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Posts posted by Knocklouder

  1. HI All, If you thought I was going to wait six weeks before I started my Ship think again LOL yes I started and this is my  first planking so I was bound to make mistakes.  SO far I broke six planks, but getting the hang of it. Started at the Garboard on one side had some difficulty SO on the other side will stated mid ship .It going really well I use an iron and curve the planks lots of clamps , and like I heard here you got to do it to learn. Here is my ship yard and some pictures of what I have done so far. I know one thing for sure waiting till after eye opp. to do the second layer. It is so much fun building it will most likely to change my mined once rigging starts LOL    Anyway that's my boat send you a picture when I am done the first planking layer. this is my ship yard


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