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Everything posted by Hennie

  1. Just noticed you started again!!!!!! Great Job!!! How are you by the way, are you and Anja all well? I will start with the SoS soon again after a long break of a year. Hennie
  2. Hi Bill, I just took a short break. I already started again and will soon post some pictures. And thx for your trust in my building capacities😄 Hennie
  3. Hi all! Thx Michael🙂 I finished some deckfittings, like the capstan...
  4. Hi all! Thx Chris for your information. I am still very busy with the deck guns, as the photo shows.... Hennie
  5. Hi all! @Popeye, Piet and Michel: thx 🙂 I finished the guns on the lower deck. 24 guns to go... Hennie
  6. Hi all !! After 18 month finally found enough inspiration to start again with my build😄😄
  7. Hi Sjors, Long time no see Nice you start building again. I also toke a break from several month, but will start soon again. Give Anja my regards. Hennie
  8. Hi all! Time for a small update. Busy with the 10 canons on the lower deck. First I have taken my time to look on the internet how these canons are fixed on the decks in the 17th century. I just fixed one, and it toke several hours!! But I am satisfied how it looks. Hennie
  9. @Zappto, OC, Piet and Popeye: thx And a small update: I finished the guns on the lower decks. I also discovered that the wooden pieces needed to fix the guns, were not always in the right spot. So I had to glue an extra peace of wood there and the only way to do that was through the openings of the gunports as you can see on the picture. Same problem with the 4 canons on the frontside. In the manual they forgot to tell you that its necessary to glue a peace of wood behind the ports to fix the canons. So I use special tape to make those guns a bit thicker so they would stuck in the ports and...... it worked ! Hennie
  10. Hi all. Decorations finally finished! I will start with the guns now. I will blacken them with KRICK blackener for brass. I will do the same with the other brass parts. Hennie
  11. @OC: thx. @Piet: thx. About redusing the brass parts: I just take a good look at the details of each part: is there a figure/animal/human figure, to be recognized, than I just removed the serounding decorations. Hennie
  12. Hi all! @Popeye and Piet: thx! @Michael: thx, and yes, all the brass parts are directly from the kit. But almost none of these brass parts does fit. They are all too big, so I had to make them smaller. But as you can read in the blogs of other builders of the Sots (Cristikc and others), we have all the same problem. Disappointing for such an expensive model.... And a small update: I finished the gunports of the stern and the decorations on the left side of the bow. I had to redo the decorations on the bow twice, and just now I am satisfied how it looks.
  13. @OC, Popeye, Rob and zappto: thx for your kind words. Time for an update: I finished the decoration on the portside and the stern. I started with the 4 gunports of the stern. When I finished that, I will start with the last decorations on the bow. Hennie
  14. Hi Cristi, you did a great job! I am with my SotS just behind you. Just finished the decorations on the port side. I had to make almost all the brassparts a lot smaller to get them fit. Regards, Hennie
  15. Thx Piet And a small update. I finished the decoration on the star board side. I will start with the port side now. The decoration of the bow I will do last.
  16. @Antony, Piet, Donn and Michael: thx all for all the kind words . And Michael: you are more than welcome, just take some popcorn. And my weekly update: I am still very busy with all the decorations. And I think 50% of all the brass parts don't fit and I have to make them a bit smaller. And doing that in a way you can't see it. Till now I am satisfied how it looks.
  17. @ Edwin and Popeye: thx both for your kind words And an update: Now I know why that lantern on the stern was floating 7mm above the deck. Only its very strange that they tell you how its done 11 (!!!) pages further in the instructionbook. Sergal renewed the instructionbook but its still very bad. And more "bling bling". Hennie
  18. Hi Cristi! You did a fine job! Great to have you back again Hennie
  19. Thx Zappto Hi all!! A bit late but first my best wishes for 2018 to you all!! I wasn't able to upgrade for a while. First had to do all christmasdecorations and remove it all again. Than my computer died. Just got it back yesterday after 3 weeks!! I have finished the hull for now and just started with the decorations. The fitting of decorations is very bad. Many decorations are to big to fit so I have to downsize many peaces. The lantern on the stern floated about 7mm above the deck, so I put a peace of wood under it. Looks ok now. And I must say.... untill now I am very satisfied how it looks. Very very very shiny Gr. Hennie
  20. Its one of the most beautifull ships I ever build. I finished my Aggie in spring this year. When you have any question, just ask. Enjoy your build! Gr. Hennie
  21. @Popeye/robdurant/Jason and Piet: Thank you all for your very kind words. I always use a pillow while working on my ship, just to keep the chance of damaging anything as small as possible. I will now start with the rest of the bullwarks. Hennie
  22. Oh, I forgot. For the wood I used light Denish oil Hennie
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