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Everything posted by Alfons

  1. Thanks Håkan and Elia. And yes, it is Hammarbybacken, as seen from my living room. I shall be back soon with the finished dingy, final painting starts tonight. /Alfons.
  2. Håkan. I´m sure your Regina will display beautifuly even without the dingy. Speaking of which, how do you plan to display her? Now, I am very curious to learn about your next project! You have kept us in the dark to long. /Alfons
  3. Nice to see you back Russ. The lines of your Schooner are really beautiful. I am looking forward to following your progress. /Alfons
  4. I shall make my own oars for the dory, the ones that came with the kit are far to big and also out of shape. What better to use than tooth picks! Excellent wood quality and roughly the right size. My Dremel served as a vertical lathe, allowing for the right tapering effect. I then glued a pair of wood pieces to each oar. Finally, sanding to the right shape. Much better, furthermore, how many fishing crews are able to enjoy a loverly scent of mint while at sea 3 more to go and then priming and painting. Thanks for dropping by. /Alfons
  5. Sun is shining, son and wife are taking a nap, people are skiing just outside my house....and the oars supplied with my kit are way out of dimension. :mellow: Stay tuned.. /Alfons
  6. You are off to a good start Tim, feels good to actually start building rather than sanding right? /Alfons
  7. Thanks Ron, Im glad you like my work. As for the woodwork, I am using a very special technique.. no macro photos Apart from that, high quality wood and a nice set of tools takes me far. I have also learnt to be very careful during painting, not to use too thick paint, but rather many thin layers. The deck in the kit came as sheets of scribed veneer, but I decided to cut the sheets plank by plank. This allowed me to achieve the nibbing and the curvature along the quarter deck, but also to keep the beveled edges intact. /Alfons
  8. Thanks for your kind words. Tim. About the Blue Jacket kit. Not having buit to many kits (yet), I dont have to much to compare with. The quality of the supplied wood are good but most of the castings (very few) are out of shape, but reasonable OK after some modifications. There are three sheets of drawings, with a few detailed views included. On numerous occasions, I have had to estimate detailed dimensions due to missing information. There are no pre-cut wooden parts (except for the roughly shaped hull), everything else is built from scratch. Instructions are quite thourough, but illustrations are in my opinion rather poor, mostly due to the fact that pictures are drawn by hand. As an overall impression, I wouldnt recomend the Smuggler kit as a first build. Never the less, I have learnt a lot about ship building technique, and the result so far is satisfactory according to my standards. My next project is the Riva Aquamarine from Amati. I have had the chance to look trough the box contents at my local shop, my impressions is that castings and details are of better quality, and the supplied instructions are much moore thorough. Thanks for dropping by. /Alfons
  9. Nice Håkan. That is one solid working bench you've got there! Almost looks like its made of pieces from the Wasa ship.. /Alfons
  10. Good work Bob. I am about to start with the masts for my Schooner, your work provides me with some well needed inspiration /Alfons
  11. Time for a small update, just to let you know I am alive Thanks for the kind words, it good to be back. I am making slow progress with the seine dory, next step is finishing the main rail. Thanks for dropping by. /Alfons
  12. Thanks Ricky. Tim. Regarding the rudder assembly, see pictures below. I attached both the rudder stock and the rudder to the stern post. I guess this is not the proper way to do it, but the result came out well and I am happy. However, the rudder is glued solid and will not be able to swing. Please note that I forgot to cut the small slots above the rudder hinges, not allowing for the rudder to come off during overhaul. /Alfons
  13. Thanks, it´s good to be back. I am working on the dory, progress is rather slow at the moment, but an update is around the corner. /Alfons
  14. Very nice Håkan, I admire your soldering skills. Looking forward to your next project, any hints? /Alfons
  15. Tim, This is an interesting project, I did not come across a PT build log before. Since I am building the Blue Jacket Schooner myself, I am keen to learn about your experiences with their kits. I shall follow your progress with great interest, keep up the good work. /Alfons
  16. Hi all. This project, beeing my first build, was started in september 2011. Having thought about building a wooden ship for many years i finally got around and ordered my Schooner from Blue Jacket in the US. In MSW 1.0 I maintained a build log since day 1, sadly, all the information were lost during the crash. However, all of the pictures are still on my hard drive. In below posts I have added all the pictures in somewhat of an order, this post contains the pictues of the current status of the build. The Blu Jacket kit is of excellent quality, containing a solid hull and a small box of britannia castings. There are no laser cut wooden parts, all parts are built from profiles and sheets. The instructions are thorough and contains a number of hand drawn sketches, and also a number of pictures of the prototype build by Blue Jacket. The length of the finished model will be about 33¨, and I plan to make my own glass (or similar) display case. There will be no sails, but a full running rig. I really enjoy my new hobby, and starting a build log at MSW has been extremely helpful and encouraging. Thanks for looking in, and I hope you will follow my progress along the way. /Alfons
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