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Everything posted by Alfons

  1. This sounds very reasonable Bob. So far, I have only used hard soldering on my Smuggler. But ones there are adjecent material that cannot stand the heat, I have had problems. I will need to start practicing soft soldering that is for sure /Alfons
  2. You make it look so easy Elia! The result looks spot on. Beeing fully aware of the compley geometry of the masts and spars, just the thought of carving them from a square stock makes me more or less afraid. I have made attempts in making my masts from a circular stock, it didnt turn out to well I think. The spars are even more complex Do you have any additional hints or tricks that you would like to share? /Alfons
  3. Thanks for your nice comments and feedback My plan is to use thin strips of masking tape to produce the hoops. The tape will be painted flat black before assembly. Prior to painting, I am working with the rest of the barrels. Quite time consuming, I spent about 3h making one single barrel! But ones finished, I hope they will make a nice addition to the deck. I also managed to find a suitable material for the seine net and the dip net! Finally. Thanks for looking in. /Alfons
  4. Hi Bob. It sounds that you are using soft soldering, judging by the use of an iron? /Alfons
  5. Fellow ship builders. First of all, thanks for all the nice comments, and also for the "likes". I have finally gotten around to start working of the Smuggler again, feels great. Making my own wooden barrels seemed like a good way to get up to steam again. This is the first part of the wooden barrel project, enjoy. First, I took the barrel that I originally had planned to use, and sanded it to a nice and smooth shape. Secondly, five sections of staves were glued edgewise to one end of the barrel, creating a lid. Then pieces of individual staves were tapered in both ends and glued to the barrel form. Finally, staves were trimmed and sanded to final shape. This is the result compared to the original barrel. My next post will contain painting and barrel hoops. What I learned so far (to be practiced during the build of the 5 remaining barrels) are the following. It´s a good idea not to use too thin staves, since quite a lot of sanding is required to achieve the final shape of the barrel. I also learned the importance of placing the first stave accurate, and to safeguard each stave in terms of its shape. One litre misalignment has the tendency to grow for each stave this is added. Hopefully the next barrel will turn out even better. Thanks for dropping by. /Alfons
  6. Nice work Bob! Your rig is comming together great. Will be a useful source of information for me, once I start my own rigging work on the Smuggler. I am particularly impressed by your iron work, your soldering skills are admirable. /Alfons
  7. Really nice work Elia, the photos are also beautiful. Good to have you back! /Alfons.
  8. Thanks Lawrence! I am really glad you like my work. I have just started making some wooden barrels, seems like a suitable project to get going again. The Annie M. Parker sounds like an interesting project, I will follow you along the way for sure. /Alfons. Ps. Your Victory is fantastic, the level of detail, crispiness, and paint job, is spot on
  9. Hi Steve. It looks like you are off to a really good start there, your schooner looks beautiful. I am looking forward to following your progress in your upcoming log. /Alfons Ps. Cod fishing in Norway was a blast! My fridge is now full of nice fish.
  10. Thanks Nils! All the positive feedback you guys have posted really pushes me to find the time to get going again Since the last month, I am planning the next building steps in my mind. In one week, summer vacation is over and I will be back in the ordinary routines again. But first, one week of cod fishing off the cost of Norway /Alfons
  11. Thanks Ulli, you are much to kind. I am really glad you like my work. I am looking forward to follow your build log of the Bluenose. /Alfons
  12. Steve. I'm sorry to say that I cant offer you any advice related to cleaning of your model. I have no experience of this what so ever. Try to place a post in the forum section about painting, and someone with more experience perhaps can give you some advice. As for the assembly order you plan to use, I am thinking to use the same. Michael. Thanks for your kind words. /Alfons
  13. Hi Steve. Thanks for looking in to my log, and for pointing out the corrupt files. I have edited the entry from December 23:rd, hopefully you will be able to see the pictures now. I hope your work with the Smuggler progresses well, would you mind posting a picture of your work so far? You are welcome to do so in my log if you like. Best regards. /Alfons
  14. Mr.Pucko. Based on the pictures, it doesnt look to bad. You might want to consider appyling a few layers of primer to the brittle structures. In my experience, the primer adds a bit of strenght to the wood. I use the acetone based primer from Eskader, it works great. Just be careful to sand in between the different layers, as the wood grains raise quite a bit when subjected to the primer. Keep up the good work, and please dont scrap her! /Alfons.
  15. Canoe21, thanks for the kind words, I am glad that you like my work. It sure sounds like an interesting project that you are planning for. As you perhaps have noticed, there are quite some knowledge in the forum related to early 1900 schooners. What scale do you plan for your build? As for the deck on my Smuggler. I used the schribed veneer that came with the Blue Jacket kit, the type of wood is Bass wood. I then carefully cut plank by plank from the sheets of veneer, and cleaned up the edges. The only thing I regret is that I didnt cut the planks in proper lenghts, allowing for planking buts at appropriate frame positions. The schribed veneer is available from the Blue Jacket web shop by the way. Thanks for stopping by. /Alfons
  16. Very nice work Elia, you are truly a skilled modeller! /Alfons
  17. Good work Tim, It´s quite rewarding when the details starts to bring the model to life dont you think? /Alfons
  18. Nice work Bob! I cant wait to see the result of your painting. What color do you plan for the deck? /Alfons
  19. True that Bob, I can relate.. Take your time, I am sure the result will be worth waiting for. /Alfons
  20. 1/24 scale, now we're talking , I am looking forward already!
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