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Richard Dunn

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About Richard Dunn

  • Birthday 10/14/1971

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  • Location
    Brisbane Australia
  • Interests
    3D Artist and Ship Modelling

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  1. I have started a facebook page for this 2 days ago as well, as it covers the history of the ship as much as the model. Feel free to join, it's public. This is because I have been getting inundated with new info lately from facebook as its obviously easier to find for non modellers. https://www.facebook.com/groups/586060487227286
  2. This is resolved now thanks, I only need to repair this to the instruction standard, I worked on the real ships restoration so dont need to go to deep.
  3. Because as I said this is a repair not a build and its a 30 year old model built by a relative, I cant alter it.
  4. If anyone in Australia has these left over I need them for a repair I have been given after a parrot flew into it on the shelf(no case). 8 of the sails have split in half.
  5. I have been given this model to repair, it fell a long way off a shelf and require the rigging instruction to help. If anyone could provide this it would be awesome. EDIT I may have found them if someone could confirm this is all of it for me https://cuttysarkdrydock.wordpress.com/2011/09/23/the-cutty-sark-rigging-sheets/
  6. Nice build, and an interestng subject with lots of lovely drawings, the spirketting board being wider forward threw me on the deck plankng drawing.
  7. A slight delay in progress again, I have been asked to build another shell of this ship at same scale in a much simpler way so currenty framing that up while mine sits in our hallway in the house. Thank gawd for wide hallways....
  8. I stand corrected, wow, not the most elegant things. I forget she is a rebuild I was meaning the original boat in the B/W images.
  9. I am a stickler for accuracy, but even I would be putting in conventional Goosenecks or leaving them off I think.,I think you can guarantee it would not have been built with those...... Are there any old photos that could show what was there?
  10. I had a close look and I think they are custom made gooseneck vents as John said, made by someone who was unable to bend the pipe in the usual way, if you look at the close up you can see a connecting part. I blocked it out in 3d to illustrate the possible arrangment. The placement would also suggest this, but if you have a plan showing hull voids/tanks it would confirm it.
  11. Haha.. well this model is built from 480 of those. that is one of the more complex ones I admit
  12. Has anyone used PVA as a glazing mask? on acrylic Some framing started on Port aft mooring deck, these stringers above and below the openings were VERY hard to fit into place and keep flush with holes, I think I invented some new words during this. Once the Bulwark stays go in this should be quite stiff. A couple of renders of the framing in here as a whole. And just for the few hard core people actually reading this. here is the actual plan to compare to of the aft part of this, the forward part with stair well does not exist. knock yourself out. I know a lot of people are probably say " why are you going to all the trouble of framing all this up", well Its always been one of my life goals to have this on my model, it's very important to me, at at this scale I feel it's a given.
  13. The most difficult plate in the whole model is on on one side. Deck removed to show mooring deck ready to be fitted with all the framing, the most complex bit of framing on the model, the rolled corner losses shape without the deck in lace, but will return once the framing is in place. there are 2 tranverse frames which I will fit but the longitudinals will be fitted to the deck so this can be framed out and painted before the deck gets glued down That concludes the non glazed plating on the port side upper hull and all steel decks, once sanded I will prime and weld bead.
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