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  1. I am also building this, my second I build the J Class ends our first then wanted something more challenging. Noticed a couple of mistakes (I think) for the main mast chain plates the instructions show it the wrong way round so the gun port is obscured. Because I had already done it I moved one of the lines and moved the link I clears the port now. Doing the rigging and found another issue the bowsprit is extremely delicate and I snapped it off whilst turning the boat around, going to leave the repair until I have finished the main mast rigging to avoid doing it again. I have the same question about the spreaders though and will j be adding a line from the end of the outriggers down to below the figurehead and a block up to the foredeck to hold them down. I started to wipe the thin raw lines with beeswax to get rid of the ‘furry’ look it also helps with keeping the knots in lace without having to use CA Thinking about what to do next though
  2. John Hoping you can help, i have just started to build the Endeavour J Class 1:80 model from Amati, unfortunately i had to order the kit from France  so i now have instructions in Italian and French.

    If you still have your instructions would it be possible for you to send me a copy of the English version?


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    2. John Gummersall

      John Gummersall

      One more thing,,,,,   The summary PDF attached in the last note was scanned in from A4 paper (being a French kit and all).   So when you attempt to print it out you will need some A4 paper or adjust your printer to reduce the print to 8.5x11 paper



    3. MMcWilliams



      Thanks very much for this, exactly what I was looking for,  much appreciated, my kit included the French version of this.

      Hows your build going?


    4. John Gummersall

      John Gummersall

      My Endeavour is in FINISHED status....  Feel free to contact me as you go along if you have any questions.

  3. David I hoping you can help, just purchased the J Class Endeavour 1:80 model from Amati, had to source this from a French supplier so i now have instructions in both Italian and French i was wondering if you can send me a copy of the English version Here's hoping Michael
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