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Everything posted by Trond

  1. If they are suppose to be venting for the plant, it should be good enough with the two hatches and circulation. I would guess it would be a huge risk of getting sea water inside the ship if they are ventilation. Every time the ship have rough weather and the ship is "leaning over" due to sailing it is a big risk of getting water inside.
  2. I think I will skip the holes, at least for know. I descided to extend the wale in accordence to the Bounty book. Needed some scraping to get a clean edge to glue the wood on.
  3. When I was looking in the Bount book for placeing the pillars correct I saw that there are 3 holed bellow deck on the side. I see that most builders don't make them. Does anybody know what they are for and more detail? I think I've seen someone make these, but I can't find the log anymore.
  4. Finished the handrail and doing some testing if I'm going to use netting. Next is installing the support pillars for the handrail canons. The ones that was in the kit is terible. They are to big and wrong shape, so I had to make some new ones. I'm so glad I have the Bounty book. Here is the first test of the new pillars. They turned out nice, but a lot of work adjusting. Done 3 and 3 left.
  5. Worked on hinghes, but easier done than said. Bout some 0.12mm brass plate where I cut out a stripps. Bended the stripp and soldered. Then I used CA to glue it to the wood and paint black. I painted it black since I don't know how to use chemical process to make brass blue/black. Does anybody know how to do that?
  6. Thanks Keith for the idea to use other material like screen. It would save me many hours of work. Haven't decided yet what to do
  7. Couldn't give up that easy. So made a new more accurate jig. Also did some changes to how I cris crossed the thread. Still had the same problem of glueing tocrossing threads with a drop of CA. Ended up with using CA on the hole thing and it got stiff. Hear is it place loosly in place. I'm not sure and it was a lot of work. Need to do some thinking hear. 🤔
  8. Did you make the hinches or was it part of the ship model kit? I need to make two of my own
  9. I loved you drawin michaelpsutton2 and I would agree that it wouldn't unreasenable to have that on the ship sides. So I tried making one, easier sead that done. Started good But the problem was glueing the treads. I stole some sewingmachine thread from my wife. The threads woulden glue with Medium CA+. So does anybody know what I did wrong??
  10. Finished the back rail on the ship. And know I need to make some hinges. I've seen it some place where someone showed how they did it.
  11. I didn't see his Bount. I guess I'm not to familiar how this web page works. But I understand what you are saying,
  12. Half way finished with the bars on one side. Also needed to bend the top plank on the siderail back.
  13. Well tried a new way of setting up the handrail bars by drilling hole in the deck and shap the bars. Should have done that with the side wals instead of glueing them on top of the deck. I guess part of modeling is the journey from start to finish and what one learn during that trip. 😉 Must admit that I was unsert when drill the hole, scary of drilling so close to the side of the ship.
  14. The scale varies from drawing to drawing. It usually is either 1/48 or 1/98
  15. Until I have the time to travel to my local hobby shop to get plank I started planing/measuring out where to place the other handrailbars on each side, but it didn't add up. When I measured up on the ship and wrote the notes on the copies I've made from the Bounty book it was off a lot. After several control measurement I measered up the total lenght of the deck and compared it the Bount book drawings. Measurement from the shiped showed 53.5cm and drawings in book showed 57.6cm. So I will use the book as reference and place them out from drawings in book. Using hatches etc as reference and try to place them out.
  16. The inner board is on, cut and paintet. I was a little to eager with the top plank, so I cut them wrong, Need to get some more planks.
  17. Problem is the clamps (aspecially the big ones) are a little bit to powerfulle and squeeze to much. So I'm looking on the web to by clamps that I have more control on the pressure. Do anybody know where I can get it?
  18. I should get more small clamps so that I can get even pressure.
  19. I ended up with red browinsh. Now I need to take out the side where the canons are
  20. Then I will go with red. Since I didn't enough speare plank, I cheated and used balsa on the side boards, so unpainted is out of the question. Next boat I'm defiantly going to be strick/plan on my selection on material. Need to get som hard wood for when I start my making of deck utility station.
  21. Tried out blue color and I liked it. Need to deside on color on the inside and if I'm going with one more plank on the wale. Need some try out some colors.
  22. Totally agree. It is my first build. I know it is not going to be perfect and my learning curve is 90degr.
  23. Problem of start looking at your work and comparing,aspecially looking into the Bounty book. Just noticed that the wale or at least some thicker planks are wider that I did. and here is my version I've have just taped on a plank to see how it would look. From the look of it I need to planks. Any comment guys? Also looking at the color. From the picture on the book I should use a kind of dark navy blue on the side... Need to think on that one. In the mean time I will finish up the back rail side, not sure what the correct word for it
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