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Everything posted by Ouija2006

  1. Thank you so much for reviewing this one. I was hoping to read your opinion about this kit. The attention to detail is amazing. Thank you, AL for going all out on this new release. Happy Holidays!
  2. This model is good enough to be honored by the National Museum of the Royal Navy so I am assuming that it cannot be that bad. I received this announcement in an email from OcCre on March 7th. The link can be found below: OcCre HMS Victory
  3. Here is the article in PDF format for everyone who does not have access to it. Have a great day! The legend lives on_ World-class model of Edmund Fitzgerald drops anchor in Ashland _ Local _ apg-wi.com.pdf
  4. Salut Max! Bienvenue à bord! Je vais suivre votre "build log" avec beaucoup d'intérèt! Au plaisir!
  5. Welcome Steve. Congratulations on your beautiful model. It is incredible.
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