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Everything posted by allanyed

  1. Ed, As much as I enjoyed following your log the first time, I am enjoying it more the second time around Thanks for going to the trouble to repost. Allan
  2. Sephirem If you are talking about the ends, rub a little diluted white clue on the knot, then after it is dry I use a good pair of sharp scissors such as suture scissors or good quality barber scissors to snip the tell tale end. If you are talking about fuzzies and such along the length, run the line through a block of bees wax before rigging. Allan
  3. Bob at Seawatch informed me that all domestic (US) orders for volume II have shipped and international orders will ship today, February 16, 2013. Thank you very much to all that have made the investment in these books. With many thanks and kindest regards, Allan
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