to build a 1/350 Akagi with all the brass bells and whistles!
  9. Hi all! I'm a mediocre modeller, who comes from the Gunpla realm... I'm keen to try out scale ship models, and wanted to get advice and discover new techniques... this looks like the place to get all of that! Just saying hello and introducing myself!
  10. Hi all! I'm about to try out my first ship model, and had a question about Photo-Etched or Detail Parts. I've chosen the 1/350 Tamiya Yukikaze, which comes with a small sheet of PE parts... I was considering it a test-bed for my abilities, and also for discovering what PE parts are like to build with. My question is; can I use PE parts meant for Fujimi or Hasegawa 1/350 Yukikaze models on the Tamiya model? Does anyone know if the proportions are slightly different, or is it really oranges and oranges? (Probably not) Any info would be appreciated, and thank in advance!
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