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Everything posted by Trond

  1. Finally fixed my problem in my workshop. Everytime I used the lathe and disk sander I had wood dust all over make a big mess. Had to install a sucction system under the benches and four connection points to hook up hoses. Also made a room under the bench for my vacumer. It gets hot, som I going to use my old vacumer and see how it works. Yellow circle show connection points and hoses. Red circle show where I "hidden" the cavumer. Also made a extra shelf under the bench, ready for my new mini table saw and thickness sander from Byrnes.
  2. Finished the shelf by the helm and it turned out ok. Now I need to place it and attach some rope to deck, but I will do that after I finished the helm. Tried making the helm by using my lath. After two attempts with braking the helm I know i need to get some harder wood, since pine is to soft.
  3. Next is railing, cabinet and rudder. As normal I have to use the book, make some sketches with new measurement. It is a tidius work, but also learning. Found the rudder in the box, but wrong size and center fitting. Origninal size is 25.5mm and the one supplied is 15mm. So I either have to buy it from somewhere or make it my self. So instead I made the senter railing close to the rudder. I need to do some shoping for parts and wood, since it is either missing or wrong from the kit.
  4. Is this the correct boat that would be on Bounty. If so I would appreciate if you could send over for 1:50 scale drawings and in mm if you had that. Trond
  5. I'll be checking clock maker shops for those tools you mentioned Snug. This I need to get before my next squre hole challange, since the anchor winch is in place and I don't risk damage the ship to get squre holes. Well, in the mean time I've been working on the pumps, a lot of work. Started by making a lever with flexible joint, but I damaged one part and lost it on the floor. Couldn't find it so I had to make new ones, but this time I solder. In the the "heat of battle" I set the lever on the wrong side, which I saw when it was gluied on. But I can live with it. The work it self I'm satesfied with, only on the wrong side 😌 So here is the final outcome.
  6. Thanks Snug, very informative. I guess my next task is to get those very small tools. I have a set where squere is 1.4x1.4 to 2.7x2.7mm. So I will use some time on the web to see if I can get smaller. I guess that a large porttion of building in small scale / small size is to fine tool to fit.
  7. Anchor winch and fore brace bitts (according to Bounty book). . I need to make some beams on each side of the anchor winch. Started makeing pumps. Got to use my new plane again, it works great for makeing a round stock to 8 sided stock.
  8. Snug, do you have a picture or a drawing. I'm having a litle difficult to see it, but it sounds intersesting for later projects.
  9. I have tried small squere nail and filed the nail with sharp endges, but didn't work. I didn't want to push to hard and split the wood. And the jewlers file I have is a little to big. Need to get some very tiny files. Now I need to make the iron fitting on each side for the axel Question is should i paint the hole anchor handling brown?
  10. Agree Allan, I need more tools 😁, I love quality tools. So today I brough my wife and we did some shoping, including dropping into my local specailis shop for wood work and bought some tool. I'm really thankful to have a wife that understands hobbies require tools. Veritas miniature tool serie. I'we always said that good tools are at least half the job. So I started making some strips with correct with of the 8 sides, one for top and one for bottom. Than the lines. And now my new tools, worked realy nice. Just needed some adjusting. Her is the partially finished part with holes. I know the holes should be square, but I have no way of make so small square holes. Now I need to make the center piece and the ends, but looking good so far
  11. Sorry Allan, I didn't explain it good enough. I've already made 2 of these in the lathe to get the correct diameter, angel and lenght. My challange is to make the section in yellow from round to octagon.
  12. If it is the one than something else pops up. I was trilling to my new side support and forgot what I drilled in, playwood. So i got some damage that I had to repare. Then I remebered last knights mistake with angel and made some new ones. Not finished, but had to try it out. and some paint Does anyone have a good idea how to make 8 sided instead of round. I doing some measurment, but not very good. Need to think on how to make does 8 sides...
  13. Onto to anchor winch. Here is the drawing from th Bount book. Here is the part from the kit 6 sides, not 8 which is on the drawing and the sides are bad. So I made my own according to the book. They turn out pretty good. There is a lot of forth and back in the book trying to get som dimention. And here is the commericent OK, now it was time for making the aksel and since I have a lath I useing that. Looks good, but I mis calculated the angel and I will need to make new piece tomorrow
  14. Finished gratings aft and on the hatches for the stair. It didn't turn out to bad. I know it is not to scale, but it is defiantly a learnig process. Now I only need to finish the forward grating. The picture is not very good I must admit, but will take som new ones that give å better perspective on how it look
  15. I would agree, but I think I'm going to leave that detail out 😉
  16. Sorry for a bad explanation. I'll try again. This first two picture is from the Bounty book where you can see circular holes/"windows" and the last two are from instruction manual and picture on the front of the box. When I bought the kit I also bought the extra kit with canons, block, anchor etc. This was in the begining of 1990 and fortunately the world has move forward, including quality of model ships. In the extra kit these brass "rings/windows" was part of it. I do agree Alan that after you mentioned it I haven't seen other models with this "windows" Looking at it in perspective of what the intention of the Bounty was, moving plants. On could argue that they would be holes for air circulation. In the Bounty book there is two version of the ship, one before the assigment without canons and "windows" and one with canons and "windows". At least that is my interpretation of haveing two sets of deck plans for one ship. Anyone other thoughts?
  17. Here are the grating I bought. Must admit again that I forgot about scale when I bought it and saw it when I buildt them. I'm going to use the large one on the deck and will do some experiment with the small as hatch for the staircase.
  18. On my model they are suppose to be "windows", don't know the correct word. I guess they are for letting in light. As you see they are to big with regard to scale. I saw i too, but then it was to late. I must admit that there are some times that I cut some corners. The hole ship is so way of scale in all parts that I get very frustrated sometimes. The drawing/instructions are so bad, so I try to use the Bounty book as much as possible and scratch build, since all pieces in the kit is way off.
  19. Though of maybe put some varnish on before glueuning to deck. Tried it out, but turned out get an outside grayish look, not good. So had to paint them over again brown.
  20. Totaly agree with Joe here, inspiration. For a first timer like me, it is very inspiering and learing when looking at what experienced builder like you Lyle are doing.
  21. Made the frame to the different hatches and gratings. Been looking in different book and youtube and it seams that I dont have the correct tool (minitur table saw) to make the gratings. So I need to buy them. The extra kit that I bough to the Bounty have some brass circular windows, I will glue them on the next couple of days.
  22. I've also been looking on his machines. The only problem is transportation cost and import tax to Norway. Have you tried his rope machine?
  23. The cleaves are in place and started on the staires. Unfortunate the work I did in the begining was not good to work with. So I sanded it down with a power tool. One wrong move and ..... It went ok and I installed the stairs. Now I need to paint and make the frame around on deck.
  24. Started with the cleat or timber head, not sure what the difference is. In the Bounty book they look the same just different placing on deck.
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