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Everything posted by allanyed

  1. Ciao Mauro, Your Lettie Howard is looking very nice. Do not forget to scrape a little of the paint on the bulkheads when you glue on the bulkhead stanchions so the glue gets into the wood. . Are you going to include the foretop mast or leave it off as she is rigged today? Thank you for posting the photos.
  2. Drake, Before using lip balm, take a look at the ingredient list and then make sure they are compatible with the rigging line material you are using. There a number of oils and fragrances. and other chemicals, some of which may be harmful to the rigging line over time. Bees wax by itself has no payoff on the lips, it is much too hard so softeners are added. Allan
  3. My oh my what a great mini project! Of course now I have to try this, and once again explain to the boss when she asks why I have patience to try these kinds of things, but little else. I will be blaming you of course, so you are forewarned. Allan
  4. Ed Your attention to the smallest detail is what puts you on a different level. Most builders are not even aware of the details to which you have paid attention, let alone incorporate them into the build. Allan
  5. Druxey, I thought the same thing about the lanterns being opened in the room if it was not the magazine. The drawing I posted earlier, and especially the one below gave me pause. Why are there bulkheads forming a little room to the back of the lantern rather than just opening the lantern inside the gunner's room. Would there be loose powder normally present in the gunner's room? Thanx Allan
  6. Remco, Your build is exceptional and a pleasure to follow. I do have a bit of confusion in my own mind on the bulkhead lanterns. This is not a criticism as the lanterns are VERY nice. They are showing exactly opposite each other. I always thought, (and very possibly incorrectly) that the access to the bulkhead lanterns was from the opposite side of the bulkhead much like the lanterns in the light room. The attached drawing seems to indicate access through the bulkhead, thus my comments. Of course they could have hinged doors inside the room and hang them as shown on Kingfisher, but it was a new one for me, or at least the first time I remember seeing this configuration. Thanks again for sharing your build. Allan
  7. Bob, The drawing of the Ernestina shows what appears to be a king plank on the raised portion, but none forward. Different vessel, different designer, so maybe one of those "either/or" situations. Photos of her deck indicate a king plank aft, as well. Allan
  8. Robert, The breech rope does appear that it will cause the rings to flip and jam the rope. It is also highly unlikely that the running tackle on cannon on a cutter, would have a double and single block on each side. Two singles on each side were the norm except on 32 pounders according to the History of British Sea Ordinance 1523 to 1875 Volume II, by Adriana Caruana. Allan
  9. Further to Gary's post, these were called half bucklers and blind bucklers, the latter of which fully closed off the hawse hole inboard on British ships, at least in the 18th century and into the 19th century. There may have been other methods, but this seems to have been at least one common method of keeping out the water. The manger was present as well to help contain water (and mud, when the hawsers were brought in when raising the anchor) There were relatively large scuppers in this area of the manger as well to let the water run off. Allan
  10. Danny It will be a sad day when the work is finished, for those of us following your build. I may have missed in an earlier post, but is rigging in the future for the Vulture? Allan
  11. Rob, When you get to that transom, fire away with the questions. I am sure Wayne or I will be able to help, at least I hope so. Another book??? I swore never again, but........ Allan
  12. Ed, I would be delighted to display the hull in a prominent place just as it is! Allan
  13. So noted Ed, and I rely on your experience that it is a better way to go,,,,,,, but it sure looks like a tempting thing to try. Allan
  14. Ed, Presetting the half frames with the cross spall is so simple yet effective. I will remember one for sure. Now, how about something cleaver for setting pairs rather than individual cant frames? Allan
  15. Rob, Thanks for the latest posts, it is really nice for me personally to see her coming along so nicely. Allan
  16. Sherry, You can try to contact Polytek (www.polytek.com) and/or look at some of their Youtube videos. We use several of their RTVs for making molds for our automated lipstick molding machines, and I also have purchased RTV's and casting resins from them in their Easy Flo line of products. Great stuff. Allan
  17. Ed, I don't which I like more, the home made clamps or the stern framing. Great work all around! Allan
  18. Thanks for the idea. Is there any potential negative long term effect from a chemical incompatibility with the rosin and various rigging line materials such as cottton, linen, &tc? Thanks Allan
  19. Hello Baris, Properly spiled planks can be soaked and pre-bent and dried before gluing to the model. If this is done, they can be held with the fingers for a minute or less while the glues starts to set.(aliphatic glue). There is no need for pinning. That said, making perfectly spiled planks is not always possible if only using strips of wood such as come in kits rather than cutting from sheet stock as mentioned by Chuck. A number of planking clamp designs have been shown on this site including many by Ed Tosti in his Naiad build log (and books.) They eliminate the need for using pins. Allan
  20. Philo, Take a look at the www.vasamuseet.se site and go to the "Creating the Cannon" section. You may find it more enjoyable giving a shot at making your own master barrels. Allan
  21. I cannot seem to be able to copy and paste the write up, but have posted some photos of a single piece molding process in the meantime. Allan
  22. Janos, I am about 2500 miles from home, but will be back this weekend. I need to reformat the write up and resize the photos from the original used in the Euryalus book. I do not understand how you broke the bold. Was it made with a RTV silicone rubber or something else? I made about 20 barrels with the same mold and it is still in good shape. Allan
  23. Gary, Thanks for the update, she really is a beautiful piece of work. And I do like the idea of planking half the deck and being done with it at that point. Have a terrific New Years!!! Allan
  24. Your framing does her beautifully designed lines justice. If her frames were steel, her bow looks like it could have been framed for 20th century frigate or destroyer. Sweet Allan
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