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Greg G

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Posts posted by Greg G

  1. 1 hour ago, gjdale said:

    Hi Richard,


    Thanks so much for doing this. I just followed your link and it appears that you've put an edited version up in Dropbox that runs for about one hour. However, when I downloaded it from drop box, it seems to download the full 4hr 40min version. Any idea why this is so? (I'm not all that familiar with using Dropbox, so it could well be "operator error").


    Also just discovered that with the long version that downloads, there is no sound at all.......


    Look at my post .I had to download the free VLC media player to get the sound to work .

  2. I all set for tomorrow the 23 /12 /2021  at 6:00 AM  Brisbane time .

    I have Zoom and Rhino 7 in stalled now

    Looking forward in get to work with Richard's training workshop.

    I will be nice to see what you can to do with Rhino 7.

    I have to say a big thank you to Richard for doing this training workshop for us guy's that are just starting in CAD


  3. The plans are from Float a Boat in Vic Australia .

    The P.S. Pevensey is an Australian River Steamer and is based at Echuca on the Murray River.

    This makes it hard to get photos and measurements as I live in Queensland .Just a bit to far to drive .

    I will be doing it 1/24 scale as per the plans


    This is my first time trying to do a hull in Fusion 360 .

    I may need some help with Fusion 360 .

    I have worked out how to all the bulkheads/frames and waterline plus deck lines .

    I can't workout how to do the lines shown in the top view or do I need to do them

    I would like to add more bulkheads/frames for cutting the parts out on a CNC router .

    plan 1.png

  4. 2 hours ago, Charles Green said:

    Hello Greg and Welcome:


     During WWII, my Dad fought in the Battle of Milne Bay in Eastern New Guinea.  Consequently, I have great interest in that part of the world.  Coming from Queensland, may I ask of your knowledge of the Torres Straight and types of vessels used to navigate that water?





    Sorry Charlie  .I grew up in Sydney and moved to Queensland back in 2001 .As far my knowledge of the Torres Straight and types of vessels It is very little and would be just what I can find on Google .

  5. Hi I'm from Queensland  Australia .

    I now retied and have time to get back in model ship building again .

    I'm starting of with a 1/24 scale Murray Paddlesteamer  P.S . Pevensey also known as the "Philadelphia " from The television mini-series 'All the Rivers Run' .

    I have a set of the drawings from Float A Boat in Melbourne.

    and will try to do the parts in Fusion 360 for CNC cutting and 3D printing .

    Still learning Fusion 360

    So it should be fun to learn what to do in Fusion 360 for a old guy like me .

    I hope to get some tips on what to do here .



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